last call for makan2 aidilfitri...
sorry guys...this years open house xsempat nak buat..
yg tak sengaja dtg makan2 tu thanks.
the rest ... aidiladha ok fellas ?
so yesterday
sampai 3 rumah
since noon sampai tgh malam
nak buat mcmana...
the first 2 houses were hubby dearie's frens from Halliburton..
sorry Bahar n Shue...xsempat tangkap pics at ur place...
kebuluran sbb xmakan lunch heeeeeeeee
the second house baru berpose2 ehem..
all of our kids mmg hyper bermain..even baby Rafiq sibok mau join..
Rafiq tukang sorak tgk org main..
mmg happening la dgn suara all these kids .. berlari2 lagi...fuuuhhh..
a few more months it'll be our turn mengejar si Rafiq berlari
kenyangnye perut makan macam2..
soto, nasi dagang, nasi impit, kuih lapis, roti jala, nasi tomato...
ehhh banyak la lagi
kitorang sampai rasa nak tertido rumah org tu...penat sgt..
although the kids mcm kena sugar rush...siap main2 pasir kat luar heeee
nasib baik ada 4 hr gap dgn the last house
and then
the last house tu mmg for or our Shell fwens..
of course they are all still single people..
so mcm2 activity...makan, nyanyi lagu raya, sheisya (betul ke eja), main bunga api n mercun yg besar 2 tuh...
makanan sgt banyak
laksa sarawak, mihun sup, nasi lemak, nasi impit, rendang, sago manis, carrot cake, brownies...byk lagi ok xingat dah...
hebat betul...
yg masak tu all guys plak tuh.
n almost all of our frens dtg...its a happy gathering plus nak kutip donations for anak yatim...
so ramai la dtg..n we all managed to kumpul banyak jugak
Alhamdulillah rezeki mereka
thank God Rafiq cool je
lepak dgn everyone..
lots of things were going on kot dia xsempat nak meragam
wpon xde babies and kids kt sini tapi seronokla dia semua org layan dia heee
dah nak balik tu baru ek ek sikit2 sebab dah sleepy
but he enjoys tgk org main bunga api and the huge fireworks..
xpernah tgk kot...
nasib baik dia tak terkejut n nangis
i risau jugak..
asked hubby dearie to stand a bit further away
takut masuk mata or anything..
seronok melepak dgn everyone mcm ni
makes us feel better being in Miri
so far...with these wonderful people around they make Miri less boring
lagi2 nowadays dah kenal mommies macam Hazam, Sue
makin seronok...ada je activity...
bila lagi mau lepak2 memenatkan diri jaga anak2 while husbands golfing?
so anyway...
tummy sgt full
here are the pics...
hi geng...ala....i cant walk u guys jelah
si tonet nk tgk org main...
ala....cian nisa...xcheck pon pics...nnti kita snap yg lain ya.ibu dgn ayah dia kemain comel lg tuh
sweet as always...danish...tgk sini...
sabar2...semua pun dpt turn
mama..rafiq hot stuff ngaaaahahah
xmo tgk mama dah
empunye open house...
ko mmg gedik ok!!
nangis papa amik from uncle thomas...sbb uncle thomas sedap..cushion...
yummmyyy...sheisha strawberry...but jauhkan from rafiq takut asma nnti besar hehehe
mama.....bunga api!!!!

kangkang2 plak si kecik
yg tak sengaja dtg makan2 tu thanks.
the rest ... aidiladha ok fellas ?
so yesterday
sampai 3 rumah
since noon sampai tgh malam
nak buat mcmana...
the first 2 houses were hubby dearie's frens from Halliburton..
sorry Bahar n Shue...xsempat tangkap pics at ur place...
kebuluran sbb xmakan lunch heeeeeeeee
the second house baru berpose2 ehem..
all of our kids mmg hyper bermain..even baby Rafiq sibok mau join..
Rafiq tukang sorak tgk org main..
mmg happening la dgn suara all these kids .. berlari2 lagi...fuuuhhh..
a few more months it'll be our turn mengejar si Rafiq berlari
kenyangnye perut makan macam2..
soto, nasi dagang, nasi impit, kuih lapis, roti jala, nasi tomato...
ehhh banyak la lagi
kitorang sampai rasa nak tertido rumah org tu...penat sgt..
although the kids mcm kena sugar rush...siap main2 pasir kat luar heeee
nasib baik ada 4 hr gap dgn the last house
and then
the last house tu mmg for or our Shell fwens..
of course they are all still single people..
so mcm2 activity...makan, nyanyi lagu raya, sheisya (betul ke eja), main bunga api n mercun yg besar 2 tuh...
makanan sgt banyak
laksa sarawak, mihun sup, nasi lemak, nasi impit, rendang, sago manis, carrot cake, brownies...byk lagi ok xingat dah...
hebat betul...
yg masak tu all guys plak tuh.
n almost all of our frens dtg...its a happy gathering plus nak kutip donations for anak yatim...
so ramai la dtg..n we all managed to kumpul banyak jugak
Alhamdulillah rezeki mereka
thank God Rafiq cool je
lepak dgn everyone..
lots of things were going on kot dia xsempat nak meragam
wpon xde babies and kids kt sini tapi seronokla dia semua org layan dia heee
dah nak balik tu baru ek ek sikit2 sebab dah sleepy
but he enjoys tgk org main bunga api and the huge fireworks..
xpernah tgk kot...
nasib baik dia tak terkejut n nangis
i risau jugak..
asked hubby dearie to stand a bit further away
takut masuk mata or anything..
seronok melepak dgn everyone mcm ni
makes us feel better being in Miri
so far...with these wonderful people around they make Miri less boring
lagi2 nowadays dah kenal mommies macam Hazam, Sue
makin seronok...ada je activity...
bila lagi mau lepak2 memenatkan diri jaga anak2 while husbands golfing?
so anyway...
tummy sgt full
here are the pics...
kangkang2 plak si kecik
rafiq ni baby lain sme xtumbuh rmbut lg..advance..heee
aunty bella : rafiq mmg.dah panjang dah rambut k.balik kena suruh tokba potong
wow byk tul umah u kene pi..... seb baik last day raya kan??
i ade smpai yg tak tepergi.hhuhuhu
elyn : ehehehe..tulah dia..tapi xpe...sbb beraya di perantauan so...menerima dgn ahti terbuka
zatty : ehehehe...banyak sgt kan
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