bila nak sampai miri?
answer : next year....
my current broadband (streamyx) mmg lah ok..
i mean compared to the maxis and celcom broadband we've tried b4
sorryyy to anyone yg guna these broadbands..maybe kt miri ni sengal sikit kot..
semenanjung maybe ok..
tapi sometimes streamyx pon ada sengal dia jugak...
if hujan dia hang....pastu xleh connect..
tapi sbb thats the best we can get here...sabar jelah...
so anyway..
both of us have been waiting ... bila nak p1w1 max nak sampai miri...
but then,
the latest advertisement tu mmg agak annoying..
"potong, potong, potong..."
kat kenduri kawin plak tu?
tak faham...ingatkan iklan murah amende..rupanya p1w1max
when u look at the modern design of the modems and the service yg bagus...sangat tak parallel kan?
well maybe the number of users tak terlalu ramai sgt lagi and budget nak buat iklan 5 star belum ada...
ive nothing against the brand..i just dont understand y they chose to be advertised like that
catchy indeed...i mean..yes, everyone mesti ingat sampai bila2 kan...
tahlah...mesti ada marketing reasons...
how would i know..afterall...im just a housewife ahaaaaaa......
but anyway...
if they do sampai miri...
ill be among the first to subscribe...
and i will "potong" my other connection.
i ade terdengar dalam radio iklan potong p1wimax tu jadi issue lak skang ni...
kalo dh smpai miri, u tkar la. hehe..ive been using P1wimax, best gilos. =)
potong.. heheh, na pon pki p1.. tp kat sini kdg2 ok, kdg2 tu (lately) sgt mengiciwakan.. sbb tue la den lama tak online.. :( herm, i mish u sara..
for me,streamyx is the best! :D
a'ah ads tu very dabel meaning.hehe.
haf u heard tm nye ads plak x? 'apa potong potong?!' hahaha
i tink dorang ni mmg ada issue la, staff pinching kot.huhu.
farah : dah jadi issue eh?
na : na pakai p1 eh?ok kan?rasa mcm ramai kata ok....i miss u toooo!!!!kena lepak lg nih
sue : yes...sbb u kata best la i nak pakai eheeee
zatty : since i pon skrg with streamyx...ok je rasa.tp bila x ok rasa marah sgt2
rina : yes.very very very...eh ada eh?i xpernah tgk lg.kena cari ni
i suka biler the bride tnya partner die, "abg dah potong".. cess, sgt double meaning.. tp kan, actually streamyx is still the best. wimax xbuat full coverage fyi..
lina : exactly...kenapa laaaa kena bride tu tanya...pastu the groom's face...ehem ehem...nak gelak pun ada...oh really?xfull coverage?u mean areas?
i blom potong!! tapi wafiq dah ekekeke
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