Friday, May 1, 2009

i said no to shopping!

very !
well xdelah hebat sangat.
i went, but i was just not in the mood.
walaupun im supposed to be over excited because bintang just turn hypermall...
tapi tak ..
but i did gushed over big apple...(dunkin donut pun xde k kat sini, dpt big apple mcm heaven)
banyak kedai baru...inclucing stage make up store ( mcm pelik je )...xheran sangat considering im using mac.
amie was excited.
hubby dearie said, go n have fun spending before kena duduk rumah for 2 months...
perut sakit all the way
dahlah ramai nye orang, rimas...
semakin jauh berjalan, semakin sakit perut.
tapi sbb xnak kecikkan hati amie...buat2 relax je.
are these signs? is it close?
fuuuuuhhhhhh...balik rumah terus prepare dinner.
perut dh memulas2 mcm nak period. i know these are contractions. mild ones...sebab boleh tahan lagi.
lepas dinner, terus baring..
baby pulak kemain lagi bersukan kt dalam. papa said " tunjuk skill sbb siang tadi mama xlayan dia eh "..
he didnt stop smpailah i fell asleep.
sakit kaki pulak...
sakit perut dah kurang sikit...
i felt more comfortable..
woke up this morning rasa biasa je.
sakit perut sikit.
n then it went away...
baby...cepatlah keluar...before my confinement lady datang...
oh ye...about confinement lady, shes coming this wed..belum pn sampai dah nak pau me n hubby dearie mcm2.
asked me if i already bought my jamu's n bengkungs...well, dari 7 months preggers dah siapkan everything.
n then she said she want to buy something else for me..cheh!!asked me to prepare 700 rgt.
cheh again...
excuse : nnti baby sakit kuning, kena ada ubat2 khas, xpayah pg doctor. hmmmm. n then, kena makan jamu2 khas klo x dh tua nnti sakit2 badan.
its not that i dont believe in traditional stuff. i do..its just that, shes using her knowledge to manipulate me. mcm nak marah pn ada. tapi sbb fikir dia org tua kan...senyap jelah. told her, its not necessary. if we need those things we'll get it later. mcm2...dahlah charge nye kemain mahal lagi. i know shes gonna do everything. but she doesnt need to charge more kan for things i dont need kan...
back to

see yah

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