soorrryyy ive been so preoccupied lately xsempat update blog
plus with no internet connection at my MIL's place lagilaaaa
at my dad's ada pulak xbwk laptop ngee...n my dad agak kedekut sikit hihihii...xkasi pinjam
plus with no internet connection at my MIL's place lagilaaaa
at my dad's ada pulak xbwk laptop ngee...n my dad agak kedekut sikit hihihii...xkasi pinjam
we had so much fun
did lots of things, brought rafiq to lots of places plus met lots of people...
kejapnya masa berjalan...sedih pulak bila dah sampai miri
the night before we left for kl
i kept on telling him during our intimate BF time...
"rafiq nnti jadi budak baik ya, kita nk naik flight, rafiq jgn nangis2"
alhamdulillah, dia dgr ckp..ngeee....nk kata mengantuk xtaulah but he slept 10 hours b4 that...
sayang anak mama mmg budak baik,
so dia tido masa tgh tgu nk boarding, sampai 40 mins b4 landing, bf, main2, tido balik sampai naik cab to MIL's place...
did lots of things, brought rafiq to lots of places plus met lots of people...
kejapnya masa berjalan...sedih pulak bila dah sampai miri
the night before we left for kl
i kept on telling him during our intimate BF time...
"rafiq nnti jadi budak baik ya, kita nk naik flight, rafiq jgn nangis2"
alhamdulillah, dia dgr ckp..ngeee....nk kata mengantuk xtaulah but he slept 10 hours b4 that...
sayang anak mama mmg budak baik,
so dia tido masa tgh tgu nk boarding, sampai 40 mins b4 landing, bf, main2, tido balik sampai naik cab to MIL's place...
kena paksa bgn, nk nyusu...adake tido xnk bgn2, kepala penuh dgn rambut, mcm menyusu budak besar pulak hehehe
pastu gelak2

n tido balik....
lega rafiq xmeragam , klo x mcmana...tpt sempit2 tu mesti susah nk bwk dia jln2 ke apa ke kan...
thank u syg...
n then bila sampai rumah MIL..
mmg dia nangis...she didnt have a clue we were coming home...
rasa happy tgk dia senyum melebar n nangis sbb dpt jumpa kitorang..
it was the first time dia jumpa rafiq...
n then sesi jumpa dgn semua family members...
miss them so much..
the last time hangout sama2 was when i was 7 months preggers...
lama tu...
kakak sufiah.....tomel...
my in law mmg la sgt happy jumpa rafiq..
xpernah jumpa kan before this..
tapi my dad dah sms2 tanya bila nak balik
ayaaaaa....before this, mmg my dad xheran sgt if i xbalik
but since dah ada cucu...mestila dia nak main2 dgn cucu kan..
now baru rasa mcmana susahnya nak divide our time..
nasib baik both families duduk dekat2..
after family, comes friends
plus a few blogger friends yg dah plan2 nak jumpa...
so on saturday dah plan nak jumpa everyone at once
senang...xpayah keluar banyak kali...
almaklumlah hubby dearie malas time2 tgh banyak h1n1 cases ni..
so we had a small gathering...
me, my gud fren baby, sue , jas and fieze...
actually plan nak ajak rinie and zatty..
but rinie ada her sis's engagement and zatty kerja..
so it was only the 5 of baby's husband, mine and jas's fiance
mmglah happening
with two babies...mmg seronok sgt
cerita pasal2 layan kerenah rafiq n putra
sue, next time bawak harriz k!
lagi meriah
jas, hehehehe hopefully next year... ada tambah lagi1 baby..waaaa best tu
n tido balik....
lega rafiq xmeragam , klo x mcmana...tpt sempit2 tu mesti susah nk bwk dia jln2 ke apa ke kan...
thank u syg...
n then bila sampai rumah MIL..
mmg dia nangis...she didnt have a clue we were coming home...
rasa happy tgk dia senyum melebar n nangis sbb dpt jumpa kitorang..
it was the first time dia jumpa rafiq...
n then sesi jumpa dgn semua family members...
miss them so much..
the last time hangout sama2 was when i was 7 months preggers...
lama tu...
my in law mmg la sgt happy jumpa rafiq..
xpernah jumpa kan before this..
tapi my dad dah sms2 tanya bila nak balik
ayaaaaa....before this, mmg my dad xheran sgt if i xbalik
but since dah ada cucu...mestila dia nak main2 dgn cucu kan..
now baru rasa mcmana susahnya nak divide our time..
nasib baik both families duduk dekat2..
after family, comes friends
plus a few blogger friends yg dah plan2 nak jumpa...
so on saturday dah plan nak jumpa everyone at once
senang...xpayah keluar banyak kali...
almaklumlah hubby dearie malas time2 tgh banyak h1n1 cases ni..
so we had a small gathering...
me, my gud fren baby, sue , jas and fieze...
actually plan nak ajak rinie and zatty..
but rinie ada her sis's engagement and zatty kerja..
so it was only the 5 of baby's husband, mine and jas's fiance
mmglah happening
with two babies...mmg seronok sgt
cerita pasal2 layan kerenah rafiq n putra
sue, next time bawak harriz k!
lagi meriah
jas, hehehehe hopefully next year... ada tambah lagi1 baby..waaaa best tu
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