masuk je 5 bln dah gerak mcm askar
tau x mcmana?
dia crawl using his elbows n knees?
tp xdelah jauh sgt...
yg penting if i put something in front of him dia beriya bergerak sbb nk capai
n then sambil BF sambil raba2 my face
korek2 idung mama la..apadaaa
or else sambil capai kaki sendiri
pastu pukul2 mama dgn kaki tu...
amboi...syurga bkn bwh tapak kaki rafiq ye
pastu genggam my baju that if he falls asleep sambil BF i xleh tinggal dia
gerak sikit je buntang pastu tarik2 my bra...
budak kicik semakin lasak n bijak
he understands :
"splash ur feet in the water!!"..nanti he'll look at me n start splashing kuat2..(xtaulah if xsengaja or wat but then id like to think that he knows wat it means) he does it everytime
" siapa budak montel??????" nnti belum geletek dia dah gelak n buat muka gedik ihihihi
yg penting rafiq da lasak...
mama bila mlm terus flat habis
btw...i had my period once lepas habis nifas
and then until now xde pon period...
thats normal kan?
can i have unprotected sex?
any ideas?
sorry tanya benda mcm ni...but really....takut jugak
u think?
tau x mcmana?
dia crawl using his elbows n knees?
tp xdelah jauh sgt...
yg penting if i put something in front of him dia beriya bergerak sbb nk capai
n then sambil BF sambil raba2 my face
korek2 idung mama la..apadaaa
or else sambil capai kaki sendiri
pastu pukul2 mama dgn kaki tu...
amboi...syurga bkn bwh tapak kaki rafiq ye
pastu genggam my baju that if he falls asleep sambil BF i xleh tinggal dia
gerak sikit je buntang pastu tarik2 my bra...
budak kicik semakin lasak n bijak
he understands :
"splash ur feet in the water!!"..nanti he'll look at me n start splashing kuat2..(xtaulah if xsengaja or wat but then id like to think that he knows wat it means) he does it everytime
" siapa budak montel??????" nnti belum geletek dia dah gelak n buat muka gedik ihihihi
yg penting rafiq da lasak...
mama bila mlm terus flat habis
btw...i had my period once lepas habis nifas
and then until now xde pon period...
thats normal kan?
can i have unprotected sex?
any ideas?
sorry tanya benda mcm ni...but really....takut jugak
u think?
uprotected sex if u tak kisah nak bg rafiq adik cepat..if not..ambikla perancang..keh keh keh byk kes accident ..
alya too!
ada skali tu tgh bf sambil baring nk tdo, dia picit pipi i..sakittttt tau..hehehe. tp kiut sgt tgk gelagat anak2 kita ni kan ;)
if skali u dh period its mean u mmg subur so kalo nk bg adik pada rafiq...... sila la heheheh.
geram tgk die la!!
u can still get pregnant kalo x period2 lagi. x period doesnt mean u x ovulate. tue ape i tau la. pape pon, kene precaution gak la even if u r wearing contraceptive thingy like me. hehe. pandai2 la.
sara : u better take precaution step.. takut jugak kot2 ter*eksiden*.. sian bb rafiq, cinonet lagi tue.. bg la dia manja2 dulu... :)
farah : tulah..better safe than sorry.xdelah sorry tapi nnti sendiri jugak sakit
mommy alya : kan? notty n cheeky drg ni.hehehehhee....tapi seronok
elyn : betul jugak kan? nak bg adik tp bukan skrg hehehehe...thanks dear
adie : itulah...the dr ckp tgu i period if i nak try pakai the thing mcm u xperiod 2 heheheh....kena la berhati2 nih
nana : betul2.kena hati2...kesian dia...kesian i jugak.takut luka cser belom lg baik heeee
oo ek? Ur doc suh tunggu period ek. I x pun dulu. after 2 months Adief kuar, dia buat pap smear, pastu pakaikan implant. In fact i x period2 lg until now haha. Senang sket nak ganti puase. 2 months beb...
babe, sooo true! adzryl kalo time BF, suka pegang2 muka i.. pastu kalo BF sambil baring then lepas tu dia tertido, tangan dia 1 sure depa ke i and landing atas my boobies or chest! cam nak make sure i x lari mana2 n be there with him. aiyakkk.. makin besar, mcm2 peelnya. hehehe.. comel!!
p.s. i lom dpt red flag lg... ntah bila la agaknya nak dtg. heh!
adie : ooo u pakai lepas pap smear eh...tah, she said less painful.better tgu masa now guna methos getah aja hahaha
anita : ehehehe...klo BF mmg susah nak period i guess...mereka mmg sgt cerdik...tau je landing kt mana2 bdn mama.....bila mama gerak dia pun jaga...
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