hmmm ni blom habis baca lagi...baru half way..hehhehee.hubby dearie pon baru a few pages..opss blom ready
the house is ready. hubby dearie just needs to bring the changing table in. then we're done. even the batteries have been charged for the baby monitor..ngeeee. ive bought all the stuff for the confinement period. the jamu and bengkung. bought tickets for the specially hired tukang urut+maid who's coming all the way from kelantan ( the one hubby dearie's paying on fortune on, DAMN! as if having one tiny person doesnt cost enough hehhe ) .
owh...hubby dearie still needs to learn how to cook those ugly tasting dishes untuk pantang. urrrrgghhhhh..mana tau i pop early. makcik maid will only be here on the 6th.
baby...mama's not done yet. mama still has a list of all the things mama wants to eat before i have to consume singgang ikan selar maybe ive to stop on good ol spicy food for breastfeeding. total...maybe a year plus. tidaaaakkkk!
- DIMSUM!!!!(still xdapat lagi..huaaaaa)
- Mcdonalds..( hubby dearie xbagi makan . nak jugakkkkk , last...please )
- seafood platter kt MFM ( ni sebab sue ckp dia makan, nak jugak.but i know i wont get it huu)
- chilli crab..oh dragon seafood...
- bounty ice cream
- obrian's sandwich ( confirm xdapat )
- jagung rebus..ehehe
btw..i luv salonplas.everyday kaki cramp.esp time bangun pagi and lepas diri lama masak.hubby dearie massages me every night tapi sama je. well, considering mlm2 tido with less clothes feels good on my thighs..tapi still cramp sikit2. kena recommend kat sue ni.
okay..gotta get back to doing house chores. see yah.
mama and papa
erm...selindah set tu 4 wat really???it helps during labour?do enlighten me...thx
hye dana.cuba carik description dia online.its a homeopathy remedy. supposedly untuk bagi baby sihat n senangkan time bersalin.ramai my frens n family mmg amik n proven elok.this is my first time try.harap2 it works hehehe...
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