Sunday, April 25, 2010

in 1 week.....

rojakkan semua entry 
this is what happened in 1 week
rafiq masukkan our house keys dlm lubang tu

puasla uncle kt tan chong service centre tu bukak the whole gear box...
nasib baik dpt kuar balik

yerp, hes no longer a baby
hes a big boy now...
yg sgt creative..hahahhaa
we went to the crocodile farm lepas balik from Brunei
because rafiq now appreciates and understands the animal movements

but hes still afraid of the snake...
who isnt?
cover je mama tu ngeeee
rafiq can stand longer now...
dah tatih2 sikit2 sdri tp malas
punggung berat
so susahla if nk suruh dia jln sdri
hed rather crawl
he likes pushing the laundry basket
xfaham betul...
sambil2 tu keluarkan semua kain
a few more days till hes one years old
hes getting smarter, tougher and much more active and creative

i love u so much baby
mama puas hati sbb every single thing uve learned and achieved mama dapat tengok sendiri depan mata mama
mama doa it stays like this sampai bila2

so in 1 week ...

mama will be here

from 2-9 may
for Malaysian Product Expo at the indoor stadium Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Bandar Seri Begawan
presenting HAI-O Marketting Sdn. Bhd
me and my biz partners....
so everyone yg ada in that area plz come
this event is huge!!!!!!
papa took 1 week off to be rafiq's babysitter...
so papa and baby will be staying in the hotel room sampai mama habis kerja hahahhaha
rafiq plz behave ok...
i know u can handle it sayang...
 sampai ptg je...after that mama's all urs sampai the next morning heeee


tolong promo this Prada White leather bag
my friend beli from US
 skali dgn or bag order ( ehehehehhe.....akhirnya!!!! dpt satu milano )
theres another bag i xsempat take pic dia dah pg offshore
but she asked me to help her sell the bag
it was under sale 
and she got it for a very cheap price
tapi she decided she didnt want the bag
so if anyone nak plz sms or email me

asking price RM 2400 boleh nego lg...
tapi xde bag 
only authentication card
sbb ala2 sale clearance stock mcm tu
bau leather dia....masyyyyuuuukkkkkkkkkkkk

ok mommies....

c u soon

i miss all of u

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

party or no party?

yup, i admit...
i didnt want a party at first
dah plan for a holiday pun...
but then, since papa rafiq wants a gathering with his work ok...
we'll have a small party
catered for both kids and adults
since mainly the guests are adults....
so its more of a grown up thing hehehehe

but im still having a theme
sekali dah pick theme baru perasan sama dgn shilashower
( sorry babe, i kt brunei hjg mgu ni....nnti tgu present adam depan pintu ok hehehe)

the theme is....

so yup,

party it is...

but for kl frens and family, dont worry, ill be having another small celebration in conjunction with the opening of our playskool/ the place itself of course! sedih nnti atuk,nenek, and kawan2 rafiq kt kl!
so invites will be sent soon!
that will be another theme ok. related to our school hahahaha....complicated...mmg byk kerja.
hence why im soooo preoccupied lately


sneak peak on the preparations for Rafiq's Jungle Fever 


maybe cupcakes....maybe cake...

see u soon!


( ps: to the mommies who have been sooo sweet to invite us on their baby's bday im sooo sorry if i will not be making still unsure of my schedule. some days im in miri, some days in brunei, some days in KL...but do bare in mind, if im around, i will be present! love all of u! )

Monday, April 5, 2010

the easy way out!

im confused
what should i do?
i like her as a helper....
shes does everything wholeheartedly
kalau mop lantai tu, dgn grill2 pn dia lap...
siap alih semua furniture...
mmg bagus...n pantas...half day dah spotless our house
tapi ...........

she looooovvvvveeeesssss to ask for money...
kejap2 ada org meninggal...kejap lg mesin potong rumput patah...kejap lg anak sakit, kejap lg ada kenduri nak duit...

well...the first time mmg we all kesian n tolong beriya2...
because she said her brother died in an accident...
so she asked for rm350...but hubby dearie kesian bagi 500...
siap ckp...xpelah...kira sedekah je...

n then the following week...
her hubbys mesin potong rumput patah...
she asked for 200
so oklah...since itu mata pencarian for them...
hubby dearie bagi...
she said...nnti tolak from her gaji..
oklah xpe...

but then dia start buat hal...
xboleh dtg....anak sakit....
n then...her dad masuk hospital...
pastu dtg our house once...
nangis2 sambil kemas n ask for money...

we all kesian...bagilah jugak 100
pastu balik2 xdtg kemas our house
mind u dia dah owe us 300 rgt...

n then, 

dia dtg in the middle of the night...
nangis2 ckp rumah electric kena potong...
sbb xbyr a few months
her baby nangis2 sbb panas...anak xpg sekolah sbb baju xgosok...

hubby dearie said,
oklah...give me ur bill....saya tlg settlekan...
( having in mind, our house yg 24 jam pasang aircond pn baru 200 lebih...ingtkan her bill maybe 2 ,3 months adalah around 300 plus )

the next day she came with a 3699 rgt bill...yg xbayar since 2008!!!


n then bila i ckp, no...we all xboleh byr she said.."oh tapi hari tu ashrul ada janji nak bayarkan "


so hubby kesian jgk bagilah 400 to settle a bit bil electric tu
( suami saya ni mmg mcm tu!!!! geram jgk kadang2 )

and now, her recent quest is...
plz give them 2000 rgt so that her hubby can go for offshore safety training in order to work as a welding contractor that they can change their lives....

2000 rgt..!

well.....bukannya kita ni kedekut...bukannya xde duit...tapi should we?
we know that money mesti gone...
jgn haraplah dia nak bayar balik or even offer to work for free with us kan?
its not that i xnak tolong
but i think shes using us
as an easy way out....

all this while how did she raise 5 kids?

ok je i tgk...

since kerja with us....she became pampered
dia mcm...oh xpelah...mintak je mesti dia bg

padahal my hubby punyelah baik...
selalu bagi brg2 dapur to her...
xde pulak her husband offer nak potong rumput our house or anything
even senyum pn xnak
nampak we all terus lari masuk rumah


i mean...dont u have the courtesy to be nice?

i rasa xfair for my hubby...
he calls whenever we're in kl tanya how theyre doing n all...
but the hubby xpernah nak senyum or even say hello to us...
our helper to mmg lah kan...
but then, shouldnt u as the husband take more responsibility?

and now,
my hubby dah mcm xnak involve sgt with them 
because when she found out i wasnt around she started smsing my hubby asking for her salary
well....bila masa dia dtg kemas our house?only once...and i paid her on the day itself
so she kinda lied in order for money
bila hubby dah balik ke sini n told me everything n then only he realized that now, shes very creative in asking for money from us...sampai kena menipu

 and now....
dia xhabis2 sms i tanya bila i balik
n she smsed me saying she saw my hubby xbalik a few days, is he in kl also with me?
and then sms me ckp.."oh rumah sara kak dal tgk ok je...xde siapa yg pecah masuk lg...tapi kereta ashrul ada kat villa....siapa pakai ya ?"

ha???i xde suruh dia monitor pon...


im being stalked!!!!!

what should i do?

should i just help her?

or should i move for good?


Sunday, April 4, 2010

we're back again


because my fb inbox is full with so many questions...
actually im soooo preoccupied with my lil son that even updating my fb status has became such a hassle...
itupun si kecik sudah merajuk...

well....too much to write
rayna's cherating getaway, putra's bday party, my new cafe/playschool ( excited terlebih ), rafiqs tooth, rafiq xnak brush teeth, rafiqs eating patterns, my lil sis wedding prep....banyak lg...
but soon ya...

ni 2 pics of when...we celebrated rafiqs first tooth....mestilah excited..punyelah lama tunggu

at alamanda

he stayed for the first half and then when he became restless after the second hour...we all biar je dia main2 kat tangga dlm cinema tu...
dia turun n naik...with papa supervising of course
thank god the cinema penuh dgn kids jerit2, gelak2 and bercakap
so one baby's squeals was not really disturbing ...
( baby excited tgk red queen kepala besar )

but then....
tunggu rafiq dah besar sikit baru bawak dia lg
penat weh mengejar lil champion nih...


so then,
more updates soon...
rafiq wants me to rock the chair heeee


bubye fwens
love u
