yesterday papa came home early from work because he knows how cranky mama will be the whole night if he doesnt bring me out. hahahahha...mama kan tak boleh duduk diam. so after solat n dinner we headed to where else...bintang...this time i promised myself...tak nak lagi masuk toys r us!enough!bilik tu dah penuh sangat dah...i kept my promise..papa pulak nak masuk this one store yg penuh dgn teddy bear...he said..."i nak tgk harga kungfu panda besar tu brapa"...yes...he did exactly that.....ok..terlepas dugaan 1. n then papa kata...i have to buy a book. ok..i know kat kedai buku ill be fine. tapi tidaaaaakkkkk...i forgot..i read to baby rafiq every night.n then semua alasan keluar :
1. i want my baby to have his own cute little books...
2. i want him to start reading early...
3. buku tu tgh sale...
yes..........u got me...keluar dgn tangan penuh plastik...dah lepas kedai buku, lalu pulak just gonna take a little peek...papa said "kan we have a whole closet just for bedsheets and quilt covers...xpayah dah.." oh yes..i know...but baby p ( we still call him baby p ...hehehe ) ada 3 je comforter its 10% off..nasib baik...tinggal only the pink ones..i cant buy pink for my bought sheets and cases for him..nak jugak tuh...ala....nak buat camane kan...ok GUILTY!!!hehehehe.muah
mama and papa
what until you get crazy over baby gadget... not only stuff.
that what happen to me...
latest gadget Buggy Board....alreadi ask papa Yus .. his opinion ... macam tak setuju jeee... see howww ...
take care
haaa....buggy board.bestnyeee...i can still control my needs.arul xleh ok.dia nak beli semua toys.
pujuk abg yus!!!list all the reasons.hahahahhaa
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