bukan mummy yg ni tapi....yummy sbb mummy bagi makan eheeee
so yes...rafiq has started his weaning stage...
the night before he turned 6 months i mixed half oz of nestle (beras+soya) into my EBM
habis .. n then dia gelak2...
sedap kot...
rasa lain sikit ye?
papa...wake up...i need to tell u...just now rafiq minum susu ada rasa soya papa!!
nak lagi mama....!!
pagi2 dah bangun...semangat nak buat his food...
today, i made pumpkin and brocolli puree
firstly, stim the veges ( kejap je...dlm 5 minit )
and then campur my BM sikit.....pastu masuk dlm food processor...
beli khas...xnak campur dlm blender yg i dok blend cili kering tu hahaha
n then.....masuk dlm mangkuk...u suap...
yummy tak rafiq?
bagi dia 2 sudu...
bagi air suam sikit....
pastu sambung BF dgn mama...
comot pun xpe....mama suka!!!!
btw, baju bib tu mama sue belikan kt ikea..
happy sgt that i wud be able to prepare his food
im so proud of myself to be able to be with him in every moment of his life...
hubby dearie balik from work merajuk coz i didnt wait for him...
kesian la baby sayang...dah lapar laaaa
nnti papa's turn pulak ok?
by the way...i think rafiqs teething kot..
dah lama dia dok sibuk menggigit2 but lately mcm makin kuat n his gusi dh mcm sgt tajam
sakit ok...
tapi tahan jelah...n mama selalu jadi victim kena gigit...
dah mcm love bite org tua ok...
papa dah jelous dah eheeeeee
anything for u rafiq...mama sanggup jek..
yg kt peha tu xyah cakaplah...xkanlah peha mama ni sedap sgt kot rafiq?
sakit tau ni.......
ive yet to gather many recipes for him
i need to..bagi variety sikit...
plus its not that hard to prepare his food
cuma hassle sikit bab nak blend tu...
but its ok...
ada a few people suggest blend badam sampai hancur sgt2 mcm tepung tu n letak sikit in his milk and food.rich in vitamins and minerals..bagus for the brain...
and also kismis...nnti nak try...
any other suggestions mommies?
sapa2 ada recipe best2 sila lah share ya!!!
so yes...rafiq has started his weaning stage...
the night before he turned 6 months i mixed half oz of nestle (beras+soya) into my EBM
habis .. n then dia gelak2...
sedap kot...
rasa lain sikit ye?

pagi2 dah bangun...semangat nak buat his food...
today, i made pumpkin and brocolli puree
firstly, stim the veges ( kejap je...dlm 5 minit )
and then campur my BM sikit.....pastu masuk dlm food processor...
beli khas...xnak campur dlm blender yg i dok blend cili kering tu hahaha
n then.....masuk dlm mangkuk...u suap...
yummy tak rafiq?
bagi dia 2 sudu...
bagi air suam sikit....
pastu sambung BF dgn mama...

btw, baju bib tu mama sue belikan kt ikea..
happy sgt that i wud be able to prepare his food
im so proud of myself to be able to be with him in every moment of his life...
hubby dearie balik from work merajuk coz i didnt wait for him...
kesian la baby sayang...dah lapar laaaa
nnti papa's turn pulak ok?
by the way...i think rafiqs teething kot..
dah lama dia dok sibuk menggigit2 but lately mcm makin kuat n his gusi dh mcm sgt tajam
sakit ok...
tapi tahan jelah...n mama selalu jadi victim kena gigit...
dah mcm love bite org tua ok...
papa dah jelous dah eheeeeee
anything for u rafiq...mama sanggup jek..
yg kt peha tu xyah cakaplah...xkanlah peha mama ni sedap sgt kot rafiq?

ive yet to gather many recipes for him
i need to..bagi variety sikit...
plus its not that hard to prepare his food
cuma hassle sikit bab nak blend tu...
but its ok...
ada a few people suggest blend badam sampai hancur sgt2 mcm tepung tu n letak sikit in his milk and food.rich in vitamins and minerals..bagus for the brain...
and also kismis...nnti nak try...
any other suggestions mommies?
sapa2 ada recipe best2 sila lah share ya!!!
waah rafiq dah start makan ek..kurma pon bagus..leh try!
wow.. serious la cam love bite.. hehehe... ezan pun try bg kurma. sedap je tgk sarah mkn.. try la mana tau rafiq pun suka...
woooooooooooooooooooo..menggeget ini budakk...hahaa..cian mama....
ohh badam & kismis. nvr heard of that for baby food. must be good sbb kismis byk khasiat kan. :)
farah : yelah...ada jugak org mention masa rafiq baru lahir dulu...will try!!
ezan : ehehe..tau xpe.sarah suka ye makan kurma..sedap kan..manis2..nnti nak try.hari ni jgk nak pg beli heeee
sue : sabar jelah kan.....sayang sgt sampai penuh love bite kt bdn mama
lea : me too...baru dgr...but i think theres no harm in trying kan..
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