Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 no uno

first entry for 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!
wishing u lots of happiness and rezeki for this year.

my new years reso?

its my very own secret...
with Allah's will 2010 will be great

2009 was a wonderful year

a terrific husband ( i love u so much sayang )
a wonderful son ( who always makes my day, im so proud to watch every single step of ur growth )
a lovely family ( baba,ibu,afif,syaima,nabilah,kak chik,ayie,mak,angah,abg nafi,kak long,amir,aisya,anis,kak yang, abg yus, amin and abg adam )
 marvelous friends ( bloggers or non bloggers..too many to name )

every single one of u has made me complete

thanks for a wonderful 2009!

welcome 2010...

see u in PD insyaAllah

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

xde niat

sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
"Janganlah kamu dengki mendengki. Jangan kamu putus memutus hubungan, janganlah kamu jauh menjauhi hati, janganlah kamu benci membenci; hendaklah kamu semua wahai hamba Allah hidup bersaudara dan haram bagi seorang Muslim itu menjadi saudaranya tidak bercakap selama tiga hari." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari, Ahmad dan Muslim) 

its the law of emo-physics ... people u trust the most could hurt u the worst 

tiada lah niat bercerita untuk menimbulkan fitnah lagi2 menunjuk2. jika selama ini semua yg tertulis dlm blog ini berbunyi riak atau bongkak maka Allah akan balas semuanya dan tarik balik semua nikmat yg Dia berikan.xperlu saya nak TUNJUK baik dgn pura2...sbb lambat laun akan terbongkar jua.
dgn seribu kebahagiaan yg Allah bagi, maka sejuta kesusahan yg Dia akan berikan utk menilai sejauh mana sedarnya kita dgn nikmat yg diberikan.

dgn kata lain
"kalau hati saya buruk, maka lama2 rupa saya pun akan jadi buruk.xperlu tunggu akhirat kerana Allah bayar cash skrg"

ps : saya dah penat mendiamkan diri...baik pon salah, buruk pun salah...kepada insan itu, dgn tulus ( sekali lagi bukan nak facade jadi malaikat kat sini ) saya tau kamu membenci. tapi InsyaAllah satu hari nanti Allah akan sucikan hati kamu seperti mana doa saya kepada kamu kerana doa anak yatim yg teraniaya adalah setinggi2 doa. AMIN

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


my sayang suka sgt buat bekam...pastu balik dgn all these marks on his back
this time dia pg buat kt kepala plak.
sakit kepala he said...byk sgt work load these 2 weeks
dah start cuti terus g bekam
this looks painful eh?
pastu dgn muka selamba ckp dia xnak shave rambut yg lain....
u wanna jalan2 like that eh?


Dari Ibnu Abbas ra, “bahwasanya Nabi Saw minta berbekam dan Beliau memberikan upah kepada orang yang menghijamah Nabi itu .” (Hadits Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

tapi xpe....mama xkan looks painful...takot

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the result is.....

Port Dickson!

since ramai yg vote for PD so PD it is...
i think its better since we have more time to mingle kan?

so mommies and babies

get ur swimming suits ready hahahaha

so anyway...
a few places which has been suggested

corus hotel
rate : 250 for weekend

bayu beach resort
rate : 250

 Eagle ranch ( cowboy concept with many activities kt situ )
rate : 88-170 depends on room

Casa Rachado Resort
rate : 150

Regency Hotel
rate :230 garden view, 260 seaview

 tiara beach resort ( ni sgt sesuai for kids )
rate : 250 ( 1 room ) , 360 ( 2 room suite )
sapa nak share boleh amik suite...lg murah

Costa rica hotel
rate : 200

i think Tiara beach resort is nice.the place is friendly..
u can choose to have ur own apartment ( 1 room ) or if u dun mind sharing then u can have the 2 room suite

what do u guys think?
i want to make reservations soon...takut nnti full kan

watch out for new updates on the location, fee, activities and date!

ps : buzzing mommy anita!!!!plz contact me ehem !

Sunday, December 20, 2009

what say u???

ok...first things first...

about the mega family day ( as referred to mommy anita ) this 30 and 31st Jan

some suggest that we have it somewhere in KL area...
meaning xpayah overnight
just like a gathering ( picnic style )

# 1 sunway lagoon
# 2 kizsport
# 3 wetworld putrajaya

some say...PD is the best, if overnight nnti more time to bond, mingle n have activities...
personally....i suka je dua2...i dun mind...
so anyway...

what do u think?

plz give me opinions...
and plz reply to me if ur available and interested to join...
plz also promote about the event in ur blog!

email me at or call me...0127021371

(nak jugak selit pasal rafiq ehehhee)

*Rafiq dah minum guna cawan...i suap la of coz...klo pgg sippy cup sdri dia kadang2 terlebih sip takut tersedak plak
*dia dah tatih2 sendiri....pgg2 sofa..jln ke kiri n kanan! yahoo nyer is...kena selalu ikut dia kemana2...the other day dia almost tolak TV tu...adeh.xkisah klo TV tu pecah tp takut jatuh on him...
*no longer bagi dia makan teething rusks...sbb dia buang jugak ( mahal ok membazir )
so now ptg carrot, timun or batang sawi...and bg dia kunyah2 klo we all tgh makan...sbb nnti dia nak jgk makan.dia bukan mkn pon.dia isap2 je.lantakla yg penting diam hahahaha
* dia ddk dlm walker bila i buat kerja now tgn mama semakin pantas...stgh jam dah siap masak lauk n sayur ye puan2 ( over plak bangga..opss sorry )

so anyway...

plz give me feedback about the event k! and remember to email ur details to mommy anita for her database...


Thursday, December 17, 2009

help me!!!!!

Rafiq wants me to be by his side all the time...
no more cartoons or toys
klo mama xde semua benda dia xnak
macamana ni????

satu kerja pun xjalan...
mmgla ada maid dtg buat kerja rumah...tapi xkan masak n gosok baju suami pn suruh dia?
yesterday i bought him a walker...
punyelah beriya cari yg byk safety elements...masa kat kedai siap gelak2 suka
siap kedepan n kebelakang n ikut i jalan
bila kat rumah, letak dia dlm walker pastu pg dapur nk siapkan bahan2 for lunch..terus dia sembam muka kt dashboard walker tu...nangis mcm kena dera
he wants me to lay in front of the TV while he plays...
dia merangkak kesana sini pastu dtg panjat bdn i n then pg tpt lain pulak
yg penting mama cant go anywhere....
if papa balik pun dia so excited tgk bila mama bgn senyap2 je dia perasan terus nangis...
dia mmg peramah dgn everyone...bersyarat..mama is always there


camane ni??????

(ps : sekadar gambar hiasan..xde kena mengena dgn post...masa g kizsport dgn mama ani n mummy rinie )

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


since ive been tagged by almost everyone in my bloglist, so here goes..
(note : puke - worthy info ngeee)

1. First time jumpa with your hubby bila and kat mana?
kat rumah uncle Fadzilah Kamsah...he was a close fren to my close frens

2. Love at first sight?
nope....not at all..we only said hi n then I only heard how macho n sweet he is from frens...i was like "what?he seems biasa je"

3. Who is he when the first time u met him?
he was a straight A student in MCKK and a rugby player...camaner tu?so not my taste...i was into bad boys in school naghahahahaa

4. How long it takes for him to ask u out for a date?
how long?we've known each other for more than 10 years. he always said I was very chirpy and talkative. hence y we were never drawn to each other. ( he preferred the gadis melayu type ) but then after I graduated and he quit working in Labuan...suddenly i became more of his type...why? sbb ive grown out of the childish behavior and of coz semakin hot...xleh blah puji diri sendiri!!!!so how long? from 1996 till 2007....lama kan?

5. First place dating di?
Putrajaya...tgk fireworks masa merdeka...kelakar kan? actually all of our fren were supposed to sebab time tu they all mcm dah bau2 kitorang cam gedik2 nak dating they all tiba2 back out last minute...thanks u mucho...but xdelah dating sgt sbb lepas tu terus balik.

6. How he proposed?
no proposal. take note that ashrul is not a romantic guy. plus my dad yg sibuk2 kata klo dah suka xpayah cinta2 dah terus je kawin. since my dad nak pg overseas for 2 years he said, 2 minggu lagi dtg meminang. so..the rest is history....and now we have rafiq...
7. Special date with your hubby?
090808 ( the day we became mr and mrs )
110509 ( the day rafiq was born , serious every time ingat rasa sayu )

8. Changes that he asked you to do?
well....he was shallow enuf to fall in love with me yg sexy ni kan...pastu skrg dia mmg kepochi if tersexy sikit...also, he prefers me to stay at home rather than coming home to a working wife ... agak xbest tp lama2 dah ok. not that he wants me to be housewife forever but he likes the idea of having me accompanying him whenever hes at home. so maksudnya...camtulah

9. What is about him that you love so much?
he puts his family first before matter how exhausted he is, he will always cater to our needs first. tp klo bukan keperluan seperti pg enjoy2 xdelah kan hahahaha

10. What is about him that u wish he would change?
cepat2 habiskan round 2 and xpyh pg offshore lg!

11. You will lose your mind n crack your head when he?
pg lepak with his frens tgk bola, main PS pastu blk bau rokok...oh sgt xbest!!!!!

12. You will smile tru your eyes for the whole day when he?
says how beautiful i look n that he loves me so much ( with hugs n kisses....awwww suka!)

13. complete below sentences"My love towards my hubby is as big as...?

the whole universe!will never trade it for anything

Monday, December 14, 2009

im a survivor

truly we're survivors
we survived our first plane ride together without papa!!!!

thank u so much sayang mama Rafiq Zulkarnain for being such a good boy!

he slept for 1hour 30 mins...

and continued playing with the uncle sitting next to me for the remaining 45 mins...

im so happy!!!!!


Friday, December 11, 2009


rafiq zulkarnain is officially 7 months old today!!!!!

rafiq can crawl properly now ( askar dah kurang )
rafiq can reach anything to support him to stand
rafiq can stand up straight
rafiq's learning to walk....
rafiq's learning to talk ( if u talk to him, he'll pout his lips trying to respond verbally )
rafiqs climbing stairs already!!!! bahaya ok!!!!!
Rafiq has ate brocolli, spinach, carrot, potato, rice, mango, banana, dates, raisins, honey, pumpkin, salmon and rusks....soon, he will be trying chicken.....
Rafiq is very attentive during his reading time ( sometimes tak jugak, but most of the times yes )


Rafiq's growing very fast....
 oh the tears

 ( my big hero and my small hero..yg pampers tebal eheheh )

p/s : blogger of our 3 week holiday in KL will be uploaded soon ok
broadband di rumah tokba Rafiq sgt slow

see u soon!!!!!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

sgt sgt sgt.................


at times sampai I nak terbalik kebelakang sbb dia nak panjat2 my body nak berdiri
haih....budak kecik ni!!!!!

penat tu xpayah ckpla kan

dahla cik abg sayang dah balik miri
tinggal mama sorang dgn Rafiq.....
mmg cabaran hebat
nasib baik sayang kat Rafiq tau

look at him!

geng merah yg mmg lasak.

dont u agree?

rafiq, rafiq....

btw, sgt happy dgn my new medallion!!!!yahooo
before ada yg terfikir nak kutuk I sbb mintak mcm2 dgn suami walaupon xkerja kan
so better clarify
its not a luxurious item and more than half of the 50 k is mine...yes...mine...
mana i dapat duit even xkerja?
sbb saya simpan, my own savings time kerja and also apa yg syg bagi every month..50% mesti magicmagneticjr tak active tapi jualan offline tetap laju...
so no judgements plz...
tolonglah ye...
ni kang...ada yg tak pasal2 nak judge kan
i know i xkerja but i tak sekeji tu mintak macam2 tapi xde duit sendiri
and its a necessity... we need a car whenever we're home
susah nak kemana2..

tak pasal2 jadi entry emo plak...ehehehhehe
nak clarify je...xde nak marah pon...

muuuaaahhh to u mommies!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


sambungan from the title zeeeee



bz berjalan n ziarah mommies, babies n kedai2(shopping la tu tak habis2)

updates soon ok!


btw mommies

keep urselves free on 30th and 31st of JAN
that will be the date for our family day

ive found a sponsor for the photographer
so plz mark ur calendar ok!


see mommies : said rafiq

ps: mommy lina, mommy zatty , mommy siti n mommy rinie...dont forget our date this friday ok!
