Sunday, August 30, 2009


posing for mama's on9 store hehehehe

who wants a cranky baby?
i pray everyday rafiq will become easier to handle by day
alhamdulillah..he knows whenever its time for him to watch tv or play on his own while both of us have to pray jemaah, break fast, sahur or buat kerja
although this applies to only crucial moments...its enough
"plz note that if either me or hubby dearie letak dia on his playmat so that we could watch tv ke, on9(yg xpenting ke)....he will rebel! hahaha..
he knows...
its ok..
we're thankful enough

and now,
since hes big enough to discover his toys, his educational slots on tv...
life is easier
i can perform my house duties at my own pace without having to run from the frying pan to a screaming rafiq
remember how i was so down after my confinement
now, i feel like a supermom!

thanks sayang

he even knows i need my sleep in the morning for having to prepare sahur
so, after bf him in the morning (after subuh) we'll sleep next to each other after papa's left the bed just for us hihihi
and when he wakes up, he'll just play with his stuffed toy, or his fingers ...while making those cute noises hihi..
dodoi mama eh?
klo i buka mata skt tgk dia, at times he'll look up to see if im already awake
and if im not, he'll continue mumbling to himself, sambil main2 jari sendiri...
sometimes he pats my arms..hugs my neck, tugs on my shirt,pulling himself closer to me..
pastu when his face touches mine...
habislaaaaaa dia nak jilat2, isap2 my mouth la, my eyes la...

a "gentle" way of waking me up...
nasib baik anak sendiri...
klo x mmgla yuckkkyyy hahaha
sikit pon tak nangis
and when i open my eyes...
he gives me that huge smile...
and that addictive laugh
terus segar bugar mama....

shhhhaaayyyaaannngggg anak mama

dia good boy
clever boy
happy boy
handsome boy

anak yg soleh...

kan sayang....


mama doakan rafiq sampai bila2 jadi anak baik mcm ni.xsusah kan mama n papa...

btw : nak ckp...i love all of u bloggers mommas yg sgt baik hati support my on9 store
mummy dani, cuppycake mommy, mummy rayna, mummy harriz mummy anita and her sis, mummy danish, ibu nisa, mummy zara and lain2 mommies yg maybe i xkenal tp sgt sweet...esp bg feedback yg best2 n keep on viewing by on9 store. thanks ya! appreciate it a lot.
dont forget to put ur babies pics with magicmagneticjr's clothes...yeay..muaaaahhh

Friday, August 28, 2009

last days....

Rafiq's last day with his Buzz...

thanks to dr jijie for buying my Buzz
its ok sayang
u have another stroller kan..
kesian papa, xmuat nak letak his golf set and ur Buzz in the trunk
its ok, rafiq ada 2 lagi yg lain kan
nnti kt dlm rumah mama bawak rafiq jln2 mama dukung ye..

all this while,
the Buzz has been occupying my living room..
jadi perhiasan heheh
but it comes in handy when i have to carry Rafiq all around the house
sambil masak, Rafiq duduk dlm Buzz,
sambil I mandi, Rafiq duduk dlm Buzz jugak ahahaha
its too bulky
and we dont have an MPV
plus hubby dearie mmg pemalas mau angkut turun naik kete, because berat
everytime dia ckp
" papa sudah tua, tulang dah reput "
cheh, alasan...
so since its still new and cantik, xde calar apa pun, tayar kilat gile..
so jual lah...


xpelah rafiq!

memana pun sama je...

we miss u Buzz Merah.muah!

ps : En jijie, nnti bagi gambar ur baby in the buzz ya!ngehehe

org malas masak kan...hehehe

yesterday, hubby dearie's frens and their families planned a huge breakfast gathering at dynasty hotel..yeay..
i dont have to plan what to prepare for buka
pening kepala bab ni
so..sgt me dah lama xjumpe diorang..
the food was OK..miri standard...only org miri je faham hehehe
but the company was nice...thanks guys..
sempat jugak tu i bukak sarah bundle tgh2 org sibuk nak makan tu wahahahaha
thanks again sbb membeli ya!
thanx too to dynasty staff sbb xsound me!
bak kata hazam, "ala, we paid more than what we could eat, so biarkan"

hubby dearie tunggu sayap..ehehehe...chicken wing..

rafiq dgn mummy sue? alalalalal danish jgn jelous ye syg

budak da sleepy da

papa sibuk makan,mama sibuk bisnes,rafiq tidolaaaaa..bosan je semorang xlayan , cian

budak sexy hehe

and the day before pon xsempat masak...
pg buka at sushi king
budak kicik tido dari dlm kete sampai lah sampai umah balik
no pic of him
sbb mama n papa kelaparan hehe
xnotice rafiq tido dlm stroller
cian again!

papa yg jakun dgn octopus..apalah

pastu balik dia sibuk nak nak tido ni..
sampai pagi smlm x bgn sahur sbb tido lambat tau
rafiq rafiq

Monday, August 24, 2009


budak kicik pandai rebel
now dia marah n bebel2 if pasang CD lain, yg bukan sesame street
dia tendang2 my leg if i start bukak laptop...
n when i look at him dgn muka kerut dia gelak
gelak ye...besar plak tu...
bila tgk laptop balik, dia jerit2
if i leave him in his room with his toys,
dia gelak2 main kejap then xsampai 5 minit
dia start melalak
bukan nangis sikit2
tapi melalak
but when i dtg balik n tanya y?
dia gelak2 n senyum as if nothing happened

this habit started right after merajuk tuh

he still remembers

he still thinks i might be leaving him

but if i remain holding his leg, n pandang muka dia...
tau2 je dah tido
xpon tgh main2 agah2 ni...dia boleh tido
sambil baca2 buku pon boleh tido.
pelik betul ini budak
nak dilayan 24 jam

time buka, dia tido sekejap
then immediately dah habis je me n hubby dearie makan
dia mesti bgn
ish ish ish...

itulah perangai baru
nasib baik mlm hes still the same
bf for 1 hour then letak je dlm crib
pandai plak tido sendiri
main2 dgn his ladubug book.
pastu tido..

tapi siang????????

he loves this new book that i bought for him ada mcm2 benda boleh touch ngee

mama layan rafiq? ok...rafiq gelak

encem kan?hehehe

ni dah sbb sangat geram....pukul2 mama ye sbb xlayan...kena kurung tangan tu...
gelak ye...siaplaaaa

see....tgh agah2 ni...dia boleh tido.

ni video rafiq dok gelak2 ...xclear sbb kena pgg videocam jauh from him.dia kan shutterbug.pantang nampak camera mesti mau pose.ngeeee

Saturday, August 22, 2009

selamat berbuka yummmyyyyy

selamat berbuka semua mommies sayang....

unlucky us, Miri xde pasar ramadhan yg best
semua entah pape...
mmg frustrating...haiyyyaaaa

rafiq pun sangat behave today..
nak pitam rasanya..
tak larat sangat
tapi sabar...sabar...sabar...
at least tahan skrg better than kena ganti puasa banyak2 time org makan sedap2 hehehe

so far, supply susu ok pulak
mcm biasa..
tapi mmg sangat sangat sangat melesukan.

xpe...banyak pahala!


so, since hubby dearie jumpa popia basah je ( i mean yg sama mcm semenanjung, lain sume makanan yg rupanya lain mcm, ciplak tp xgempak heheh )

so...kenala masak

for drinks....

mixed fruit choc blended

2 cawan fresh milk
5 biji kurma
3 sudu hersheys syrup
banyak ice hehehehe
bananas (pisang montel yg besar2 tu) 4 biji
ice cream (guna mini poppers-tu je yg ada)
blend semua...
pastu letakla dlm cawan (i used mug,sbb besar puas)
siap tambah almond choc biscotti from coffee bean yg smlm beli xhabis

makan pulak

kuey teow kungfu...

inilah resepi org pemalas hehehe

Bahan untuk kuah

rempah tumis
(bunga lawang, kayu manis, pelaga & cengkih)
Fish ball goreng sekejap
Fish cake goreng sekejap
bawang putih
halia sedikit
kiub pati ayam
bunga kobis
sawi phukchoy
Tepung jagung utk pekatkan kuah

1) Tumis bunga lawang, kayu manis , buah pelaga, cengkih bersama bawang putih dan halia
sehingga naik bau.
2) Masukkan kiub ayam & ayam, masak sehingga ayam betul2 lembut.
3) Masukkan fishcake & fishball.
4) Kemudian sayur (kejap je)
5) Bancuh tepung jagung dengan sedikit air & kacau rata.Tambah air jika kuah terlalu pekat.
6) Masukkan telur yang telah dipukul, kacau rata & tutup periuk sekejap.
7) Sesuaikan rasaanya.

Kuey teow goreng kicap (so that kuey teow tu raging2 sedap hehe)

Bawang putih
kicap manis
sos tiram

1) Tumis bawang putih sehingga naik bau.
2) Masukkan kuey teow gaul rata.
3) Masukkan kicap manis & sos tiram kacau lagi

Hidangkan bersama kuah.

Tambah cili padi dgn kicap...yummmmyyyyy

sebenarnye xde lauk nak ni senang.campak2 je..hehehehe...which reminds me esok kena pg pasar...nasib baik hubby dearie buka xkisah ada nasi ke x.yg penting sahur ke makan berat..aiyaaaa....tonite kena masak for sahur.nak masak apa????
no idea dah!

selamat berbuka

silalah kongsi resepi ya!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


esok dah puasa...mlm ni siapa nk tlg babysit rafiq?
nk pg solat tarawikh hihihi!
hubby dearie said gilir2...if tonite dia, esok i can go...alamak...xbestnye,tp bolehla dr xpg lngsung
im gonna my very best to fast..i know it'll be sooo hard.
sedangkan xpuasa pun lemah every time lepas BF..
but i will try.
i have to.
last year's puasa pn belum habis ganti lg..
that time, i was still very weak..morning sickness(mind u it happens all day ok)yg sgt teruk...aiyaaa
i only managed to fast for a day last week
itupon seksa nyaaaaaaa

btw, yesterday hubby dearie came back early since i had to meet my gud fren to talk about the coming stock...
(supply raya mau sampai people)
dont forget to visit ya
i left rafiq (for the first time) for more than 4 hours
and when they came to pick me up
and this is what i saw
waiting for me in the car...
no sound , no smile...


hubby dearie said 3 hour3 after i left,
dia dok tgk2 pintu from the living room ( elok lg dok main on his playmat gym)
and then bila hbby dearie nk pg solat
dia start
he cried yg kuat sgt tu...bagi susu dia tolak guna lidah
dukung pun nangis
usually he'll stop as soon as we pick him up
pasang sesame street mengamuk
bagi toys dia baling ( aik? dah pandai ke? )
hubby dearie gave him my baju amik dlm laundry basket.( yg belum basuh tu..tak busuk ke sayang? ) dia main 2 dgn baju tu..xtaula sbb ada my bau or sbb dia ni mmg suka main kain

rasa2 his forehead mcm panas
amik temperature..
37.5 aik?

dia pun solat, baca ayat qursi to rafiq ( dia takut rafiq kena kacau )
bawak him to pick me up n nk terus pg clinic
yg peliknya, cik abg saya ni xde pulak call bgtau
maybe he doesnt want me to question his capabilities kot hihihi
sbb b4 i left i told him, ill bring rafiq along
dia ckp "takpe.....ill manage, rafiq gud boy kan? "
masa tu si tonet tu mmg la gelak2 ingat i nk bwk dia jln kot sbb dh siap2 pakai tudung
kecian anak mama

i terkejut tgk hubby dearie letak bye bye fever tu on his forehead
"kenapa ni syg?rafiq demam ke?"
"tah tiba2 je dia nangis2 tgk temperature 37.5, jomlah bwk dia jumpa dr chia"
i pegang2 his hands
dia senyap je tgk his lamaze toy gantung kt atas tu
"rafiq sakit ke syg?meh sini mama angkat"
he then continued playing with his hands
"lapar ke?nak susu?"
senyap lg
usually dia alih kepala to my chest
me dh risau dah sgt2 time ni
tiba2 dia nangis
teresak2 bukan melalak
terus cpt2 BF dia
sambil2 isap tu dia still teresak2


kenala pujuk2 dia
usap2 kepala...gosok2 kaki, tgn sume
nyanyi2 kt dia..

rasa bdn dia
"tak panas pun syg?"
so...we decided xjadi pg clinic..
balik rumah tgk his temperature..
ok je...

hubby dearie ckp,
ni kes mama tinggal la ni
tak pernah2 kn kena tinggal
baru 4 jam rafiq
klo sehari?
ull have to get used to it
u will adapt...although i know it'll be hard i know syg
tp anak mama kn strong
nnti mama baliklah, mama bukan tinggal rafiq selama2nya..

kesian dia...
that night dia bergayut for 3 hours
xpelah....mama bg chance hihihiih
this morning dia nangis je nk susu
xde borak xde gelak2
usually pg2 dia la yg plg becok
ni senyap je
then main tgn balik
i told him...
"syg mama mrh mama ke?mama sorry k....rafiq big boy kan...jgnla merajuk2 ye syg"
dia senyap jugak..he looked at me blankly
kenapa ni
i felt like crying...takut k...

lepas mandikan dia,
mcm biasa lah rutin massage his whole body
then when i started to sing his fave song

i love u, u love me,we're happy family,
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to u,
wont u say u love me too...

tiba2 dia senyum
then gelak2
then borak2 and pusing kiri kanan mcm biasa..
i was soooooooooooo happppyyy

syg mama traume ke?
jgnla takutkan mama lg ye..
anak mama big boy xnak la merajuk2 lg k
mama syg la..bukan mama tinggal rafiq..

im glad hes back to his usual self
but i know ill have to leave him again in the future...
lets just hope he understands now, mama will be back,
this is just temporary

oklah everyone
selamat berpuasa...
semoga bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ni mendatangkan byk kebaikan untuk kita semua
minta maaf klo ada slh silap mana tau terblog yg menyakitkan hati

yg buruk itu dtgnya drpd kita dan yg baik itu semuanya dr Allah SWT.

ps : semoga semua momma's bertenaga untuk berpuasa dgn jayanya walaupun sibuk bekerja, menjaga anak dan menyusu hhihihii. applies mostly to me..AMIN!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

im 3 months...suda anak bujang

since rafiq masuk 3 bulan mmg macam2 benda yg dia baru belajar
kejap je masa berjalan
rasa mcm baru semalam kena tolak masuk operation room
mcm baru a few hours ago nangis dengar his first cry
and now ur 3 months sayang...
jgn la cepat sgt besar
mama xnak rafiq hilang bau2 baby yg sedap tu...
although i cant wait for him to crawl, call me mama, read his first book on his own, hold his own spoon...
i still want him to be so close to me, cry everytime hes awake coz he cant turn himself on his own.
aiyaaaakkk emosi pulak

tengok rafiq dah pandai balik2 kan his body...
sekarang his routine massages sgt 2 lah mencabar
he wont stay still
kdg2 geram tepuk2 his butt hehehehehe
dulu klo terkuat sikit tepuk mesti, amboi...dia gelak2kan kita balik

dulu if hes hungry, dia nangis je..buat muka sedih..
sampai nak nangis kita dibuatnya
nowadays, if lapar sangat...and my movements tu xcukup pantas...
dia tarik2 my bra2 n my baju...
sometimes my hair pun jadi mangsa

mengagah2 tv tu xpayah ckplah kan..
after his morning bath, BF...
perut dah kenyang, its his time with his sesame street friends
ive tried Barney ( although i dont like barney's voice, tapi Barney sgt educational n morally positive)...sesame street ni kdg2 ada unsur2 mengejek among each others..its funny tapi yelah kang nnti rafiq ni dahla ada talent jadi notty2 hehehehe...
baby einstein dia suka tp he gets impatient nak tunggu the interesting parts.
so, i found out he likes songs
and lots of movements
so kena cari banyak CD's mcm tu
and then bila keluar his fave song...dia mcm nyanyi2 skali dgn lagu2 tu hehehhe

and then he can pay attention to the flash cards
dgn syarat not more than 5 a day
but books..still nak masuk dlm mulut
susah betul sesi membaca bersama rafiq..
xpelah..still kecik..nnti da besar jgn malas n notty k syg

pulak tu skrg jgnla letak dia on the bed...
xpernah jadi lagi na'uzubillah...tapi either on his back or on his tummy...he can move around the bed sesuka hati...
bahaya ooooooooo
if i need to take a bath ke, ill put him on a comforter in front of the tv...
keliling bantal2
itupon..haaaaaa....he can pull the pillows yg berat2 tu..and...apa lagi masuk mulut
so xleh la tinggal lama2
because lepas tarik the pillows...he has spaces to move outside of the confined area hehehe..
i think in a few weeks kena belikan play pen yg transparent..
so that he can watch the tv, and i can continue with my house chores
tu belum merangkak lagi rafiq
mama dah kepenatan

now day boleh letak in the playmat gym,
dia mmg nk capai 2 the toys instead of just staring at them
bagi dia pgg benda pn dia grip last2 masuk mulut la kan
n then dia suka main kain, towel ke, baju2 ke...dunno y..

his sleep routines pulak,
still the same
but now during the days when he has his short naps, he wants to sleep on his back..terbongkang gitu.klo terbalikkan dia, dia merengek2 xnak...agaknya he doesnt want to sleep kot...nak tutup2 mata kejap je hehehe
mlm2 if i dont put him on his tummy, nnti sedar2 je tgk dlm playpen, dia dah tiarap sendiri.
and if biarkan dia lepas BF siang2 kdg2 dia tido depan tv tu sorang2..
kejap jelah,as usual...not more than 1 hour.
recharge kata papa nya

but rafiq still has a slight fever lepas kena cucuk
although dia nmpak normal je gelak, aktif2
tgk temperature 37.2
0.2 above normal..nangis kejap je time kena cucuk...but ada temperature
maybe dia ni manja sgt kot
n then bila mlm duduk dlm crib mata dah tutup konon tido tp rengek2 perlahan
merajukla tu kna cucuk...
sorry syg...nk sihat kena la sakit sikit ... cian dia
sambil2 BF pon dia teresak2 the next day...for no reasons...
eeeeiiihhhh....manja lebih ni..

tadi baca sue's blog
about never shake a baby...
mmg betul ni
i know a fren who has a husband yg suka blk tension2 about work, selamba je baling the baby on the bed...mmgla tilam tu lembut..still!!!!
talking about shaking ur baby...teringat hari tu masa kt airport
ada this kid, i think dlm 4 yrs old
he was crying yg kuat amat sgt tu
the dad sibuk pujuk him..then comes the mom, dia pukul his back..kuat ok.dr jauh bunyi pok pok pok gitu
then the boy makin kuatla nangis,the mom tarik telinga dia..and then heret him and pushed him to the floor
the dad then tarik the mom..the mom said "biarkan dia, jom bang.."dia tarik the husband pg check in terus tinggalkan the boy melalak kt situ..
eventhough dia xdela tinggalkan the boy, dia nyorok tgk the boy kt tepi the ATM machine..
kesian k...budak tu teresak2 kt situ...polis yg jaga the bag scanning counter tu yg pujuk.
siap bagi air asia punye aeroplane toy tu nk pujuk.
n then the policeman yg bwk him to the parents bila dia dh diam
pastu the mom pegang tgn dia masuk departure area.
no pujuk2 or talking...
diam je

me?mmgla penyibuk hal org time tu
tapi everyone was looking
bukan me je

dont scold ur child in public like that
humiliation leads to more unexpected behaviour or tantrums..
klo dah malu kan..lagila dia melawan
selalu tgk kak b treat her kids
mmg kdg2 budak ni ada perangai bukan2..
but dia xpernah la tengking jauh sekali pukul
tgk dia bisik tu his or her ears perlahan...
n then alia or afiq mesti respond "yes mama"
kids learn through response
klo dia tau in the end dia mesti kena maki lg dia rebel
pedulik kan?

hmmm...this is for me also..
yelah kita mana tau, kita stress or what..skrg mmglah, hes still a baby,
esok dah besar msti geram dia pecahkn brg kt supermarket ke, pukul anak org ke...
lots of stuff to learn..

plz share if u have info on educating children..

these pics credits to sue sbb bagi baju ni and rinie for the leggings hihihi

ni time baru sampai miri from kl

Monday, August 17, 2009

our second family portraiture

the first portraiture was when rafiq was only one week old..
masa tu he was so small...semua org xberani nak pegang2 sangat
including me,
my confinement lady, cik mah yg dok angkat2 dia for the shots.. pon sakit2 lagi xlarat angkat dia

so last week, my TESL mate Avie n Evelyn beriya2 nak tangkap gambar rafiq,
actually in her sms...dia kata...only rafiq,
mummy n daddy xpayah posing..
tapi last2 kitorang nak jugak masuk frame hahaha xmalu

now, tgk all the pics nampak the huge difference
rafiq dulu sgt small...kulit siap kedut sbb xde isi..
nmpak his lungs clearly...kurus sgt la tu..
now, hehehe dah montel2..
although xsempat snap lots of pics..dah petang kan, takut pulak duduk outdoors time maghrib
tapi we had lots of fun,
thanks to avie and also evelyn...yg sudi memeriahkan sesi photoshoot hehehe
thanks also to my baby sayang sbb baik n xde meragam
usually ptg2 time dia meragam. always..rafiq is a photobug!
perasan n suka tangkap gambar
macam sapa ye? opppsssss

semua blogger frens...perpare to pose!
because i will be organizing a huge photoshoot session with all of u and ur families..
doakan lepas raya ni haze dah kurang, so kita boleh buat picnic style...yeay...

rafiq one week old...kecik kan?

tp rambut tetap sama cuma now da botak je hihihi

xde isi pon...ayaaakkk

tgk peha tu skrg...mak aih

aunty eve jd monkey sekajap

dia mmg suka teerbang2 ni
muka perasan cute kna gomol

dan perasan lg hihi

macam bentuk love kata avie...

BTW .... sila la tgk
ada new uploads ya!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


the next day...
which was our anniversary ehehheeh
we had a double date with zatty n her family..
zatty sgt her tudung...sbb suka sgt esoknya pagi2 dah pg warta cari tudung mcm tu nak pakai for rafiqs aqiqah ehehehe....
suka tgk zatty agah2 rayna...sgt dia mmg seorang wanita yg baik n lemah lembut
rafiq pulak tah apa kena dia grumpy plak mlm tu
ngantuk i guess
kitorang main angkut je dia while he was sleeping on tok ba's lap
dia marahla tu
n then dia cranky nak nyusu
terlupa pulak bawak nursing cover
nasib baik ada towel buruk kt stroller tu ngehehehe
jadinya zatty tlg pegang while mama sibuk nak angkat baju hahaha

mmg seronok dapat borak2 dgn zatty n edge
sampai kedai dah nak tutup we all still lepak kt situ
mcm2 cerita, macamlah dah lama kenal...hehe..nasib baiklah kenangkan the following day both of them kerja.
pastu kesian tgk rayna dah tido da dlm stroller.
baik nye alahai rayna...duduk je dlm stroller
anak bujang saya pulak yg cranky...amboi jumpa awek tunjuk perangai eh...
zatty amik her pink adidas jumper with mittens yg dia dah preorder from me...
sayangnya that night stock dress2 semua kt rumah MIL...
so xbyk boleh tunjuk kt zatty
mesti cantik klo rayna pakai...alahai geram...
bila nak ada baby girl pulak.
xsabar nk jumpa zatty, edge n rayna lagi...tgu ye nnti project besar2 an...
chewaaaahhh mcm la hebat sgt..

mama pandang tpt lain, anak tpt lain ayoooo

mummy rayna yg hot...muah

alamak nampak pusat daaa anak bujang sorang ni

both proud papa's...pandai jaga anak2 heheh

budak kicik dpn2 org pon nak nyusu adehhhsss

sayang rayna ni budak baik sgt

rafiq kuat jeles....

mlm tu before tido...rafiq sibuk nak main2 dgn tok ba dia...dah tgh mlm xmo tido lagi ish ish...tadi kemain sombong dgn rayna...ngade eh

the next day tu aqiqah rafiq...nnti nak buat post khas pasal the cukur jambul + aqiqah...hehehe. sbb pics still with my brother...dia the kenala tunggu dia...dia pon tangkap gambar malas2...coz his camera jatuh so kena pinjam his fren's..xde mood la tu...xpelah..nnti tgu ye that post

so the day after the aqiqah, amal n her sis dtg rumah...
dia dah plan the night before nak beli2 baju for her baby zara....yg chomel dan montel...yummy peha KFC..
ni pon kira gf rafiq jugak...alamak playboy la my baby...hehehhee
yg bestnye...mummy amal beli 7 baju for zara...n seyra beli 3...
seronok buat bisnes mcm ni...because minat tgk org pakai cantik2 kan...
klo tgk babies pakai cantik2 lagi la geram.
esp girls...almaklumlah sbb xde girl kan...

zara montel dgn rafiq yg mengada2 jual mahal...

anak bujang saya sibuk jugak bershopping...

that afternoon pg la jumpa kak b...kat pavillion.rindunya dgn kak b...klo x tu kt miri hari2 jumpa...seronok...xingat da nak jalan 2 kt pavillion , yg penting dapat lepak dgn diorang je.
sambil2 bundle...bukan kt pavillion ya...balik kt hotel room kak b kat prince me pon bukakla kedai...
thanks kak b sbb membeli belah di magic magnetic...xpayah beli kt pavillion tu..mahal...hehehehehhe

haih...bila la my sayang nak pindah kl mcm family kak b
xpelah...yg penting boleh balik selalu.kan sayang?opssss

so nnti kita sambung lagi ya...
miss all of u.

Friday, August 14, 2009

rafiq's first vacation

soorrryyy ive been so preoccupied lately xsempat update blog
plus with no internet connection at my MIL's place lagilaaaa
at my dad's ada pulak xbwk laptop ngee...n my dad agak kedekut sikit hihihii...xkasi pinjam

we had so much fun
did lots of things, brought rafiq to lots of places plus met lots of people...
kejapnya masa berjalan...sedih pulak bila dah sampai miri

the night before we left for kl
i kept on telling him during our intimate BF time...
"rafiq nnti jadi budak baik ya, kita nk naik flight, rafiq jgn nangis2"
alhamdulillah, dia dgr ckp..ngeee....nk kata mengantuk xtaulah but he slept 10 hours b4 that...
sayang anak mama mmg budak baik,
so dia tido masa tgh tgu nk boarding, sampai 40 mins b4 landing, bf, main2, tido balik sampai naik cab to MIL's place...
kesian papa le pegang je hihihi

masa nk check in jaga lg...mask ni dia isap2 adehsss

kena paksa bgn, nk nyusu...adake tido xnk bgn2, kepala penuh dgn rambut, mcm menyusu budak besar pulak hehehe

pastu gelak2

n tido balik....

lega rafiq xmeragam , klo x mcmana...tpt sempit2 tu mesti susah nk bwk dia jln2 ke apa ke kan...
thank u syg...

n then bila sampai rumah MIL..
mmg dia nangis...she didnt have a clue we were coming home...
rasa happy tgk dia senyum melebar n nangis sbb dpt jumpa kitorang..
it was the first time dia jumpa rafiq...

n then sesi jumpa dgn semua family members...
miss them so much..
the last time hangout sama2 was when i was 7 months preggers...
lama tu...

kakak sufiah.....tomel...

my in law mmg la sgt happy jumpa rafiq..
xpernah jumpa kan before this..
tapi my dad dah sms2 tanya bila nak balik
ayaaaaa....before this, mmg my dad xheran sgt if i xbalik
but since dah ada cucu...mestila dia nak main2 dgn cucu kan..
now baru rasa mcmana susahnya nak divide our time..
nasib baik both families duduk dekat2..

after family, comes friends
plus a few blogger friends yg dah plan2 nak jumpa...
so on saturday dah plan nak jumpa everyone at once
senang...xpayah keluar banyak kali...
almaklumlah hubby dearie malas time2 tgh banyak h1n1 cases ni..
so we had a small gathering...
me, my gud fren baby, sue , jas and fieze...
actually plan nak ajak rinie and zatty..
but rinie ada her sis's engagement and zatty kerja..
so it was only the 5 of baby's husband, mine and jas's fiance

mmglah happening
with two babies...mmg seronok sgt
cerita pasal2 layan kerenah rafiq n putra
sue, next time bawak harriz k!
lagi meriah
jas, hehehehe hopefully next year... ada tambah lagi1 baby..waaaa best tu

2 happy baby baru bgn, 1 baby baru tido hahaha

2 budak montel hehehe

teman mama tgk tudung..tu pon papa nak tangkap gambar apa daaa

mama sue...lain kali bawak kawan saya tau

ehem...tahun depan ok!!!

syok dapat jumpa all of them...

the next day..plan jumpa zatty, edge and rayna...
sambung nnti ya!
rafiq mau nenen hehehhee
