the first portraiture was when rafiq was only one week old..
masa tu he was so small...semua org xberani nak pegang2 sangat
including me,
my confinement lady, cik mah yg dok angkat2 dia for the shots.. pon sakit2 lagi xlarat angkat dia
so last week, my TESL mate Avie n Evelyn beriya2 nak tangkap gambar rafiq,
actually in her sms...dia kata...only rafiq,
mummy n daddy xpayah posing..
tapi last2 kitorang nak jugak masuk frame hahaha xmalu
now, tgk all the pics nampak the huge difference
rafiq dulu sgt small...kulit siap kedut sbb xde isi..
nmpak his lungs clearly...kurus sgt la tu..
now, hehehe dah montel2..
although xsempat snap lots of pics..dah petang kan, takut pulak duduk outdoors time maghrib
tapi we had lots of fun,
thanks to avie and also evelyn...yg sudi memeriahkan sesi photoshoot hehehe
thanks also to my baby sayang sbb baik n xde meragam
usually ptg2 time dia meragam. always..rafiq is a photobug!
perasan n suka tangkap gambar
macam sapa ye? opppsssss
semua blogger frens...perpare to pose!
because i will be organizing a huge photoshoot session with all of u and ur families..
doakan lepas raya ni haze dah kurang, so kita boleh buat picnic style...yeay...

rafiq one week old...kecik kan?

tp rambut tetap sama cuma now da botak je hihihi
masa tu he was so small...semua org xberani nak pegang2 sangat
including me,
my confinement lady, cik mah yg dok angkat2 dia for the shots.. pon sakit2 lagi xlarat angkat dia
so last week, my TESL mate Avie n Evelyn beriya2 nak tangkap gambar rafiq,
actually in her sms...dia kata...only rafiq,
mummy n daddy xpayah posing..
tapi last2 kitorang nak jugak masuk frame hahaha xmalu
now, tgk all the pics nampak the huge difference
rafiq dulu sgt small...kulit siap kedut sbb xde isi..
nmpak his lungs clearly...kurus sgt la tu..
now, hehehe dah montel2..
although xsempat snap lots of pics..dah petang kan, takut pulak duduk outdoors time maghrib
tapi we had lots of fun,
thanks to avie and also evelyn...yg sudi memeriahkan sesi photoshoot hehehe
thanks also to my baby sayang sbb baik n xde meragam
usually ptg2 time dia meragam. always..rafiq is a photobug!
perasan n suka tangkap gambar
macam sapa ye? opppsssss
semua blogger frens...perpare to pose!
because i will be organizing a huge photoshoot session with all of u and ur families..
doakan lepas raya ni haze dah kurang, so kita boleh buat picnic style...yeay...
rafiq one week old...kecik kan?
tp rambut tetap sama cuma now da botak je hihihi
wah2 sarah..romantiknye pics u dgn hubby u tu..sportingnye ur
lebat btul ek rambut rafiq ni..suka tgk gamba die yg one week tu..muka sgt suci :D
best2 photoshoot... romanticnye uols! hehehe..
bila lah rayna nak ada family potraiture nih!
alolo.. comel! besh kan amik gambar.. we took the package from EOG! next photoshoot bila my baby dah leh duduk.. then bila dia 1 year! ohh x sabar.. mummy dia plak excited lebih kan!
ahem.. x sabar tunggu ur big project jugak!! ;D
vee : hehehe..kami mmg suka bergambar.sbb tu rafiq inherit perangai suka tgk camera hahaha
farah : rambut lebat da botak ngee.muka innocent xde dosa..calming kan
echah : mekacheeehhh...u pon sama..romantic jugak
zatty : nnti masa photoshoot ramai2 photog focus every family individually, then ada la gambar...hehehe...zatty n edge lagi pandai pose..masa pre-wed punye gambar..sangat cantik ok
nita : too xsabar...anyway...suka tgk gambar adzryl masa baru lahir tu.sgt sweet
suka yg last picca tuh...romantika la
mommy mia :thanksssss
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