Wednesday, April 14, 2010

party or no party?

yup, i admit...
i didnt want a party at first
dah plan for a holiday pun...
but then, since papa rafiq wants a gathering with his work ok...
we'll have a small party
catered for both kids and adults
since mainly the guests are adults....
so its more of a grown up thing hehehehe

but im still having a theme
sekali dah pick theme baru perasan sama dgn shilashower
( sorry babe, i kt brunei hjg mgu ni....nnti tgu present adam depan pintu ok hehehe)

the theme is....

so yup,

party it is...

but for kl frens and family, dont worry, ill be having another small celebration in conjunction with the opening of our playskool/ the place itself of course! sedih nnti atuk,nenek, and kawan2 rafiq kt kl!
so invites will be sent soon!
that will be another theme ok. related to our school hahahaha....complicated...mmg byk kerja.
hence why im soooo preoccupied lately


sneak peak on the preparations for Rafiq's Jungle Fever 


maybe cupcakes....maybe cake...

see u soon!


( ps: to the mommies who have been sooo sweet to invite us on their baby's bday im sooo sorry if i will not be making still unsure of my schedule. some days im in miri, some days in brunei, some days in KL...but do bare in mind, if im around, i will be present! love all of u! )


Drama Mama said...

wahhhhh niceeeeeee! tak sabar wanna see pics on rafiq's bday celebration :-) sure dia pun seronok kan

Elyn Sani said...

theme yg cute la!!!

Bonda ranea said...

wah2 bestnye rafiq nak celebrate dah 1 year kan..sekejap je anak2 kite membesar kan sara :) anyway klu buat kat KL nnti ngn lupe bonda n nea tau mommy sara ;) have fun in ur party dear...jungle..wah sgt best hahaha

Lea Shmea said...

cantiknya cake zebra theme tu!!!!! hehe. rafiq tgh tlg mama buat pe tu?

na-bi-lah said...

so bile balik kl kak?
mummy putra ada maskot pizza
awak n abg ashrul pakai maskot tiger la bday rafiq nnt heheh

Unknown said...

baizurah : thanks dear....hopefully sempat buat nice2

elyn : mekacheeeeeehhhhhh laling

eda : thanks dear.itulah...kejap sgt.sedih pn ada.dah xbaby dah rafiq....bonda n nea mesti ada dlm guest list!confirmed!!!!!

lea : cantik kan?but then so expensive....n rafiq xleh contemplating...rafiq tlg sepahkan semua toys

namblah : abg ashrul kata nak jadi gorilla.dah sesuai da sbb berbulu wakakakkaa

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

aww.. u're opening a playschool/cafe? wow. best2! all the best ya... and rafiq, counting days dear! ;)

nadja said...

cute nyer.. heheh bila buka playschool tuh.. best nyer..
