supposedly today i need to go for my 38th week check up. lupa pulak hari ni labour day. so nampaknye tomorrow lah. yelah...xperasan today cuti. lepas bagi hubby dearie makan bfast, biasalah...i always tidur balik hehehe...bangun2 je tgk dia pakai dh siap mandi tapi pakai khaki shorts and tshirt. ingatkan dia nak g gym eh rupanya pegi kerja. lupa gali minyak mana cuti. huhuhuhu... org kt rig tu biarlah dia menggali, yg hubby saya xpayah la pagi kerja kn....but then nak buat mcmana...semua nya berkait.
xkisahlah...sama je any day for me. plus i think its better than staying at home and waiting for him everyday. at least he only works for 2 weeks. hehehe. honestly, mmg bosan duduk rumah. sangat bosan. cant imagine nnti time confinement. lagilah bosan. tak boleh keluar langsung. sometimes rasa mcm otak dh tumpul. nasib baik mlm2 baca news kalau tak mcm katak k...
hubby dearie dah loosen up to the idea of me working again. but xtaulah if i want to after baby rafiq's born. everyone whos working here has a maid at home. mmg xde nursery yg jaga babies kt sini. i dont trust anyone to be my maid. esp when im leaving my kids with them. curi semua barang xpe. but dera my babies and bawak lari mcmana?huaaaa
klo nak kerja actually i can start anytime. me je pending2 lagi kt curtin univ tu. nak buat mcmana...malas nak fikir kena amik cuti n all that. pastu nk fikir sapa nak jaga baby lagi. klo duduk kl kan many options. haih...
nak bukak bisnes...hubby dearie said...he doesnt like the idea of him investing pastu kitorang just leave the business for someone to run. nnti org tipu kita..huhuhu..pulak..xkan nk open something here. almaklumlah...mmg xnak duduk miri lama.
but i know...if i dont start working in the future...i never will...mesti dah malas. i keep on telling myself that. yet cam dah start malas2 dah skrg hehehehe...considering hubby dearie still pays me whatever i earned while working before. financially yes, but i know its not me working...
i miss the environment. the deadlines, the constantly bz part, the stories i tell him before we end the day (dulu kan bergayut kt fon je hehehe).
maybe i wont miss it after becoming a full time mummy. maybe i will...
lets see what happens hehehe...
13 more days to not anxious anymore. i really am enjoying my time alone with him. we know a lot will change after this...heehehehehe...loving it!
mama and papa
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
did i tell u how lucky i am sayang?
did i?
coz i have u..
rajinnye...penat pg kerja seharian..
balik tolong i lipat kain, basuh pinggan ...
mlm dah urut badan i yg asyik sakit2 ni, sambung pulak study untuk round 1
dah habis study layan pulak kerenah baby dlm perut..
when i hear ur soft snores at night i know ur really2 tired,
but when i touch ur arm, u immediately bangun...
"mama sakit ke?"
alahai kesiannye...
tima kaceeehhh sayang...
for loving me unconditionally!
i hope our lives will be filled by only joy n happines..
p.s : bukan nak tunjuk2 dia baik, im just happy...tgh sangat happy skrg ok..heeeee
coz i have u..
rajinnye...penat pg kerja seharian..
balik tolong i lipat kain, basuh pinggan ...
mlm dah urut badan i yg asyik sakit2 ni, sambung pulak study untuk round 1
dah habis study layan pulak kerenah baby dlm perut..
when i hear ur soft snores at night i know ur really2 tired,
but when i touch ur arm, u immediately bangun...
"mama sakit ke?"
alahai kesiannye...
tima kaceeehhh sayang...
for loving me unconditionally!
i hope our lives will be filled by only joy n happines..
p.s : bukan nak tunjuk2 dia baik, im just happy...tgh sangat happy skrg ok..heeeee
Monday, April 27, 2009
of dancing baby...
couldnt sleep last night
macam biasalah my junior sibuk main sorang2 dlm perut
so i took the privilege to finish my book
ada lagi 2 hubby dearie belikan, lepas ni confirm xde masa dah nak baca
then i fell asleep with the lights on
bangun time azan, mcm biasa mesti check my baby gerak ke tak
dia senyap je
tepuk2 perut pn senyap. dah paranoid dah.
pg dapur minum guava juice...senyap jugak
suruh hubby dgr heartbeat, he said...ada je..
still xpuas hati...
lately dahlah ramai org suka cerita about babies mati dlm perut
takut ok..
mmglah dah akhir2 ni our babies jarang gerak coz xde space dah..but still..huaaaa
last resort, pasangkan his usual ABC dvd n letak earphone kat perut.
oh...he started dancing immediately..
selamba je takutkan mama kan?
amboi.......!!!!belum lahir lagi dah pandai main cak cak ye?
baby , cepatlah keluar, i cant stand the torture of knowing ur fine ok not..
mama and papa
macam biasalah my junior sibuk main sorang2 dlm perut
so i took the privilege to finish my book
ada lagi 2 hubby dearie belikan, lepas ni confirm xde masa dah nak baca
then i fell asleep with the lights on
bangun time azan, mcm biasa mesti check my baby gerak ke tak
dia senyap je
tepuk2 perut pn senyap. dah paranoid dah.
pg dapur minum guava juice...senyap jugak
suruh hubby dgr heartbeat, he said...ada je..
still xpuas hati...
lately dahlah ramai org suka cerita about babies mati dlm perut
takut ok..
mmglah dah akhir2 ni our babies jarang gerak coz xde space dah..but still..huaaaa
last resort, pasangkan his usual ABC dvd n letak earphone kat perut.
oh...he started dancing immediately..
selamba je takutkan mama kan?
amboi.......!!!!belum lahir lagi dah pandai main cak cak ye?
baby , cepatlah keluar, i cant stand the torture of knowing ur fine ok not..
mama and papa
a way through his heart is by the burp...

menu yg agak leceh. steak, black pepper n mushroom sauce, salmon spread, baked potato, steamed vege, crinkle cut fries..
kesian hubby dearie...
awal2 dah complain...xsuka nnti maid yg masak. nak buat mcmana sayang. mana i larat. plus, i dont think i want to. im complaining also...ive to eat ugly food for a looooonnnnggg time...
hubby dearie hari2 suruh masak macam2. benda yg xpernah dia mintak pun dia sibuk nak makan. haduh...
yesterday, rendang kerang n pucuk paku.
today, stimboat for lunch and western for dinner.
actually im soo not in the mood nak memasak. although mcm kembang2 bila hubby dearie selalu kata sedap betul makan kt warung kak siti ni...hehehe. xpelah sayang. ill pamper u while i can..lepas ni i belong to the baby. hehehe....
esok xtaulah nak masak apa...gimmer ideas people..
me n sue selalu suka tgk blog org lain cari idea nak masak apa...sangat best fotopages kakak ni..
banyak sangat dapat idea from her. yelah org kata a way through a man's heart is through his stomach. tapi everytime tgk her page...frust kalau nak cari bahan sangatlah susah kt miri ni. udahnye, it always turns out to be my own version haha.
baby ... lepas ni kena belajar masak for kids pulak. thank god for google hehehe
mama and papa
awal2 dah complain...xsuka nnti maid yg masak. nak buat mcmana sayang. mana i larat. plus, i dont think i want to. im complaining also...ive to eat ugly food for a looooonnnnggg time...
hubby dearie hari2 suruh masak macam2. benda yg xpernah dia mintak pun dia sibuk nak makan. haduh...
yesterday, rendang kerang n pucuk paku.
today, stimboat for lunch and western for dinner.
actually im soo not in the mood nak memasak. although mcm kembang2 bila hubby dearie selalu kata sedap betul makan kt warung kak siti ni...hehehe. xpelah sayang. ill pamper u while i can..lepas ni i belong to the baby. hehehe....
esok xtaulah nak masak apa...gimmer ideas people..
me n sue selalu suka tgk blog org lain cari idea nak masak apa...sangat best fotopages kakak ni..
banyak sangat dapat idea from her. yelah org kata a way through a man's heart is through his stomach. tapi everytime tgk her page...frust kalau nak cari bahan sangatlah susah kt miri ni. udahnye, it always turns out to be my own version haha.
baby ... lepas ni kena belajar masak for kids pulak. thank god for google hehehe
mama and papa
Sunday, April 26, 2009
our final checklist....
1. pasang car seat
dah siap pasang. tapi our discovery on the way car seat tu dipasangkan to the car mmg xbest. disebabkan baby kan xpandai duduk lagi, kenalah recline the seat. so alamatnye...the car seat mengadap ke cermin belakang. xnampak la muka my baby hubby dearie ckp "mama kena duduk belakang". honestly, i havent sat at the back seat of his car. ever...but mcm xbest duduk blkg.mmg xsuka duduk rimas.xpelah...anak punye pasal kan...huuuu
2. scrub semua lantai, tingkap dan pintu, especially tingkap dapur sbb berabuk n pintu mcm ada mold sikit.
research says that if berabuk nnti baby senang kena eczema or asma. so...kenalah vaccuum and lap everything smpai tip top kebersihannye.tapi itu kerja hubby dearie..actually while im writing this, dia tgh tonggeng2 vaccuum lantai hehe..pasal mold..tah kenapa sini senang tumbuh mold. dahlah rumput laman luar tu 2 weeks dah mcm lagi tinggi daripada my pinggang...terlebih subur ke tanah? tanam serai xmau hidup plak. sengal...
3. pasangkan changing table baby
sebenarnya xnak beli pun benda ni. pastu setelah dikaji2 mcm susah nak bawak baby masuk bathroom mandikan. bilik air blkg sgt sejuk. sebab angin from blkg masuk tu mmg kuat. nnti kesian my baby nangis kesejukan. plus that bathroom pulak xde water heater, so kenalah mengangkut air panas. cam susah je nnti lepas maid dah xde. our bathroom ada semua tu but the shower tu dlm bath tub. xkan nak letak his bath tub in our bath tub. sakit pinggang nak mandikan dia tunduk2 like that. so kesimpulan... belilah changing table yg boleh letak bath tub tu. blum pasang coz dia kenalah pasang. lagipun awal2 ni papa yg kena mandikan baby kan...
4. call our maid+confinement lady
belum lagi call dia reminding her that she has to leave kelantan before the 5th as her flight is on the 6th. nnti tau2 dia lupa pastu xdatang. maklumlah org tua kan...
5. masuk bag dlm kereta
belum lagi buat. kejap lagi nak keluar letaklah. xnak letak awal2 sebab ada ubat salindah dlm tu. takut kang rosak pulak. kena make sure kereta xparking tpt panas2 la...heeee.maknanya siang2 xboleh keluar heheheh
6. beli groceries
banyak barang kt dapur dah nak habis..nnti kesian hubby dearie xde benda nak makan. lagipun nnti xde siapa nak temankan dia pg beli brg. baik stok kan semua benda siap2. senang...
7. letak alas untuk car seat
ini for me. manalah tau pecah air ketuban dlm kereta...habis seat nnti. so nak letak alas n plastik siap2 in the car..hehe
8. siap gosok baju hubby dearie banyak2
kesian hubby nnti kena gosok baju sendiri. i know he can but yelah...its my responsibility. dah gosok almost separuh semua baju dia...ada lagi separuh. huh...penat..nasib baik seluar dia dockers wrinkle free..xpayah la gosok ( sbb xsuka gosok seluar, leceh ). nasib baik jugalah, kt shell bolah pakai apa2 je pg kerja. weekends boleh pakai shorts collared shirt je. kemeja only a few for meetings. saya malas, but at least buat jugak k..hehehe
tu jelah kot...maybe ada lagi yg belum terlintas...apa lagi ye?..makin dekat makin pening...mana pening takut ada benda xsettle lagi, pening fikir camaner nak hadap time bersalin lagi....makinlah susah nak tido mlm...
kerana mu baby...mama n papa berkorban apa saja
mama and papa
dah siap pasang. tapi our discovery on the way car seat tu dipasangkan to the car mmg xbest. disebabkan baby kan xpandai duduk lagi, kenalah recline the seat. so alamatnye...the car seat mengadap ke cermin belakang. xnampak la muka my baby hubby dearie ckp "mama kena duduk belakang". honestly, i havent sat at the back seat of his car. ever...but mcm xbest duduk blkg.mmg xsuka duduk rimas.xpelah...anak punye pasal kan...huuuu
2. scrub semua lantai, tingkap dan pintu, especially tingkap dapur sbb berabuk n pintu mcm ada mold sikit.
research says that if berabuk nnti baby senang kena eczema or asma. so...kenalah vaccuum and lap everything smpai tip top kebersihannye.tapi itu kerja hubby dearie..actually while im writing this, dia tgh tonggeng2 vaccuum lantai hehe..pasal mold..tah kenapa sini senang tumbuh mold. dahlah rumput laman luar tu 2 weeks dah mcm lagi tinggi daripada my pinggang...terlebih subur ke tanah? tanam serai xmau hidup plak. sengal...
3. pasangkan changing table baby
sebenarnya xnak beli pun benda ni. pastu setelah dikaji2 mcm susah nak bawak baby masuk bathroom mandikan. bilik air blkg sgt sejuk. sebab angin from blkg masuk tu mmg kuat. nnti kesian my baby nangis kesejukan. plus that bathroom pulak xde water heater, so kenalah mengangkut air panas. cam susah je nnti lepas maid dah xde. our bathroom ada semua tu but the shower tu dlm bath tub. xkan nak letak his bath tub in our bath tub. sakit pinggang nak mandikan dia tunduk2 like that. so kesimpulan... belilah changing table yg boleh letak bath tub tu. blum pasang coz dia kenalah pasang. lagipun awal2 ni papa yg kena mandikan baby kan...
4. call our maid+confinement lady
belum lagi call dia reminding her that she has to leave kelantan before the 5th as her flight is on the 6th. nnti tau2 dia lupa pastu xdatang. maklumlah org tua kan...
5. masuk bag dlm kereta
belum lagi buat. kejap lagi nak keluar letaklah. xnak letak awal2 sebab ada ubat salindah dlm tu. takut kang rosak pulak. kena make sure kereta xparking tpt panas2 la...heeee.maknanya siang2 xboleh keluar heheheh
6. beli groceries
banyak barang kt dapur dah nak habis..nnti kesian hubby dearie xde benda nak makan. lagipun nnti xde siapa nak temankan dia pg beli brg. baik stok kan semua benda siap2. senang...
7. letak alas untuk car seat
ini for me. manalah tau pecah air ketuban dlm kereta...habis seat nnti. so nak letak alas n plastik siap2 in the car..hehe
8. siap gosok baju hubby dearie banyak2
kesian hubby nnti kena gosok baju sendiri. i know he can but yelah...its my responsibility. dah gosok almost separuh semua baju dia...ada lagi separuh. huh...penat..nasib baik seluar dia dockers wrinkle free..xpayah la gosok ( sbb xsuka gosok seluar, leceh ). nasib baik jugalah, kt shell bolah pakai apa2 je pg kerja. weekends boleh pakai shorts collared shirt je. kemeja only a few for meetings. saya malas, but at least buat jugak k..hehehe
tu jelah kot...maybe ada lagi yg belum terlintas...apa lagi ye?..makin dekat makin pening...mana pening takut ada benda xsettle lagi, pening fikir camaner nak hadap time bersalin lagi....makinlah susah nak tido mlm...
kerana mu baby...mama n papa berkorban apa saja
mama and papa
Friday, April 24, 2009
19 more days...inducing labour?
tak sabarnyeee
i want to see ur face
i want to touch ur cute little fingers
i want to tap that cute bum
i want to gently massage ur tummy
i want to tickle ur toes
i want to sing to you all those songs ive been learning
i want to feed you, knowing you depend on me on everything
i want you...
19more days to my due date. its exciting,overwhelming....
me and hubby dearie are trying our best to cherish the moments we have alone.together.who knows when will we be having this privilege. 20 yrs? 30 ? every minute counts. although we tell our little one, come out soon...we're soooo looking forward to see u.
kak yatie told me one of the ways to induce labour naturally is by having sex. apparently the semen helps to cervix to thin and dialate. however, avoid if ur water already broke.. well...honestly, not in the mood for sex. hubby dearie said its wierd. especially when he knows his baby is already in a full term condition. we know he doesnt know whats going on. we just dont feel like it.
walking can also induce labour. setakat ni mmg rajin berjalan. tapi pinggang area dah sakit2 so...hehehhee...a bit limited.
drive on a bumpy road or try swinging. i love the swings. ptg ni ajak hubby dearie pg taman lah.
talk to ur baby constantly. i do this all the time. i started right after i found out i was pregnant..hihi
food believed to induce labour : raspberry tea leaf, EPO, spices (curry), some tropical fruits
a doctor can help to induce labour also. firstly by inserting prostaglandin-gel based packs into ur VJJ. another painful way is letting them scratch ur membranes inside the cervix ( adoi ).
banyaklah lagi...but its gonna try only swinging and talking. im gonna enjoy these last 19 days. lisa said ull miss being pregnant after ur baby is born. yelah...he sleeps all the time. uve had ur own BFF for 9 months who's always there.
me n hubby dearie kena keep on doing our breathing practices together..kelakar ok. nak tergelak. sometimes, my baby kicks non stop as if saying, im not ready yet. dont say push. hehehehe.
see you soon baby..
mama and papa
i want to see ur face
i want to touch ur cute little fingers
i want to tap that cute bum
i want to gently massage ur tummy
i want to tickle ur toes
i want to sing to you all those songs ive been learning
i want to feed you, knowing you depend on me on everything
i want you...
19more days to my due date. its exciting,overwhelming....
me and hubby dearie are trying our best to cherish the moments we have alone.together.who knows when will we be having this privilege. 20 yrs? 30 ? every minute counts. although we tell our little one, come out soon...we're soooo looking forward to see u.
kak yatie told me one of the ways to induce labour naturally is by having sex. apparently the semen helps to cervix to thin and dialate. however, avoid if ur water already broke.. well...honestly, not in the mood for sex. hubby dearie said its wierd. especially when he knows his baby is already in a full term condition. we know he doesnt know whats going on. we just dont feel like it.
walking can also induce labour. setakat ni mmg rajin berjalan. tapi pinggang area dah sakit2 so...hehehhee...a bit limited.
drive on a bumpy road or try swinging. i love the swings. ptg ni ajak hubby dearie pg taman lah.
talk to ur baby constantly. i do this all the time. i started right after i found out i was pregnant..hihi
food believed to induce labour : raspberry tea leaf, EPO, spices (curry), some tropical fruits
a doctor can help to induce labour also. firstly by inserting prostaglandin-gel based packs into ur VJJ. another painful way is letting them scratch ur membranes inside the cervix ( adoi ).
banyaklah lagi...but its gonna try only swinging and talking. im gonna enjoy these last 19 days. lisa said ull miss being pregnant after ur baby is born. yelah...he sleeps all the time. uve had ur own BFF for 9 months who's always there.
me n hubby dearie kena keep on doing our breathing practices together..kelakar ok. nak tergelak. sometimes, my baby kicks non stop as if saying, im not ready yet. dont say push. hehehehe.
see you soon baby..
mama and papa
mama...saya dah 37 minggu
hello mama, saya dah 37 minggu hari ni. pagi2 lagi dah bagi mama warning...jgn tido banyak2 nnti termiss my 37th week appointment. saja je suruh papa rajin2 kan diri vaccuum the whole house. mana lah tau tiba2 saya nak keluar esok ke...rumah mesti lah spotless. klo tak nnti saya sakit mcm2. sebab tu mama pun tak boleh tidur. tepat pukul 10 nurse monica call, cakap dr aida hari ni kena attend seorang patient maybe kena ceaser sbb baby dia dah nak lemas. kesian baby tu...mama terus doa baby tu selamat. org cakap if kita doakan org lain, 10 x malaikat doakan untuk kita. dats y mama selalu doakan all her frens every time dia solat..insyallah berkat. since mama xperlu pegi hospital so early, apa lagi...mama pun kenalah masak cepat2. papa nak pg friday prayers. 2,3 hari ni since after the baby shower mama xlarat pulak nak masak. xde mood pun ada. tgk semua bahan2 mentah dlm fridge tu mama rasa pening. xde idea nak masak apa. rasa mcm xlalu nak makan her own cooking. tapi takpelah, mama tau tak lama lagi kesian papa kena makan masakan maid for 2 months. walaupun masakan mama xde lah sedap sangat tapi mama tau papa suka makan ( eh...masuk bakul nampak ) untungnye mama, papa xkisah mama masak apa pun dia makan sampai habis. even lauk chicken masala yg sangat pedas tu pun papa manage habiskan. smpai berpeluh2. hehehhee...
so...after mama and papa habis makan, mama and me pun dgn hebatnye melakukan prenatal yoga bersama2. sementara tunggu papa balik from the mosque. papa came back bawak 2 botol air yassin n doa yg papa n tok imam bacakan...baiknye papa ni...sayang dia.
we all pun siap2 pegi columbia asia. fuhh panas cuaca hari ni. berpeluh2 mama. risau ruam2 ni makin banyak. papa bukak air cond full blast pn mama still sweating. sejak mama pakai cream stritidim doctor bagi untuk stretch marks the other day dah kurang the rashes. tapi still ada lagi sikit. takutlah the heat tu buatkan dia dtg balik. alhamdulillah cream ni berkesan. marks pn dh mcm kurang sikit. maybe ni kot cream yg sue ckp tu. xtaulah betul ke x.
tgu doctor agak lama. dr aida balik solat lepas siap baby tu lahir. nasib baik when she came back, we were the first. org dah makin ramai. xlarat mama nak tunggu lama2. plus mama dah xsabar2 nak tgk keadaan saya...hehhee. i know that. doc amik mama's blood pressure..semua normal..doc suruh timbang. doc ckp...mesti naik sikit. dah 7 mgu xnaik2 berat ni...alahai...xnaik pun. nurse monica gelak2 je. cheh... dr aida said...xpe..nnti senang nak turun. lain naik smpai berkg2. not that nak sangat overweight but its nice to know mama's growing mcm other pregnant mummies.
after that saat yg paling dinantikan is scan....yeay...nak tgk baby.. kepala saya dah kt bawah sangat. doctor said my position dah sangat cantik for labour.cuma my head xmasuk ruang pelvis je lagi. anytime now. im so active doctor cakap baby yg cerdik dan sihat. alhamdulillah syukur... dr aida puji lagi " walaupun mama dia xnaik2 tapi growth baby sangat bagus "..kembang2 mama n papa dengar hehehhee...alhamdulillah, kesan minum anmum n quaker oat the vitamins yg doctor bagi.
"so, if u tak bersalin by this week, kita jumpa mgu depan ya..."hehehe...will i be born this week?i dont think so. perut mama at the bottom part n sekeliling pinggang dah start cramp dari pagi tadi. dr aida said itu preparations untuk contractions. she also said, senggugut tu a pinch je from contractions. mama takut tak? ehehhee...tipulah kalau kata mama tak takut. tapi mama akan gagahkan selagi boleh. yg penting anak mama keluar dgn selamat, sempurna dan sihat. doctor suruh consider any pain relief methods kalau nak time bersalin nnti. her advice :
1. kalau nak epidural boleh. most effective. dr aida pn guna on all her 3 labours...hehehe pecah rahsia. yg penting doctor kena cucuk,jgn nurse. she said no such thing as epidural ada effect. because u can concentrate on the pushing process rather than divert to sakit contractions n nak push. cons? manalah tau mmg xrasa langsung terus xpandai teran...but rarely happens
2. kalau nak bius ngantuk pn boleh. this one yg baby suzan guna. dats y dia mamai time nak bersalin hehehhee. this one sama mcm epi. tak sakit langsung ( patutla my fren relax je )..but if baby xkuat mcm baby akan doze off too..n ada jugak effect on the baby's heart beat. plus mamanye klo xtahan nnti ngantuk sangat xconcentrate nak bersalin.tido pulak. considering im small mcm kuat je nnti ubat tu for me..hmmm ponder ponder
3. lastly dia kata nak laughing gas pn boleh. tapi nnti susah nak teran coz khayal.hehehe. kesimpulan dr aida said kalau nak amik any ubat, dia syorkan epidural. klo nak laaaa...
papa terus tanya, mama nak ke...mama xtau. mama nak rasa dulu mcmana sakitnye bersalin tu. if mama tak boleh tahan mungkin mama akan consider. yg penting mama nak sangat tau mcmana peritnya arwah umi mama menanggung sakit masa lahirkan mama dulu.(Allah bless her soul, may she rest in peace amin ) harap2 semuanya berjalan lancar..
sementara tu mama xkan stop baca surah maryam ( utk mudahkan bersalin), surah yassin, al-fatihah dan juga doa nabi yunus. insyallah. pray for mama...
see u soon baby
btw kak yatie suruh tgk this smrg yg pregnant bukaklah ye...sayunye hati...
mama and papa
so...after mama and papa habis makan, mama and me pun dgn hebatnye melakukan prenatal yoga bersama2. sementara tunggu papa balik from the mosque. papa came back bawak 2 botol air yassin n doa yg papa n tok imam bacakan...baiknye papa ni...sayang dia.
we all pun siap2 pegi columbia asia. fuhh panas cuaca hari ni. berpeluh2 mama. risau ruam2 ni makin banyak. papa bukak air cond full blast pn mama still sweating. sejak mama pakai cream stritidim doctor bagi untuk stretch marks the other day dah kurang the rashes. tapi still ada lagi sikit. takutlah the heat tu buatkan dia dtg balik. alhamdulillah cream ni berkesan. marks pn dh mcm kurang sikit. maybe ni kot cream yg sue ckp tu. xtaulah betul ke x.
tgu doctor agak lama. dr aida balik solat lepas siap baby tu lahir. nasib baik when she came back, we were the first. org dah makin ramai. xlarat mama nak tunggu lama2. plus mama dah xsabar2 nak tgk keadaan saya...hehhee. i know that. doc amik mama's blood pressure..semua normal..doc suruh timbang. doc ckp...mesti naik sikit. dah 7 mgu xnaik2 berat ni...alahai...xnaik pun. nurse monica gelak2 je. cheh... dr aida said...xpe..nnti senang nak turun. lain naik smpai berkg2. not that nak sangat overweight but its nice to know mama's growing mcm other pregnant mummies.
after that saat yg paling dinantikan is scan....yeay...nak tgk baby.. kepala saya dah kt bawah sangat. doctor said my position dah sangat cantik for labour.cuma my head xmasuk ruang pelvis je lagi. anytime now. im so active doctor cakap baby yg cerdik dan sihat. alhamdulillah syukur... dr aida puji lagi " walaupun mama dia xnaik2 tapi growth baby sangat bagus "..kembang2 mama n papa dengar hehehhee...alhamdulillah, kesan minum anmum n quaker oat the vitamins yg doctor bagi.
"so, if u tak bersalin by this week, kita jumpa mgu depan ya..."hehehe...will i be born this week?i dont think so. perut mama at the bottom part n sekeliling pinggang dah start cramp dari pagi tadi. dr aida said itu preparations untuk contractions. she also said, senggugut tu a pinch je from contractions. mama takut tak? ehehhee...tipulah kalau kata mama tak takut. tapi mama akan gagahkan selagi boleh. yg penting anak mama keluar dgn selamat, sempurna dan sihat. doctor suruh consider any pain relief methods kalau nak time bersalin nnti. her advice :
1. kalau nak epidural boleh. most effective. dr aida pn guna on all her 3 labours...hehehe pecah rahsia. yg penting doctor kena cucuk,jgn nurse. she said no such thing as epidural ada effect. because u can concentrate on the pushing process rather than divert to sakit contractions n nak push. cons? manalah tau mmg xrasa langsung terus xpandai teran...but rarely happens
2. kalau nak bius ngantuk pn boleh. this one yg baby suzan guna. dats y dia mamai time nak bersalin hehehhee. this one sama mcm epi. tak sakit langsung ( patutla my fren relax je )..but if baby xkuat mcm baby akan doze off too..n ada jugak effect on the baby's heart beat. plus mamanye klo xtahan nnti ngantuk sangat xconcentrate nak bersalin.tido pulak. considering im small mcm kuat je nnti ubat tu for me..hmmm ponder ponder
3. lastly dia kata nak laughing gas pn boleh. tapi nnti susah nak teran coz khayal.hehehe. kesimpulan dr aida said kalau nak amik any ubat, dia syorkan epidural. klo nak laaaa...
papa terus tanya, mama nak ke...mama xtau. mama nak rasa dulu mcmana sakitnye bersalin tu. if mama tak boleh tahan mungkin mama akan consider. yg penting mama nak sangat tau mcmana peritnya arwah umi mama menanggung sakit masa lahirkan mama dulu.(Allah bless her soul, may she rest in peace amin ) harap2 semuanya berjalan lancar..
sementara tu mama xkan stop baca surah maryam ( utk mudahkan bersalin), surah yassin, al-fatihah dan juga doa nabi yunus. insyallah. pray for mama...
see u soon baby
btw kak yatie suruh tgk this smrg yg pregnant bukaklah ye...sayunye hati...
mama and papa
Thursday, April 23, 2009
baby que...welcome...
walaupun berita ni agak basi but im still overexcited. baru je borak2 wit kak yatie bout her labour experience. luv u kakak...miss u so much..n baby zig. happynye zig dapat adik kan? jgn la jelous. baby que kecik lagi. mummy sayang dia jugak.kak yatie kata zig sayang his new brother...tapi lama2 pecepek...hehehhe.jelous eh.xpe...time baby que tido zig ngendeng ngan mummy k. my biggest respect to kak yatie ( please bear in mind she is a cute little mommy like me also hehehe ) for going through only 1 hour of labour. siap sebelum admit sempat lagi ikut abg syed pg siapkan urusan maid. pg que panjang2 nak submit semua borang.tulah akibatnya if mmg sangat aktif. alhamdulillah senang je baby kuar. doc kat ampang puteri pn puji2 dia mmg sangat hebat. me pulak bangga. dari awal2 lagi dia mmg mcm ni. org lain dah sarat mmg mcm2, sakit belakang la, kaki cramp la ( heheheh, mengata diri sendiri yg xde daya menahan sakit heeee )..dia ni relax je. dahlah jaga sorang lagi anak kt umah... btw.. thanx kak yatie, banyak bagi petua nak pregnant, petua mudahkan proses mengandung dan bersalin. insyallah ... everything will be fine. berkat ur doa. i hope mine will be as smooth as urs. cant wait... deepest love to baby syed qhalish shahab a.k.a que and syed dzikrie shahab a.k.a zig. ( zig tetap paling chomel hehehehhee ).
auntie sarah n uncle ashrul
auntie sarah n uncle ashrul
my precious one...mama cant wait
im having a terrible emotional breakdown right now. watching the video live made me cry like baby putra jugak.not to mention hubby dearie pun contributed his share of cries. ( lagi teruk la saya nangis ok) all this while ive been reading on people's experiences about how they faced labour. how rinie said she forgot the 17 hour pain for dani as soon as she saw him. and how she does not complain one single bit of dani's cries and pains. i also read zaty strongly goes through her tough process of making sure rayna was born healthily and how she doesnt care what happens to her as long as her baby girl survives... i cried. so many times.
i cried when i heard baby putra and baby qaseh's cries on the phone. knowing i cant be there just to hold their mummies hands and tell them i love them. how we've been friends for so long and having to experience this amazing journey together...i love u guys...
i cant wait for my time to come. ive certainly dreamed about it. god knows how i pray that my baby will be born safely. healthy with no complications. i pray all my friends wont have to go through a rough labour. just happy news .. a few more to go... me, sue, ziera, ana, mas and best prayers n whishes for all of u. eventhough i cant be there to hold ur hands i am holding to my words that i do pray for all of u.
to my precious baby...u dont know how much we love you. how much we will give anything just to make sure ur happy and healthy.
mama and papa selalu doa anak kami ni lahir dengan selamat dan jadi manusia yg bijak, baik, pandai dan berguna. amin...
mama and papa
i cried when i heard baby putra and baby qaseh's cries on the phone. knowing i cant be there just to hold their mummies hands and tell them i love them. how we've been friends for so long and having to experience this amazing journey together...i love u guys...
i cant wait for my time to come. ive certainly dreamed about it. god knows how i pray that my baby will be born safely. healthy with no complications. i pray all my friends wont have to go through a rough labour. just happy news .. a few more to go... me, sue, ziera, ana, mas and best prayers n whishes for all of u. eventhough i cant be there to hold ur hands i am holding to my words that i do pray for all of u.
to my precious baby...u dont know how much we love you. how much we will give anything just to make sure ur happy and healthy.
mama and papa selalu doa anak kami ni lahir dengan selamat dan jadi manusia yg bijak, baik, pandai dan berguna. amin...
mama and papa
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
sindrom pemalas strikes back!
malas nak masak
malas nak mengemas
malas nak basuh pinggan
malas nak jemur kain
malas nak lipat kain
semua malas
y? tah. badan rasa lain. perut xsedap. ( not to mention xde mood bcoz of the marks ), badan panas n gatal2...haih.., mata berat n rasa nak tido je the whole day. everyone said rest....simpan tenaga untuk bersalin. ull regret it later bila kena bangun every hour. uhuhhuhu....lucky lah i have a very responsible and rajin hubby. tapi kesian dia. next week hes going back to work. i have a feeling when the time comes dia kt office. takut. please oh please god...biarlah sakit time malam and hes home! please...dahlah my baby tak aktif mcm dulu. doctor said dah hujung2 ni mmg mcm ni. but kena monitor selalu. every hour suruh hubby dearie letak telinga kt perut. same answer "baby punye heart beat laju, mama punye slow sikit..." ala... kalaulah telinga boleh smpai ke perut...nk dgr jugak.mesti best...
ok skrg malas nak tulis dah...huaaaa sleepy...
baby, jom tido...
malas nak masak
malas nak mengemas
malas nak basuh pinggan
malas nak jemur kain
malas nak lipat kain
semua malas
y? tah. badan rasa lain. perut xsedap. ( not to mention xde mood bcoz of the marks ), badan panas n gatal2...haih.., mata berat n rasa nak tido je the whole day. everyone said rest....simpan tenaga untuk bersalin. ull regret it later bila kena bangun every hour. uhuhhuhu....lucky lah i have a very responsible and rajin hubby. tapi kesian dia. next week hes going back to work. i have a feeling when the time comes dia kt office. takut. please oh please god...biarlah sakit time malam and hes home! please...dahlah my baby tak aktif mcm dulu. doctor said dah hujung2 ni mmg mcm ni. but kena monitor selalu. every hour suruh hubby dearie letak telinga kt perut. same answer "baby punye heart beat laju, mama punye slow sikit..." ala... kalaulah telinga boleh smpai ke perut...nk dgr jugak.mesti best...
ok skrg malas nak tulis dah...huaaaa sleepy...
baby, jom tido...
im petrified....i am!!!
my VJJ rasa ngilu sangat. not to mention bahagian bawah perut pulak makin2 aktif tiba2 ni...tadi pg toilet, ada stain sikit.but tak berdarah. coklat. sikit je. like a few drops. adakah makin dekat? oh no..xfaham lah the labour signs ni. hubby dearie kata nak pg doctor. but i dont feel that much pain. so xnak lah rush for nothing. we'll just have to wait...
Monday, April 20, 2009
oh grow up!!

owh people...its not the time for action anymore. grow up! do i care? well...nah. im just so annoyed. who are we talking about? people who claim they have it all and yet just cant stand being around people who are actually very HAPPY. let me be. did i ever cause u any trouble? nah. recall? hmmm u do owe me. well...xpelah. i hate having these negative energies. kesian baby p. sabar ye sayang ok now. y shud i care. im happy. eat ur hearts out!
" ya allah, jauhkanlah kami sekeluarga dari pandangan mata2 jahat dan sifat hasad dengki manusia. murahkanlah rezeki kami dan berkatilah hidup kami " AMIN....... love mama and papa
emotional breakdown!
i woke up feeling refreshed..bestnye tido last night after a long day entertaining my guests. (love them all). suddenly my b**bs rasanye macam sore sangat. ouch. then ada stain yg dah keras on my shirt. owh colustrum dah kuar. tapi sakit k smpai skrg ni. mlm nnti nak try tuam with hot towel. huuu. terus xde mood nak bangun. nak tido balik. then hubby dearie tgh sibuk sapu ubat kt perut...( lagi satu, tiba2 yesterday kuar ruam2 pulak kt perut. sangatlah gatal. i think coz yesterday panas kan orang ramai kt rumah. air cond full blast pon berpeluh2 ) tiba2 dia nampak ada 2 line stretch mark kt bahagian bawah my tummy. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........bertambah stress. everyday sapu modernmum punye stretch mark cream. baru last week pg check up doctor kata cakap "cantik perut, xde tanda2 pun". ni akibatnya kembang semangkuk dlm hati kan. haduh...sakit hati....benci!lepas ni im sooo buying bio oil. klo xberkesan im gonna sue that company. haihlah baby rafiq..eventhough perut mama berstretch mark...i still love you.
walaupun perut mama ni dah tegang sangat dah. kdg2 tu u love to stretch ur feet smpai naik perut mama. xnak pulak tu dia bengkokkan balik. macam nak koyak kulit mama ni. kak b ckp, perut dah tegang sangat ni mcm sangat dekat je.hmmm me think so too.
just now baby suzan advised me to go for check ups sekerap mungkin. apparently her sister's fren just lost a baby 2 days before her due date. shes having severe post natal depression right now. i totally understand. especially if its our first baby. how can we not be depressed. i know i would.
hmmm...back to routine now. cooking dinner pulak. c yah
mama and papa
walaupun perut mama ni dah tegang sangat dah. kdg2 tu u love to stretch ur feet smpai naik perut mama. xnak pulak tu dia bengkokkan balik. macam nak koyak kulit mama ni. kak b ckp, perut dah tegang sangat ni mcm sangat dekat je.hmmm me think so too.
just now baby suzan advised me to go for check ups sekerap mungkin. apparently her sister's fren just lost a baby 2 days before her due date. shes having severe post natal depression right now. i totally understand. especially if its our first baby. how can we not be depressed. i know i would.
hmmm...back to routine now. cooking dinner pulak. c yah
mama and papa
Sunday, April 19, 2009
bags bags bags

i am obsessed with bags. and now im obsessed with diaper bags. hubby dearie nak belikan handbag but i insisted nak the LV bag yg boleh buat diaper bag. so dia beli. tadi baby shower dapat 2 lagi diaper bag. sekarang nak yg ni plak. so cute. thanks to rinie...i pon nak mcm dia ngeee...thanx gin&Jackie (klcc)
thank you shell....
i am blessed wit highly paid frens.thanx a lot shell.esp bagi everyone a huge bonus
( still banyak k walaupon dah tolak tax hehe) at the right time. thanks for all the gifts people. walaupon sakit kaki n pinggan memasak the whole day for u guys. it was well worth it. everyone makan lebih 2 pinggan and baby rafiq got so many wonderful gifts. woke up at 6 today. solat n then terus tak boleh tido. my mind was thinking if i can manage to cook everything before 12. sempat ke? banyak tu. nasib baik last night dah siapkan everything. tinggal masak je. hubby dearie dah start membebel2 dah..."haih larat ke masak ni". hello, im energized okay...selamba je xpercaya dgn my capability. CHIT. so...after having breakfast...apa lagi...mama pon dgn hebatnye start bertugas in the kitchen. fuh...sempat lah siap semua before 1130. nasi putih 3 tempayan ( hehehhe...masak 3 x nih.. ), ayam masak merah, masak lemak cili api pucuk ubi dgn daging salai, ayam goreng rempah, ikan merah goreng rempah, sambal belacan, terung bakar, ulam and ikan masin. hubby dearie pulak sibuk mengemas meja n prepare the drinks. opss...teror dia potong buah tapi smpai stgh jam nak potong sebijik honeydew. but kesian hubby dearie, i know dia penat. cleaning the house, arrange the tables and chairs, keluar masuk beli barang, buat air and kemas after the party. thanks sayang.....u r one in a million.
btw, we had a blast. seronok dapat jumpa everyone before i give birth to this little will be a while till i can cook a feast again for u guys. its been a pleasure being able to cook something that u guys cant find anywhere in miri. hehehhe...lets just pray baby rafiq is a good boy. we'll have this gathering soon. love u guys. thanks a lot for the wishes and the presents. love them all
ashrul n sarah
( still banyak k walaupon dah tolak tax hehe) at the right time. thanks for all the gifts people. walaupon sakit kaki n pinggan memasak the whole day for u guys. it was well worth it. everyone makan lebih 2 pinggan and baby rafiq got so many wonderful gifts. woke up at 6 today. solat n then terus tak boleh tido. my mind was thinking if i can manage to cook everything before 12. sempat ke? banyak tu. nasib baik last night dah siapkan everything. tinggal masak je. hubby dearie dah start membebel2 dah..."haih larat ke masak ni". hello, im energized okay...selamba je xpercaya dgn my capability. CHIT. so...after having breakfast...apa lagi...mama pon dgn hebatnye start bertugas in the kitchen. fuh...sempat lah siap semua before 1130. nasi putih 3 tempayan ( hehehhe...masak 3 x nih.. ), ayam masak merah, masak lemak cili api pucuk ubi dgn daging salai, ayam goreng rempah, ikan merah goreng rempah, sambal belacan, terung bakar, ulam and ikan masin. hubby dearie pulak sibuk mengemas meja n prepare the drinks. opss...teror dia potong buah tapi smpai stgh jam nak potong sebijik honeydew. but kesian hubby dearie, i know dia penat. cleaning the house, arrange the tables and chairs, keluar masuk beli barang, buat air and kemas after the party. thanks sayang.....u r one in a million.
btw, we had a blast. seronok dapat jumpa everyone before i give birth to this little will be a while till i can cook a feast again for u guys. its been a pleasure being able to cook something that u guys cant find anywhere in miri. hehehhe...lets just pray baby rafiq is a good boy. we'll have this gathering soon. love u guys. thanks a lot for the wishes and the presents. love them all
ashrul n sarah
Friday, April 17, 2009
27 days and counting...
today didnt start off well, bangun pagi with a cramp leg. sakit. nangis ok. hubby dearie terus melompat bangun (literally k.nak tergelak that time tapi sakit)..letak minyak panas..5 minutes baru hilang. akibatnya kuat sangat berjalan.konon nak senang bersalin kan. pastu bila dah masuk shopping complex je tak ingat perut dah besar ok. hubbt dearie asked me to slow down. still...they said one of the signs of labour is the sudden burst of energy as they call it nesting.
itu memang lah betul. since i do want to clean, cook and go out. despite the cramps ive been feeling in my bulging tummy and legs, also the back pains. the pre-contractions...yg baru rating 1 over 10 sakitnye but is enough to stop me from doing anything. still, im evergized.. this sunday, 5 course lunch will be cooked by me at our place. hubby dearie said..mama larat ke? haih...still...nak jugak.
larat lagi tu pegi pasar n supermarket to buy everything. balik mengemas pulak. this is is...
everyday hubby dearie tells baby rafiq " anak papa nak kuar bagi warning ye. bagi masa papa n mama nak pegi hospital dgn tenang hehehe"
i hope he listens. im getting nervous by day. perut dah kebawah sangat ni. duduk pun terkangkang2. hah...tambah lagi satu problem, since 2 days ago dah timbul bintik2 merah mcm rashes.esp kt area perut and said, its normal. some people get it during the last weeks. haih....tension...siang malam pasang air cond sebab takut the heat buatkan dia lagi teruk. tangan ni tahan je nak menggaru.seksa oooo bila malam...sebab xnak nnti berbekas and terpaksa spend a lot after giving birth on cream parut so tahan.........
i can feel it coming. maybe in two weeks. i just hope dia xkuar time hari buruh.
anyway...pray for me people...
see yah
mama and papa
itu memang lah betul. since i do want to clean, cook and go out. despite the cramps ive been feeling in my bulging tummy and legs, also the back pains. the pre-contractions...yg baru rating 1 over 10 sakitnye but is enough to stop me from doing anything. still, im evergized.. this sunday, 5 course lunch will be cooked by me at our place. hubby dearie said..mama larat ke? haih...still...nak jugak.
larat lagi tu pegi pasar n supermarket to buy everything. balik mengemas pulak. this is is...
everyday hubby dearie tells baby rafiq " anak papa nak kuar bagi warning ye. bagi masa papa n mama nak pegi hospital dgn tenang hehehe"
i hope he listens. im getting nervous by day. perut dah kebawah sangat ni. duduk pun terkangkang2. hah...tambah lagi satu problem, since 2 days ago dah timbul bintik2 merah mcm rashes.esp kt area perut and said, its normal. some people get it during the last weeks. haih....tension...siang malam pasang air cond sebab takut the heat buatkan dia lagi teruk. tangan ni tahan je nak menggaru.seksa oooo bila malam...sebab xnak nnti berbekas and terpaksa spend a lot after giving birth on cream parut so tahan.........
i can feel it coming. maybe in two weeks. i just hope dia xkuar time hari buruh.
anyway...pray for me people...
see yah
mama and papa
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
early labour signs....takutttt!!!
im officially 36 weeks today. huaaaa...this morning, while cooking suddenly perut kt bahagian bawah cramp.n then diikuti dgn sakit belakang yg melampau. my first thought...nak baring..please...tak tahan...but then i carried on cooking. read somewhere, if i keep on being active then senang nak bersalin. huuuuiiiii.....sakitnye perut ini sangat tegang. dahlah last night, sedap2 tgk tv , my b**bs sakitnye macam bengkak. mengapakah?
so...dgn xmalunye..i used the breast pump for the 1st time.mmg nothing came out.but rasa lega ok.hahahhahaa.hubby dearie boleh volunteer nak tolong but then malas ah.i feel wierd pulak skrg nih.hahahahhaa.ok too much info.ngeeeee...
anyways...haduh...perut tegang n sakit belakang yg melampau tu lasted for 5 minutes. skrg dah hilang.
but still...takut k.ok now im gonna rest.
penat masak...
today's menu..nasi ayam.oh sedap.but dah xlalu makan.see yah
mama and papa
so...dgn xmalunye..i used the breast pump for the 1st time.mmg nothing came out.but rasa lega ok.hahahhahaa.hubby dearie boleh volunteer nak tolong but then malas ah.i feel wierd pulak skrg nih.hahahahhaa.ok too much info.ngeeeee...
anyways...haduh...perut tegang n sakit belakang yg melampau tu lasted for 5 minutes. skrg dah hilang.
but still...takut k.ok now im gonna rest.
penat masak...
today's menu..nasi ayam.oh sedap.but dah xlalu makan.see yah
mama and papa
im nesting...
its 36 weeks definitely nesting. i want to go out buy baby stuff lagi (well thats nothing new) but along with that...i want to scrub the toilet floors, lap semua tingkap, vacuum n mop the floors, basuh fridge and wash the car. my god...hubby dearie ckp udah2 la tuh...since when pulak rajin sangat ni. tangan ni gatal2 nak buat mcm2. i cant sit still.watching tv is boring now. despite of my very big tummy and kaki bengkak..nak jugaaaakkkk.nasib baik starting from today hubby dearie dah start cuti 2 weeks. whenever he sees me cruising around the house dia mesti tanya "nak buat apa pulak tu?" and then ... hehhehee...dia yg buat dulu. dengki betul. but deep down, i want him to.i just want to see those things done. hua hua hua...jahat jugak. anyways..kak yati just gave birth yesterday. it'll be my turn after this..doc said pay attention to these 3 signs : 1. if ada show (blood/mucus) but tak sakit dont rush to the might take weeks.nnti penat je kena suruh balik 2. if ada show and accompanied with contractions then terus pegi hospital...but still dont panic 3. if my water broke...sakit or not, terus pegi hospital...dun panic..but the clocks ticking.hehehehehe that i know the clear instructions..i wont panic. i wont. i wont!!!! baby..please dun give mama and papa suprises ok...mama needs to be at home when all of that happens.ok see yah love mama and papa
Saturday, April 11, 2009
tak sangka....hehehe
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
hmmm ni blom habis baca lagi...baru half way..hehhehee.hubby dearie pon baru a few pages..opss blom ready
the house is ready. hubby dearie just needs to bring the changing table in. then we're done. even the batteries have been charged for the baby monitor..ngeeee. ive bought all the stuff for the confinement period. the jamu and bengkung. bought tickets for the specially hired tukang urut+maid who's coming all the way from kelantan ( the one hubby dearie's paying on fortune on, DAMN! as if having one tiny person doesnt cost enough hehhe ) .
owh...hubby dearie still needs to learn how to cook those ugly tasting dishes untuk pantang. urrrrgghhhhh..mana tau i pop early. makcik maid will only be here on the 6th.
baby...mama's not done yet. mama still has a list of all the things mama wants to eat before i have to consume singgang ikan selar maybe ive to stop on good ol spicy food for breastfeeding. total...maybe a year plus. tidaaaakkkk!
- DIMSUM!!!!(still xdapat lagi..huaaaaa)
- Mcdonalds..( hubby dearie xbagi makan . nak jugakkkkk , last...please )
- seafood platter kt MFM ( ni sebab sue ckp dia makan, nak jugak.but i know i wont get it huu)
- chilli crab..oh dragon seafood...
- bounty ice cream
- obrian's sandwich ( confirm xdapat )
- jagung rebus..ehehe
btw..i luv salonplas.everyday kaki cramp.esp time bangun pagi and lepas diri lama masak.hubby dearie massages me every night tapi sama je. well, considering mlm2 tido with less clothes feels good on my thighs..tapi still cramp sikit2. kena recommend kat sue ni.
okay..gotta get back to doing house chores. see yah.
mama and papa
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
love is never enough
and we thought what we had for each other was the best love of all. i was already on cloud 9. what else do i need? hes caring, loving, responsible..he does everything he can for me. then comes along this tiny person. who is barely recognizable at first. but this human being grew to be the greatest love form both of us has ever experienced. we just want to please you, love you, protect you and make you so happy. yesterday, we went grocery shopping, people were just crazy. some of them just dont notice other people's bumps. i had to squeeze my way through the screaming children and grumpy shoppers. somehow i had to keep my foetus from being stabbed by this guy who carrying a really long umbrella ok! apalah bawak payung masuk supermarket. my mind created an imaginary barrier between my belly and the strangers..seriously, i nearly slapped a kid who was trying to ram me with a trolley. hubby dearie terus turn off. "jom balik, xsuka lah tempat ni crowded sangat".
hai lah baby... we do love you that much. malam2 tido pon, hubby dearie's hand will always sit on my bulging tummy.eventhough i know baby rafiq mmg xcomfortable sebab papa's hands are much heavier than mama's, he loves it when the baby pokes him from inside. how he tells me he cant wait for the checkups. how he loves to see those those tiny hands waving and playing with his own foot inside there. how he keeps all those black n white blurry images of his junior in this special album..i am touched. i cant believe a man can love that much. i thought what he gave me was everything. although sometimes he said "the tit fairy does exist time orang pregnant kan?" ok...tu agak melampau..hahahha. doubt i had to buy lots and lots of new lingerie..dah la the nice ones susah nak cari..hmmm anyway..thats all for now..
mama has to take a nap. penat cooking. see yah...
mama and papa
hai lah baby... we do love you that much. malam2 tido pon, hubby dearie's hand will always sit on my bulging tummy.eventhough i know baby rafiq mmg xcomfortable sebab papa's hands are much heavier than mama's, he loves it when the baby pokes him from inside. how he tells me he cant wait for the checkups. how he loves to see those those tiny hands waving and playing with his own foot inside there. how he keeps all those black n white blurry images of his junior in this special album..i am touched. i cant believe a man can love that much. i thought what he gave me was everything. although sometimes he said "the tit fairy does exist time orang pregnant kan?" ok...tu agak melampau..hahahha. doubt i had to buy lots and lots of new lingerie..dah la the nice ones susah nak cari..hmmm anyway..thats all for now..
mama has to take a nap. penat cooking. see yah...
mama and papa
Monday, April 6, 2009
tears and all

watched marley and me on DVD yesterday..i cried.i cried frantically in the end. husband dearie came back from work and laughed his heads off. "mama nangis for a dog" ...then gelak lagi.. sampai nak tido...ITS THE HORMONES OKAY!!! im not that sensitive..i wasnt..i am now.i even cried watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. masalah betul. i cried masa kaki cramp sebab kuat sangat shopping.i cried when i lost my diamond ring...( well yg tu logik la nangis )...i cried when hubby dearie left for work yesterday...haduh.this has to stop. i feel ridiculous all the time.hahhahaha. dahlah yesterday...i read all these birth stories online. malam i couldnt sleep. when i did, i had nightmares. biasalah...the same old mimpi going into labour. b4 this mimpi lisa and baby kena admit..well both of them dah im in my own dream. scary!!! and again...bangun rasa mcm nak nangis. tapi xjadi hehehehe. lately, i have this new habit. usually whatever i cook for lunch will be our dinner later. pretty easy bcoz hubby dearie mmg xkisah. semua dia makan. sangatlah best. oh well, lately...if dinner nampak balik lauk tghari tadi dah rasa xlalu makan. mcm moody. if i do eat, last2 hubby dearie yg habiskan. so...penat or not..( apa yg penatnye...bukan kerja pon hehehe ) i have to cook for lunch and dinner. hubby dearie balik from gym after work mesti ajak... " lets eat out, kesian mama nak masak ". this is not kl...the food out there sucks. xkan nak makan fine cuisine everyday kan..bak kata amie.."org kerja shell pon boleh bengkrap". thanks to this website hari2 ada je new ideas nak masak. yesterday, tried making laksa johor for the 1st time..sedaaaaaaaaaapppppppppp...xkisah lah tgk resepi org or not..but i managed. yeay..todays menu..sup ikan merah. sayur campur. this one xpayah tgk resepi pn xpe..theres nothing much left in the fridge. hubby dearie tgh on duty for 2 weeks. balik kerja dah petang. chance nak pg pasar. gotta start cooking now..see yah KICKING MUMMY'S RIBS!!ADOI!
mama and papa
mama and papa
Saturday, April 4, 2009
desperately nak yg ni...
saw this secure tub in rinie's blog ( fell in love with it immediately. this is awesome. esp untuk incompetent new moms like me...ngeeee...cant find it here...owh nak beli online sangat baby dani nampak so cute in there...opsss i saw something.nggeeeee
almost there!
Friday, April 3, 2009
penguins in africa!
that describes dying.panas ok.even full blast air conditioning pun cant heal me. i know it comes with the pregnancy. but i cant stand it anymore. 24 hours rumah pasang air cond. bil bulan ni mesti melambung melampau. dahlah rate sesco mahal...huuuuuu. i even walk around the house and sleep in my underwear..ONLY! panas ok. malam2 ashrul sleeps with really thick comforter naked..
i know all of my pregnant frens are doing the same thing.
lagilah i cant wait for this baby to come out...mama sangat panas la sayang...
ok..nak makan ice cream.bye
mama and papa
i know all of my pregnant frens are doing the same thing.
lagilah i cant wait for this baby to come out...mama sangat panas la sayang...
ok..nak makan ice cream.bye
mama and papa
Thursday, April 2, 2009
beloved siblings for me..thanks mama..
kesian papa...last night mama couldnt sleep at all. she was waiting for the call , the call that said "hai everyone, baby telah selamat melahirkan putra pada....".mama was anxious, worried and excited sampai tak boleh tido. when i did, then i had really aweful nightmares...i was the one in labour. god im still not ready yet. no no no....please stay there for at least another 2 weeks...mama blum habis lagi enjoy my single time...boleh tidur anytime, go anywhere i please, makan everything...which reminds me...this weekend nak makan dim sum. ni semua kak yati punye pasal asyik sebut2 dia mengidam dim sum. n now i want it too....huaaaaa....anyway, tepat jam 5.50 am , my beloved fren, baby selamat melahirkan baby putra muhammad firdaus...according to her hubby...dia gagah dan handsome..i still dont know the details. will keep u updated. but i know she was induced into labour because she had stains yesterday..doc kata xnak tunggu anymore. cant wait to see his face... there's one brother for baby rafiq. last 2 weeks rafiq did indeed get a pretty sweet little qaseh nurbalkis. (bestnye ramai2 good frens pregnant sekali)..she was born on 18th of march weighing only 2.3 kg alahai chomelnye...shes doing fine cute n healthy not to mention keeping umi lisa awake every hour of the night... i love u guys..lis and baby. we promised to have this friendship hingga ke anak cucu...well anak dah proven more stage.. take care people..... nervously waiting for rafiq's turn...huuuuuu lepas ni sue ye... mama and papa
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
rafiq's stuff...again!!!!
yesterday papa came home early from work because he knows how cranky mama will be the whole night if he doesnt bring me out. hahahahha...mama kan tak boleh duduk diam. so after solat n dinner we headed to where else...bintang...this time i promised myself...tak nak lagi masuk toys r us!enough!bilik tu dah penuh sangat dah...i kept my promise..papa pulak nak masuk this one store yg penuh dgn teddy bear...he said..."i nak tgk harga kungfu panda besar tu brapa"...yes...he did exactly that.....ok..terlepas dugaan 1. n then papa kata...i have to buy a book. ok..i know kat kedai buku ill be fine. tapi tidaaaaakkkkk...i forgot..i read to baby rafiq every night.n then semua alasan keluar :
1. i want my baby to have his own cute little books...
2. i want him to start reading early...
3. buku tu tgh sale...
yes..........u got me...keluar dgn tangan penuh plastik...dah lepas kedai buku, lalu pulak just gonna take a little peek...papa said "kan we have a whole closet just for bedsheets and quilt covers...xpayah dah.." oh yes..i know...but baby p ( we still call him baby p ...hehehe ) ada 3 je comforter its 10% off..nasib baik...tinggal only the pink ones..i cant buy pink for my bought sheets and cases for him..nak jugak tuh...ala....nak buat camane kan...ok GUILTY!!!hehehehe.muah
mama and papa
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