saw this secure tub in rinie's blog ( fell in love with it immediately. this is awesome. esp untuk incompetent new moms like me...ngeeee...cant find it here...owh nak beli online sangat baby dani nampak so cute in there...opsss i saw something.nggeeeee
Salam Sarah,
my view, It doen't look safe. You can try to get better ones without having to hang the net onto the tub ...
Darling, u might want to check Fisher price bath tub.
1. Fisher Price 3 stage Aquarium bath tub
2. Fisher price 3 stage rainforest bath tub.
3. Fisher price planet whale bath tub .
It has more safety features & adorable too.
Can check it out at Toy R Us di Miri...
alahaii kak yang...dah carik kt miri xde.nak order online harga melampau ok..i love yg fisher price 3 stage rainforest bath tub tuh...the thing is dah beli dah bath tub..pastu tiba2 nampak all these things.xtau pon dia exist.huuuu....have to keep looking.btw...saya mau fisher price jumperoo....nak nak nak
ala hai, bath tub yang ada tu besok2.. buat rendam kain je lah ... hehehehe ..
You might want to check with Toy R' Us whather they can book for you.
I normally do that with Mother Care, Clarks and First Few years. They are willing to trak stock location and once the stock is available, you can pick it up at the store.
hihihii...udah dibuat...not sure when they can get it.bcoz baru hntar brg...biasala...sini kn susah.ngeeeee...worse comes to worse...mama kena pakai sling ye mandikan anak kerana takut slip hihihii...bath tub yg beli tu mahal..70 plus..buat basuh kain?huaaa...hihihi...
Don't worry, you will manage .. still got time....
hihihi ... arul's arm kan kuat....
by the way.. baby dah berapa kiloh ... dah ?
Hi Sarah,
I'm sure masa pantang there will be someone helping u to handle the baby. and by the time dah habis pantang, trust me sometimes u don't need a net atau penggantung to assist u.
i dulu pun ada beli gak net tu. sebab rasa macam tak confident nak mandikan baby sendiri, but end up not using it. yang penting (pada i la kan) anti slip mat which cost less than RM 20 (mine is from anakku). sebab ada tendency licin esp. kalau baby tu aktif.
lagipun, lebih banyak sentuhan, lebih bagus...
just my two cents.
Mana gi .... Amin jr punya anti slip .... since Jelly D mentioned .. hehehehe.
jelly D...yup...klo xjumpa nak beli je anti slip sponge.ada kt toys r us..hehehehehe...kak nye baru 1 kg.hahahaha.nnti lusa pg check up lagi timbang lagi.
haiyahh.. bought dat one already. kt toys r us juga! kt toys r us miri tadek eyh? syian.. nk kami courier ke? ;)) btw, ur baby baru 1kg? r u sure? how come mine is already 1.8? musykil jap. heuu.
dear.. just to share with you.. I pun dah sarat and due early may.. actually i pun berminat dengan bath tub with sling tu yang Rini pakai tu... tapi i dah beli The First Years Sure Comfort Deluxe Newborn-to-Toddler Tub. this will help a lot especially new mommy like us yang takda experience nak mandikan bb.
RP RM100++, tapi i beli kat sogo waktu tu ada warehouse sale lest then RM60.. trus grab.
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