Wednesday, September 9, 2009

im pissed,frustrated and i dont care what people think!

read the title!
im sooooooooooooooo furious right now
with myself of course

im gonna say it



for i am soooooooooo careless

im positive i dropped it somewhere

puasa pon jari boleh kurus kah?


this is the 2nd one that i lost

im s****d enuf to not notice

i hate myself..

i dont care if people say im showing off

it was really expensive and i dared to loose it

OH RING.....

whoever finds it..plz guard it with ur life...
i know u wont return it back to me
it meant a lot to me..
please do..

dah xde rezeki i guess



Lea Shmea said...

laaaaaa kesiannya kak sara!! i'm so sorry to hear that! isk isk gile kesian. omg bape kali dh tulis kesian ni. huhu.

i know i'm not being very supportive here, but your ring is sooo pretty! and so expensive! i understand how precious it is cos it's yr wedding ring kan. i cant imagine if i lose mine.

innallazi faradha alaikal qur'a nalarabbuka illa maa'di.
anyway, i have this doa kalau barang hilang, bole cuba amalkan. mana tau bole jumpa balik. kita usaha mintak kat Allah.

Jasmin Hassan said...

ya allah! sarah!!! how???? i hope u find it somehow. please... praying for ur ring. i know its materialistic...but im praying for the sentimental value.

Unknown said...

lea : thanks a lot for the doa thou i doubt i will find it.i hope i do!praying really hard..mahal tu satu hal...its my wedding ring.klo i beli saja2 i xkisah.ayyyooooo

jas : jas jas sooooo sad...huuuu.i do hope ill find it huaaaaaaaaaaaa

Mdm MimaAzlina said...

erksss sarah...
hang in there..
sorry the hear about your ring..,
misplace dkot..

cuba carik pelan2..
insyaallah nanti mestijumpa..
sabar nooo

Edge Azwan said...

Feel sorry for you.. maybe ade hikmah, Sabaq na dgn dugaan dalam bulan Ramadhan ni!

nurulhaza said...

sarah!!kesiannye!!sgt kesian..harga doesnt matter nway, but the value!wedding ring..owh..owh~
sabarla sarah, kot2 bulan puasa ni jumpa

hazamz said...

OMG sarah...for me a ring costs RM9K is superb expensive besides it is a wedding ring...sentimental value.

kat mane hilang tu agaknyer? btw, sarah today 090909 is also my ever worst day...hp masuk washing machine...tahun ni dh 2 kali tukar hp....sedihhhhhhhhh.......

Unknown said...

Chap's reaction on these? Ke, dia rilex je?

Sue Salleh said...

Siannyer Sara...sabar ye...
tak tau nak cakap apa dah...memang kesian sangat...

X | Y said...

i dont wear my ring unless there is a function, hari raya or an event to attend but my husband wears his 24/7. seems like i'm the bad person here :P. i xleh kalo hilang2 gini sbb nanti i jadik serabut n mcm org gile sket berminggu2 lamenye :)). duk sebut2.


Unknown said...

blogger fwens :
thanks a lot sbb empathy towards my situation...expensive to maybe i xrasa sgt coz its not my money...but it meant a much.haiiiyyaaaa.went back to the bank and in immigrations office...xde pulak org jumpa.i think someone did but..u know!!haaaaaaaa.wani, chappe's reaction..."kesiannya..dah xde rezeki kan nak buat camane...nnti i beli lain ya...satu hari nnti."

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

lahai... so sorry to hear that babe. apa kata u tenang2 jap, then try to recall bila last u nampak. tp apa2 pun, jgn stress ok... nnt sure ashrul kasi yg baru! smile momma, smile.. sabar okehh! :)

Farah said...

hah?? alamakkk mmg frust sgt tu...i doakan u jumpe balik k..hopefully tercicir kat rumah ke..

Cikpid said...


i harap u jumpa balik cincin tu..

its not about the price kan..its about the memories..sbb tu cincin kawen..huhuhu

Unknown said...

blogger mommas : i hope i do...tapi dah perasan hilang masa nak masuk hlg kt luar...doa2 lah satu hari nnti jumpa..mana tau dlm kete ke

Misbehave said...

omg! ok ok bwk bnyk2 mengucap.i know how u feels..kalo i pon bole meroyan oke, rasa bersalah seumur hidup..huhu..

xpe, anggapjela x de rezeki or its time for u to get new one..i mean new ring not new wedding ring..hehehe saje je wat lawak bodo..;p

Juz pray to Allah s.w.t , manalah tau jumpa balik kan..:)

Unknown said...

mummy alya : mmg rasa bersalah sgt2 ni...adeh...klo ada rezeki dpt la yg baru...huaaaaa.....
