since rafiq masuk 3 bulan mmg macam2 benda yg dia baru belajar
kejap je masa berjalan
rasa mcm baru semalam kena tolak masuk operation room
mcm baru a few hours ago nangis dengar his first cry
and now ur 3 months sayang...
jgn la cepat sgt besar
mama xnak rafiq hilang bau2 baby yg sedap tu...
although i cant wait for him to crawl, call me mama, read his first book on his own, hold his own spoon...
i still want him to be so close to me, cry everytime hes awake coz he cant turn himself on his own.
aiyaaaakkk emosi pulak
tengok rafiq dah pandai balik2 kan his body...
sekarang his routine massages sgt 2 lah mencabar
he wont stay still
kdg2 geram tepuk2 his butt hehehehehe
dulu klo terkuat sikit tepuk mesti, amboi...dia gelak2kan kita balik
dulu if hes hungry, dia nangis je..buat muka sedih..
sampai nak nangis kita dibuatnya
nowadays, if lapar sangat...and my movements tu xcukup pantas...
dia tarik2 my bra2 n my baju...
sometimes my hair pun jadi mangsa
mengagah2 tv tu xpayah ckplah kan..
after his morning bath, BF...
perut dah kenyang, its his time with his sesame street friends
ive tried Barney ( although i dont like barney's voice, tapi Barney sgt educational n morally positive)...sesame street ni kdg2 ada unsur2 mengejek among each others..its funny tapi yelah kang nnti rafiq ni dahla ada talent jadi notty2 hehehehe...
baby einstein dia suka tp he gets impatient nak tunggu the interesting parts.
so, i found out he likes songs
and lots of movements
so kena cari banyak CD's mcm tu
and then bila keluar his fave song...dia mcm nyanyi2 skali dgn lagu2 tu hehehhe
and then he can pay attention to the flash cards
dgn syarat not more than 5 a day
but books..still nak masuk dlm mulut
susah betul sesi membaca bersama rafiq..
xpelah..still kecik..nnti da besar jgn malas n notty k syg
pulak tu skrg jgnla letak dia on the bed...
xpernah jadi lagi na'uzubillah...tapi either on his back or on his tummy...he can move around the bed sesuka hati...
bahaya ooooooooo
if i need to take a bath ke, ill put him on a comforter in front of the tv...
keliling bantal2
itupon..haaaaaa....he can pull the pillows yg berat2 tu..and...apa lagi masuk mulut
so xleh la tinggal lama2
because lepas tarik the pillows...he has spaces to move outside of the confined area hehehe..
i think in a few weeks kena belikan play pen yg transparent..
so that he can watch the tv, and i can continue with my house chores
tu belum merangkak lagi rafiq
mama dah kepenatan
now day boleh letak in the playmat gym,
dia mmg nk capai 2 the toys instead of just staring at them
bagi dia pgg benda pn dia grip last2 masuk mulut la kan
n then dia suka main kain, towel ke, baju2 ke...dunno y..
his sleep routines pulak,
still the same
but now during the days when he has his short naps, he wants to sleep on his back..terbongkang gitu.klo terbalikkan dia, dia merengek2 xnak...agaknya he doesnt want to sleep kot...nak tutup2 mata kejap je hehehe
mlm2 if i dont put him on his tummy, nnti sedar2 je tgk dlm playpen, dia dah tiarap sendiri.
and if biarkan dia lepas BF siang2 kdg2 dia tido depan tv tu sorang2..
kejap jelah,as usual...not more than 1 hour.
kejap je masa berjalan
rasa mcm baru semalam kena tolak masuk operation room
mcm baru a few hours ago nangis dengar his first cry
and now ur 3 months sayang...
jgn la cepat sgt besar
mama xnak rafiq hilang bau2 baby yg sedap tu...
although i cant wait for him to crawl, call me mama, read his first book on his own, hold his own spoon...
i still want him to be so close to me, cry everytime hes awake coz he cant turn himself on his own.
aiyaaaakkk emosi pulak
tengok rafiq dah pandai balik2 kan his body...
sekarang his routine massages sgt 2 lah mencabar
he wont stay still
kdg2 geram tepuk2 his butt hehehehehe
dulu klo terkuat sikit tepuk mesti, amboi...dia gelak2kan kita balik
dulu if hes hungry, dia nangis je..buat muka sedih..
sampai nak nangis kita dibuatnya
nowadays, if lapar sangat...and my movements tu xcukup pantas...
dia tarik2 my bra2 n my baju...
sometimes my hair pun jadi mangsa
mengagah2 tv tu xpayah ckplah kan..
after his morning bath, BF...
perut dah kenyang, its his time with his sesame street friends
ive tried Barney ( although i dont like barney's voice, tapi Barney sgt educational n morally positive)...sesame street ni kdg2 ada unsur2 mengejek among each others..its funny tapi yelah kang nnti rafiq ni dahla ada talent jadi notty2 hehehehe...
baby einstein dia suka tp he gets impatient nak tunggu the interesting parts.
so, i found out he likes songs
and lots of movements
so kena cari banyak CD's mcm tu
and then bila keluar his fave song...dia mcm nyanyi2 skali dgn lagu2 tu hehehhe
and then he can pay attention to the flash cards
dgn syarat not more than 5 a day
but books..still nak masuk dlm mulut
susah betul sesi membaca bersama rafiq..
xpelah..still kecik..nnti da besar jgn malas n notty k syg
pulak tu skrg jgnla letak dia on the bed...
xpernah jadi lagi na'uzubillah...tapi either on his back or on his tummy...he can move around the bed sesuka hati...
bahaya ooooooooo
if i need to take a bath ke, ill put him on a comforter in front of the tv...
keliling bantal2
itupon..haaaaaa....he can pull the pillows yg berat2 tu..and...apa lagi masuk mulut
so xleh la tinggal lama2
because lepas tarik the pillows...he has spaces to move outside of the confined area hehehe..
i think in a few weeks kena belikan play pen yg transparent..
so that he can watch the tv, and i can continue with my house chores
tu belum merangkak lagi rafiq
mama dah kepenatan
now day boleh letak in the playmat gym,
dia mmg nk capai 2 the toys instead of just staring at them
bagi dia pgg benda pn dia grip last2 masuk mulut la kan
n then dia suka main kain, towel ke, baju2 ke...dunno y..
his sleep routines pulak,
still the same
but now during the days when he has his short naps, he wants to sleep on his back..terbongkang gitu.klo terbalikkan dia, dia merengek2 xnak...agaknya he doesnt want to sleep kot...nak tutup2 mata kejap je hehehe
mlm2 if i dont put him on his tummy, nnti sedar2 je tgk dlm playpen, dia dah tiarap sendiri.
and if biarkan dia lepas BF siang2 kdg2 dia tido depan tv tu sorang2..
kejap jelah,as usual...not more than 1 hour.
recharge kata papa nya
but rafiq still has a slight fever lepas kena cucuk
although dia nmpak normal je gelak, aktif2
tgk temperature 37.2
0.2 above normal..nangis kejap je time kena cucuk...but ada temperature
maybe dia ni manja sgt kot
n then bila mlm duduk dlm crib mata dah tutup konon tido tp rengek2 perlahan
merajukla tu kna cucuk...
sorry syg...nk sihat kena la sakit sikit ... cian dia
sambil2 BF pon dia teresak2 the next day...for no reasons...
eeeeiiihhhh....manja lebih ni..
tadi baca sue's blog
about never shake a baby...
mmg betul ni
i know a fren who has a husband yg suka blk tension2 about work, selamba je baling the baby on the bed...mmgla tilam tu lembut..still!!!!
talking about shaking ur baby...teringat hari tu masa kt airport
ada this kid, i think dlm 4 yrs old
he was crying yg kuat amat sgt tu
the dad sibuk pujuk him..then comes the mom, dia pukul his back..kuat ok.dr jauh bunyi pok pok pok gitu
then the boy makin kuatla nangis,the mom tarik telinga dia..and then heret him and pushed him to the floor
the dad then tarik the mom..the mom said "biarkan dia, jom bang.."dia tarik the husband pg check in terus tinggalkan the boy melalak kt situ..
eventhough dia xdela tinggalkan the boy, dia nyorok tgk the boy kt tepi the ATM machine..
kesian k...budak tu teresak2 kt situ...polis yg jaga the bag scanning counter tu yg pujuk.
siap bagi air asia punye aeroplane toy tu nk pujuk.
n then the policeman yg bwk him to the parents bila dia dh diam
pastu the mom pegang tgn dia masuk departure area.
no pujuk2 or talking...
diam je
me?mmgla penyibuk hal org time tu
tapi everyone was looking
bukan me je
dont scold ur child in public like that
humiliation leads to more unexpected behaviour or tantrums..
klo dah malu kan..lagila dia melawan
selalu tgk kak b treat her kids
mmg kdg2 budak ni ada perangai bukan2..
but dia xpernah la tengking jauh sekali pukul
tgk dia bisik tu his or her ears perlahan...
n then alia or afiq mesti respond "yes mama"
kids learn through response
klo dia tau in the end dia mesti kena maki lg dia rebel
pedulik kan?
hmmm...this is for me also..
yelah kita mana tau, kita stress or what..skrg mmglah, hes still a baby,
esok dah besar msti geram dia pecahkn brg kt supermarket ke, pukul anak org ke...
lots of stuff to learn..
plz share if u have info on educating children..
these pics credits to sue sbb bagi baju ni and rinie for the leggings hihihi

ni time baru sampai miri from kl

but rafiq still has a slight fever lepas kena cucuk
although dia nmpak normal je gelak, aktif2
tgk temperature 37.2
0.2 above normal..nangis kejap je time kena cucuk...but ada temperature
maybe dia ni manja sgt kot
n then bila mlm duduk dlm crib mata dah tutup konon tido tp rengek2 perlahan
merajukla tu kna cucuk...
sorry syg...nk sihat kena la sakit sikit ... cian dia
sambil2 BF pon dia teresak2 the next day...for no reasons...
eeeeiiihhhh....manja lebih ni..
tadi baca sue's blog
about never shake a baby...
mmg betul ni
i know a fren who has a husband yg suka blk tension2 about work, selamba je baling the baby on the bed...mmgla tilam tu lembut..still!!!!
talking about shaking ur baby...teringat hari tu masa kt airport
ada this kid, i think dlm 4 yrs old
he was crying yg kuat amat sgt tu
the dad sibuk pujuk him..then comes the mom, dia pukul his back..kuat ok.dr jauh bunyi pok pok pok gitu
then the boy makin kuatla nangis,the mom tarik telinga dia..and then heret him and pushed him to the floor
the dad then tarik the mom..the mom said "biarkan dia, jom bang.."dia tarik the husband pg check in terus tinggalkan the boy melalak kt situ..
eventhough dia xdela tinggalkan the boy, dia nyorok tgk the boy kt tepi the ATM machine..
kesian k...budak tu teresak2 kt situ...polis yg jaga the bag scanning counter tu yg pujuk.
siap bagi air asia punye aeroplane toy tu nk pujuk.
n then the policeman yg bwk him to the parents bila dia dh diam
pastu the mom pegang tgn dia masuk departure area.
no pujuk2 or talking...
diam je
me?mmgla penyibuk hal org time tu
tapi everyone was looking
bukan me je
dont scold ur child in public like that
humiliation leads to more unexpected behaviour or tantrums..
klo dah malu kan..lagila dia melawan
selalu tgk kak b treat her kids
mmg kdg2 budak ni ada perangai bukan2..
but dia xpernah la tengking jauh sekali pukul
tgk dia bisik tu his or her ears perlahan...
n then alia or afiq mesti respond "yes mama"
kids learn through response
klo dia tau in the end dia mesti kena maki lg dia rebel
pedulik kan?
hmmm...this is for me also..
yelah kita mana tau, kita stress or what..skrg mmglah, hes still a baby,
esok dah besar msti geram dia pecahkn brg kt supermarket ke, pukul anak org ke...
lots of stuff to learn..
plz share if u have info on educating children..
these pics credits to sue sbb bagi baju ni and rinie for the leggings hihihi

ni time baru sampai miri from kl

mmg cepat diorang grow kan..i ada baca somewhere yang babies tak bagus di expose watching tv sgt..baguske bagi dia tgk c artoon?
montellllllllllll gigit kang
mommy mia : xleh sgt.jgn bagi duduk dekat2...hmmm bgla tgk cartoon yg educational.its a learning jgn 24 jam mengadap tv.mmgla rosak mata kan
nabilah : montel2 busuk
happy 3 month old rafiq!!
hmm btulla sian kat budak tu...makin la die melalak sbb mak die buat camtu..
hello rafiq cayangg..
happy 3 mnts old yaa..
be a gud boi..
farah : betul2...budak ni lagi marah lagi dia melawan kan...kesian dia
zatty : muah to u MIL...rafiq gud boy dun worry
it's been 3 months? wow. rafiq's a big boy now.
happy birthday sweetie. :)
pejam celik, pejam celik skjp je baby rafiq dah 3 mnth kan..mcm x caye je kan..ur baby now already anak bujang!! hee..
lea...yeay..dah 3 bulan dah.kejap je hehehhee...xlama lg baby nia pulak..
vee : hehe anak bujang daaa...tapi bergayut lg kat mama ni haaa
he looks so much bigger now that he's bald... too bad i cudn't stay to watch them shave his head.
miss u n rafiq!
heheheh cam budak besar yg botak.ngeee...lagi muka cam ashrul.yeah...klo x boleh gelakkan rafiq sama2 hehehe...
miss u too babe.muah
waaa!!!dh lmbt nk wish bday!nways, comel gile!!!!heheheh.. n comel leggings tu. oh ya, dani pun tgk tv. esp word world n clifford dkt disney channel. as long as educational takpela.. cume duk jauh2 sikiit n tak lame. yg i tau utk speaking skill bagus sgt.. i hve friend, a malay friend, kecik2 from baby tgk cite cina, sbb bibik dia minat gile. n u know what??? now she cn speaks chinese. tk psl2 kan???serious ok.. tk tipe. gud fren here pun xpernah ckp english with her kids.but drg mmg speaking habis la sbb dok communicate dgn cartoon long as tak 24 hours tgk tv ok je...with adult supervision of course..thanks the leggings
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