(selitkan cupcakes from shila mrs kown yg i order for mommy n daddies masa photoshoot hari tu- sedaaaapppp.....sesuai untuk birthday parties..ehehhe..nnti rafiq 1 year mama order lg ok...)
pagi2 mama dah bgn stim kan bananas and mix with my EBM sikit...
jap lagi nak try bg dia makan
u know what?????
he woke up this morning with a huge smile on his face
and then he looked at me and said
it wasnt the usual "mamamamammamamaa"
but "mama"
i cried...
mama memang emo sayang..
rafiq, jadi anak yg soleh, bijak dan baik ya!
rafiqs progress :
- even more kepochi than before, membebel je 24 jam - he loves dancing with me...menjerit2 suka - he can sit properly now - he can crawl!!!!!tapi slowla...klo dah penat dia sambung merangkak mcm askar using his elbows.. - he wants to stand instead of sitting down...uiiiii susah !!!!!! pg kenduri je marah org pegang..he wants to be free..( kena beli walker kot? ok ke eh? )
banyaklah lagi...
but then...
sedih la...kejap je dia dah besar
pegang other younger babies rasa mcm rindu time dia newborn
i think every mommy feels the same way kot kan?

(selitkan cupcakes from shila mrs kown yg i order for mommy n daddies masa photoshoot hari tu- sedaaaapppp.....sesuai untuk birthday parties..ehehhe..nnti rafiq 1 year mama order lg ok...)
pagi2 mama dah bgn stim kan bananas and mix with my EBM sikit...
jap lagi nak try bg dia makan
u know what?????
he woke up this morning with a huge smile on his face
and then he looked at me and said
it wasnt the usual "mamamamammamamaa"
but "mama"
i cried...
mama memang emo sayang..
rafiq, jadi anak yg soleh, bijak dan baik ya!
rafiqs progress :
- even more kepochi than before, membebel je 24 jam - he loves dancing with me...menjerit2 suka - he can sit properly now - he can crawl!!!!!tapi slowla...klo dah penat dia sambung merangkak mcm askar using his elbows.. - he wants to stand instead of sitting down...uiiiii susah !!!!!! pg kenduri je marah org pegang..he wants to be free..( kena beli walker kot? ok ke eh? )
banyaklah lagi...
but then...
sedih la...kejap je dia dah besar
pegang other younger babies rasa mcm rindu time dia newborn
i think every mommy feels the same way kot kan?
happy 6 months old! lps ni rafiq makan byk2 tau, jd big strong n healthy.. big boy!! i understand hw u feel sara.. every month pon i emo tgk anak i membesar.. in a way bangga sgt sebab dpt besarkan anak, tgk development die and all but on the other cam a bit sad sebab cpt tol besar and i miss those cute old days..
lina dear : betul tu...emo kan?tapi very proud n happy coz they grow up healthy and clever...thanks dear...jap lg rafiq nak makan eheee
mia suka pisang..i dah bagi since dia 5month haritu..apple n pear tak suka sangat..now nak try bagi avocado n papaya pula..
happy six month old Rafiq..
lucky u 6 months die dh mama..
Afieq dh nk msk 11 months pon lom ag..duk sebut papa jek
auwww..so shweet when they say mama kan??
happy 6 months old once again rafiq!
makan manyak² tau & poo poo manyak² jugak..ehehe
Happy 6th mth old Rafiq! Be a good aon and make your parents proud of you ya?
yooo br 6 mnth dh pandai sebut mama!!! jeles aii tau. btw cayalah rafiq. muah tuk die!!
happy 6 month old rafiq... clever boy la rafiq ni.. baru 6 month tp progress sgt cepat.. i like..
mmmmmm.. bila la my sarah nk sebut mummy ni... huhuhu...
happy 6months rafiq! rafiq mmg cemerlang dh panggil u MAMA.... zara duk mamamammamamma.. tapi i mommy. haha.. rafiq, b a good boy!
mia : tadi try pisang pn rafiq suka.apple n pear masam kot...heee bestnye mia....sedap tu
cikpid : happy sgt...tapi maybe xsengaja kot.cuma kebetulan yg sgt menggembirakan
wina ; thanks BABE.baru je lepas poo.....lega i
adie : yes...of course..amin
elyn : happy sgt...i doa dia mmg anak yg bijak...wpon xsengaja but harap2 dia cepat ckp jugak
ezan : thanks a lot...sarah dear....cepat say mama, mama...ehehehe
amal : yelah..sbb mama...dia senang...if mummy nnti dia mimimimimi ehehehehe
happy 6 month old rafiq!
yela sara memang rindu sgt nak pegang newborn baby bila anak skang dah besor (hahaha cmla besar sgt)..
happy 6months old baby rafiq yg hensem!!
happy bday sayang...muahs. aunty loves u!
farah : thanks dear...kan?i know u lagi rindu....dah berangan kan?eheeee
shikeen : thanks mummy...nnti jumpa mummy lg ye
jas : mmmuuuaahhh love u too
happy beday mucuk2...
windu kat both mommy & rafiq!
Cutenya rafiq dah leh sebut "mama" at this age :)Mesti sgt2 terharu kan...best best.
Mmg betul lah macam yg sara ckp, kalo boleh nak diorang ni jadi bb jeee...mmg "terasa" gak kengkadang tu bila anak dah makin besar nie. Rasa mcm cepat sgt masa berlalu, still tak puas lagi :(
Anyway....happy 6 months old ye rafiq!
zatty dear : rimdu to u toooo!!!thanks dear
intan : betullah dear..mmg terasa..terus rasa nak ada baby balik eheeee.tp blum masanya lg...intan dah boleh dah...arissa dah besar sikit.semakin chomeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll
comelnya pic rafiq tu! happy 6th months, little man!
lea...thanks a lot...kisses for baby nia also
meh mummy nita nak kish plak! mwahhss.. hari tu jmp kejap jer xleh lepak lama. plak tu aunty nih berlemoih sgt! huhuhhu.. so dear rafiq, HAPPY 6 MONTHS BIRTHDAY!! kebetulan ur birthday falls on Aunty's 4 Years "Couple" Anniversary ngan Uncle! thehehe.. (nak selit gak tu!)
be a good boy yaa.. nnt dah besar friend2 ngan Adzryl okayyy! mwahs to both mummy n baby! :)
Happy 6 months old Rafiq!
Sorry lambat wish.. bz lately..
anita daer : thanks a million...happy dpt jumpa both of u.suka ur house.very homey.teringat rumah i kt miri ni.almost the same...kiss to both of u...
ps : congrats on ur 4th yr couple anniversary
edge : thanks papa!!!!!!
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