lots of things to blog about
where do i start?
thanks to all the blogger mama's yg bagi opinion on air suam tu
conclusion...i think, theres no harm in giving him air suam
cuma xperlu lah banyak 2 i guess since rafiq mmg mostly BF
ill try suapkan dia sikit2
esp on days yg i ada terslip bg dia FM tu
i plan if nnti dia demam sikit lepas cucuk bg la dia sikit kan..
cepat dia sejuk badan bak kata mommy lyna n mommy sue
yesterday ada try..i used a spoon
dia buat muka...funny yg amat2
rasa lain sgt dgn susu mama eh?
cian....xpe lah sikit2 rafiq..elok kan?
maybe xdelah bagi dia banyak2 , kasi cukup syarat je
thanks again for the advice and opinions...
almaklumlah..saya xde mak nak tanya2 huuuuu
sedih pulak...
stepmom plak mana tau pape...she has no children
so...i seek guidance from in laws and frens...
sedih kan?heeee
thanks mummy farah for the ogawa coupon...
mlm tu terus pg beli EYE TOUCH
dah lama nak beli something like this
sbb dok tgk laptop mlm2 cam sakit area mata
plus...since bersalinkan rafiq ada eye bags sume
dia guy kt ogawa said bagus..
but so far, baru a few times pakai
mr husband plak sibok nak guna...
dia mlm 2 pening lepas study..
both of us mcm cyclops pakai benda tu..
tapi serious...sedap...
plus boleh upload music into the device ..
mcm pg spa pulak hehehhe

today plak pg jumpa Dr Aida
ada a few frens suggested a few contraceptives
IUCD, Implanol, Pil,Patch,Injections
Actually, mmg sgt takot...tapi nak juga consult Dr Aida
tgk apa dia ckp...
the first reaction when i entered the room was
"Sarah...pregnant lagi ke?hebat..........."
me, "EHHHHHHHHHH...mana de...hehehe sakit tu boleh ingat lg macamana..."
she laughed
hubby dearie then ckp dgn rafiq "dgr tu rafiq...sakit tu mama kesian dia..."
so hasil from perbincangan...
IUCD : tak mahal, dia insert the device into ur VJJ.persenyawaan tetap boleh berlaku but dia xmelekat to the plasenta. no side effects yg serious. only for some ppl, dia kacau period
Pil : berkesan for ppl yg rajin.kena makan everyday...me?dgn anmum,alpha lipid,fenugreek,vitamins...ayooo banyak tu...mesti nnti terlupa..
Injections : ok...kena cucuk every 3 months (eh betul ke?cam xingat..sorry klo salah info). but ni if xsesuai pon kacau period n tambah weight
Patch : latest...dia tampal on our back. but ive to pass...coz xleh if im BF.. our BM boleh kering
Implanol : dia suntik also. but sekali dgn hormon implanol. agak mahal. 700 plus. ok, dia pun boleh jugak ganggu period for certain ppl. but rarely naik berat. lasts for 3 years..
overall she said, semua pun ada pros and cons. she suggested i amik injections.. then if ok, xde kacau period..i can take implanol..she also said, if tambah 5 kg for any of the contraceptives used, its not considered tambah berat due to the usage of those methods..
aiyaaaa...5kg is a lot.esp when ur struggling to maintain selim melim post natal..
Dr aida also mentioned that if i mmg fully BF chances nak pregnant tu awal2 ni is not too high.maknanya still ada...
hmmm?camaner eh..takut jugak terpreganant kan...knowing ive to maintain the 1 yr plus gap between rafiq and his junior...
kak b said dia kira hari...rajinkah I?
still have to do research on this..
will google about it after this
tah bila
sgtlah xde masa...
between house chores, uruskan on9 store and Rafiq...hmmm
itu belum lg kerja mcm org lain..
i feel restless
mcmana lah org lain yg esp kena bawak kerja balik rumah..
mmg penat...
nasib baiklah..bila tgk muka Rafiq terus hilang semua
at times...dah penat mengemas rumah, masak...i feel like lying on the couch..tgk my fave shows..
but in the end..tak jadi...nak jugak main dgn rafiq..
baru kejap tinggalkan rafiq dah rindu..
tinggal pg dapur je pon heeeeeeeeee
btw, Rafiq's turning 4 months this friday
woaaaaaaaa....this is too fast
i want rafiq to be my baby forever...
of course that's not possible..
since he turned 3 months.. these are his changes
* his cries have changed from uweeekkk uweeeekkk to annnneeeeee.....beeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
siap dgn teran2 klo dia geram i xlayan
* he now not only rolls over...he rolls over and over...masalahnya..he knows no pain...dia guling2 sampai kuar dari tilam...kuar carpet..ke simen...he continues doing it...sampai masuk bawah sofa...heyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaa..laju pulak tu.letak je dia terus guling2...
* ive to constantly vacuum and mop the floor and carpets...si kicik dah jadi vacuum cleaner bergerak..he pick even the smallest crumb dlm shaggy carpet tu time meniarap..pastu....who knows...mesti masuk mulut kan..RAFIQ!!!!!!!!! ( ive to change the carpets..guna tikar yg senang mop tu lah kan ) lepas ni when hubby dearie dah start duty balik confirm i cant do anything else. ive to buy another play pen for him...tp nnti dia xnampak tv plak.camner eh
* hes discovered he has extra things to chew on...his toes...ish ish..which makes bathtime and nappy changing such a tough task
* he loves to sing along with his sesame street frens...(in his own language of course)....aaaaaaa....ehihihihihi(gelak)...daaaaaa...mmmmmmmmmm
* hes my very own bomoh...drool tu xpayah ckp la kan..now he spits also...habis dia sembur air liur dia bila dia penat isap jari...
* he knows if i leave him sleeping alone during the days...he'll put his hands on my b**bs and if i move he'll stretch his arms...nak cari mama ... mama tutup tu..
and if he cant feel me..he'll open his eyes..oh well...siang2 mmg xmo tido ini budak kicik.and he knows if i replace it with a pillow...xyahlah nak tipu rafiq mama...
* after sahur ill wake him up for BF..after that he'll fall asleep with his legs on my tummy and his hands......genggam my hair..yes....mama cant go anywhere.sakit tau...
* nowadays..he'll fall asleep anywhere or anyhow.terlentang ke, sambil main2 dgn toys ke,tak pun guling2, tiba2 stop dah tido...walaupon kejap je kan.
* his sleep routines time malam still sama. he'll sleep sampai pagi.
* he loves to play tickle...hehehe gelak besar wehhh...im in love
* hes still very friendly and he doesnt mind playing or being held by anyone...all the nurses kat columbia said they remember his name bcoz of 1. his hair yg sgt lebat and 2.his very generous smile. ( u r a heartbreaker syg!! )
* he grabs anything thats in front of him...whether its his toys, blankee, pillows or even my hair..i know where he got those very strong arms...bantal besar tu..i letak keliling dia so that dia xguling ke lantai...dia boleh tarik and alih ke tpt lain..ayyyaaaaa.tgn kaki kuat cam papa ye? besar main rugby cam papa jugak k
* his hair...obviously has grown back..baru 2 mgu and i think he needs another hair cut. i think he looks better botak..kan?
* he smiles even more everyday...esp time baru bgn tido...tau2 je dah bgn n guling2..xde nangis2 mcm dulu
* hes outgrown most of his clothes..yg sizes 0-3 months
* he can take off his own mittens ya!!!!!esp lepas baru pakai...dia mesti cabut.he knows his fingers are in there somewhere...dia tarik2 sampai tercabut...then continue masuk balik jari dlm mulut
* he loves to scream...(still) sambil buat bunyi mcm2...mcm org dah pandai ckp..becok ni nanti ish ish ish
* he'll rengek2 manja if mlm xkena massage...ngeee...gedik nyo.bila bukak baju je terus gelak2...then bila nak pakai baju balik dia senyap.pastu rengek sikit2...ehhhhhhhhhh
* he'll shot me an angry look if i look at my laptop screen...amik ko!
* dia tgk penuh khusyuk bila org makan.siap kuar2 lidah mcm time dia nak susu tu...hehehe..terliur eh...tak boleh sayang.....2 bulan lg ya...
* hes getting fairer as he grows...masa mula 2 lahir dia merah..i ingat dia gelap..xkisah pon sbb yelah.mama n papa bukan putih melepak pon heee...skali now..hes fairer than me..eh?memanalah rafiq..mana ok jek.yg penting mama tetap rasa rafiq encem chomel
* banyak lagi.. hes changed a lot.. sampai lost track.everyday he comes up with new tricks..
im sooo happy...ive managed to take care of him up to this stage...im sooo glad he turned out to be a clever boy, a good boy...and as he grows..he becomes much easier to handle.thou i know, hes very manja compared to other babies(mana boleh renggang dgn mama dia)...im so pround of myself for having to raise him..all alone..dgn susah payah...dahlah duduk tempat org..xde pulak mak nak tanya2 nak buat itu ini ke...semua fikir2 sendiri je.
thank you so much sayang sbb sama2 dgn I jaga rafiq..walaupun penat balik kerja..dgn nak study lagi...really appreciate it. i love u so much...
but u owe me a day off at the spa, still *wink*
as i watch him playing on his tummytime playmat now...
i feel so honoured..
to have such a good kid like u sayang...
thank u so much rafiq...
u make me feel so complete
i never thought i wud become a mommy to such a wonderful son
i promise rafiq, im gonna be a good mommy
so that u can make us proud!!!
i love u rafiq
i love sayang
and i love u blogger mama's
u guys rock!
say cheeeseeeeeeeeeee
where do i start?
thanks to all the blogger mama's yg bagi opinion on air suam tu
conclusion...i think, theres no harm in giving him air suam
cuma xperlu lah banyak 2 i guess since rafiq mmg mostly BF
ill try suapkan dia sikit2
esp on days yg i ada terslip bg dia FM tu
i plan if nnti dia demam sikit lepas cucuk bg la dia sikit kan..
cepat dia sejuk badan bak kata mommy lyna n mommy sue
yesterday ada try..i used a spoon
dia buat muka...funny yg amat2
rasa lain sgt dgn susu mama eh?
cian....xpe lah sikit2 rafiq..elok kan?
maybe xdelah bagi dia banyak2 , kasi cukup syarat je
thanks again for the advice and opinions...
almaklumlah..saya xde mak nak tanya2 huuuuu
sedih pulak...
stepmom plak mana tau pape...she has no children
so...i seek guidance from in laws and frens...
sedih kan?heeee
thanks mummy farah for the ogawa coupon...
mlm tu terus pg beli EYE TOUCH
dah lama nak beli something like this
sbb dok tgk laptop mlm2 cam sakit area mata
plus...since bersalinkan rafiq ada eye bags sume
dia guy kt ogawa said bagus..
but so far, baru a few times pakai
mr husband plak sibok nak guna...
dia mlm 2 pening lepas study..
both of us mcm cyclops pakai benda tu..
tapi serious...sedap...
plus boleh upload music into the device ..
mcm pg spa pulak hehehhe

today plak pg jumpa Dr Aida
ada a few frens suggested a few contraceptives
IUCD, Implanol, Pil,Patch,Injections
Actually, mmg sgt takot...tapi nak juga consult Dr Aida
tgk apa dia ckp...
the first reaction when i entered the room was
"Sarah...pregnant lagi ke?hebat..........."
me, "EHHHHHHHHHH...mana de...hehehe sakit tu boleh ingat lg macamana..."
she laughed
hubby dearie then ckp dgn rafiq "dgr tu rafiq...sakit tu mama kesian dia..."
so hasil from perbincangan...
IUCD : tak mahal, dia insert the device into ur VJJ.persenyawaan tetap boleh berlaku but dia xmelekat to the plasenta. no side effects yg serious. only for some ppl, dia kacau period
Pil : berkesan for ppl yg rajin.kena makan everyday...me?dgn anmum,alpha lipid,fenugreek,vitamins...ayooo banyak tu...mesti nnti terlupa..
Injections : ok...kena cucuk every 3 months (eh betul ke?cam xingat..sorry klo salah info). but ni if xsesuai pon kacau period n tambah weight
Patch : latest...dia tampal on our back. but ive to pass...coz xleh if im BF.. our BM boleh kering
Implanol : dia suntik also. but sekali dgn hormon implanol. agak mahal. 700 plus. ok, dia pun boleh jugak ganggu period for certain ppl. but rarely naik berat. lasts for 3 years..
overall she said, semua pun ada pros and cons. she suggested i amik injections.. then if ok, xde kacau period..i can take implanol..she also said, if tambah 5 kg for any of the contraceptives used, its not considered tambah berat due to the usage of those methods..
aiyaaaa...5kg is a lot.esp when ur struggling to maintain selim melim post natal..
Dr aida also mentioned that if i mmg fully BF chances nak pregnant tu awal2 ni is not too high.maknanya still ada...
hmmm?camaner eh..takut jugak terpreganant kan...knowing ive to maintain the 1 yr plus gap between rafiq and his junior...
kak b said dia kira hari...rajinkah I?
still have to do research on this..
will google about it after this
tah bila
sgtlah xde masa...
between house chores, uruskan on9 store and Rafiq...hmmm
itu belum lg kerja mcm org lain..
i feel restless
mcmana lah org lain yg esp kena bawak kerja balik rumah..
mmg penat...
nasib baiklah..bila tgk muka Rafiq terus hilang semua
at times...dah penat mengemas rumah, masak...i feel like lying on the couch..tgk my fave shows..
but in the end..tak jadi...nak jugak main dgn rafiq..
baru kejap tinggalkan rafiq dah rindu..
tinggal pg dapur je pon heeeeeeeeee
btw, Rafiq's turning 4 months this friday
woaaaaaaaa....this is too fast
i want rafiq to be my baby forever...
of course that's not possible..
since he turned 3 months.. these are his changes
* his cries have changed from uweeekkk uweeeekkk to annnneeeeee.....beeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
siap dgn teran2 klo dia geram i xlayan
* he now not only rolls over...he rolls over and over...masalahnya..he knows no pain...dia guling2 sampai kuar dari tilam...kuar carpet..ke simen...he continues doing it...sampai masuk bawah sofa...heyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaa..laju pulak tu.letak je dia terus guling2...
* ive to constantly vacuum and mop the floor and carpets...si kicik dah jadi vacuum cleaner bergerak..he pick even the smallest crumb dlm shaggy carpet tu time meniarap..pastu....who knows...mesti masuk mulut kan..RAFIQ!!!!!!!!! ( ive to change the carpets..guna tikar yg senang mop tu lah kan ) lepas ni when hubby dearie dah start duty balik confirm i cant do anything else. ive to buy another play pen for him...tp nnti dia xnampak tv plak.camner eh
* hes discovered he has extra things to chew on...his toes...ish ish..which makes bathtime and nappy changing such a tough task
* he loves to sing along with his sesame street frens...(in his own language of course)....aaaaaaa....ehihihihihi(gelak)...daaaaaa...mmmmmmmmmm
* hes my very own bomoh...drool tu xpayah ckp la kan..now he spits also...habis dia sembur air liur dia bila dia penat isap jari...
* he knows if i leave him sleeping alone during the days...he'll put his hands on my b**bs and if i move he'll stretch his arms...nak cari mama ... mama tutup tu..
and if he cant feel me..he'll open his eyes..oh well...siang2 mmg xmo tido ini budak kicik.and he knows if i replace it with a pillow...xyahlah nak tipu rafiq mama...
* after sahur ill wake him up for BF..after that he'll fall asleep with his legs on my tummy and his hands......genggam my hair..yes....mama cant go anywhere.sakit tau...
* nowadays..he'll fall asleep anywhere or anyhow.terlentang ke, sambil main2 dgn toys ke,tak pun guling2, tiba2 stop dah tido...walaupon kejap je kan.
* his sleep routines time malam still sama. he'll sleep sampai pagi.
* he loves to play tickle...hehehe gelak besar wehhh...im in love
* hes still very friendly and he doesnt mind playing or being held by anyone...all the nurses kat columbia said they remember his name bcoz of 1. his hair yg sgt lebat and 2.his very generous smile. ( u r a heartbreaker syg!! )
* he grabs anything thats in front of him...whether its his toys, blankee, pillows or even my hair..i know where he got those very strong arms...bantal besar tu..i letak keliling dia so that dia xguling ke lantai...dia boleh tarik and alih ke tpt lain..ayyyaaaaa.tgn kaki kuat cam papa ye? besar main rugby cam papa jugak k
* his hair...obviously has grown back..baru 2 mgu and i think he needs another hair cut. i think he looks better botak..kan?
* he smiles even more everyday...esp time baru bgn tido...tau2 je dah bgn n guling2..xde nangis2 mcm dulu
* hes outgrown most of his clothes..yg sizes 0-3 months
* he can take off his own mittens ya!!!!!esp lepas baru pakai...dia mesti cabut.he knows his fingers are in there somewhere...dia tarik2 sampai tercabut...then continue masuk balik jari dlm mulut
* he loves to scream...(still) sambil buat bunyi mcm2...mcm org dah pandai ckp..becok ni nanti ish ish ish
* he'll rengek2 manja if mlm xkena massage...ngeee...gedik nyo.bila bukak baju je terus gelak2...then bila nak pakai baju balik dia senyap.pastu rengek sikit2...ehhhhhhhhhh
* he'll shot me an angry look if i look at my laptop screen...amik ko!
* dia tgk penuh khusyuk bila org makan.siap kuar2 lidah mcm time dia nak susu tu...hehehe..terliur eh...tak boleh sayang.....2 bulan lg ya...
* hes getting fairer as he grows...masa mula 2 lahir dia merah..i ingat dia gelap..xkisah pon sbb yelah.mama n papa bukan putih melepak pon heee...skali now..hes fairer than me..eh?memanalah rafiq..mana ok jek.yg penting mama tetap rasa rafiq encem chomel
* banyak lagi.. hes changed a lot.. sampai lost track.everyday he comes up with new tricks..
im sooo happy...ive managed to take care of him up to this stage...im sooo glad he turned out to be a clever boy, a good boy...and as he grows..he becomes much easier to handle.thou i know, hes very manja compared to other babies(mana boleh renggang dgn mama dia)...im so pround of myself for having to raise him..all alone..dgn susah payah...dahlah duduk tempat org..xde pulak mak nak tanya2 nak buat itu ini ke...semua fikir2 sendiri je.
thank you so much sayang sbb sama2 dgn I jaga rafiq..walaupun penat balik kerja..dgn nak study lagi...really appreciate it. i love u so much...
but u owe me a day off at the spa, still *wink*
as i watch him playing on his tummytime playmat now...
i feel so honoured..
to have such a good kid like u sayang...
thank u so much rafiq...
u make me feel so complete
i never thought i wud become a mommy to such a wonderful son
i promise rafiq, im gonna be a good mommy
so that u can make us proud!!!
i love u rafiq
i love sayang
and i love u blogger mama's
u guys rock!
say cheeeseeeeeeeeeee
u sound sooo happy... huhu i nak jadi housewife jugak (but Syed won't let me)... hahah... oh yes sara, i notice rafiq is getting fairer... granpa/granma genes perhaps?
babe, dah fikir u nak amik conraceptive mana? heh. btw, rafiq makin comel... dah besar anak mama yer.. heh. btw, i ada amik pix adzryl pakai ur bajus tp tu la.. x upload lg.. nnt ekk... hmmm. byk persamaan i tgk rafiq n adzryl nih.. maybe sbb they're BOYS?? heh. well, one day MUST meet okeh.. take care u! :)
ehh jap. lupa plak. mmg lkan rambut rafiq cepat tumbuh! tp teap maintain comel.. heeeee. oh btw, tau tak si tecik adzryl dah reti meniarap?? dah berpusing dah badan dia. haha. nnt i blog abt it. :P
i pakai implanon tue... pakai after 2 months adief kuar. gynae i yg suh pakai tue. so far rase ok jek. x saket pon mase nak insert mende tue. in fact lepas tue pon x saket. cume u akan rase ade mende la kat lengan u. mcm mancis.
eeeiii muka rafiq dah lain ler...
dah makin hensem...
eh good ler the info pasal contraceptive tuh..
me planning to get the injection..
tapi boleh gemuk ker sarah..
takmo ler... gemuk.. ni pun tak turun abis lagi..
eh nak tanya
u dah red flag ker..
i mean u bf kan..
orang kata kalau bf red flag dtg lambat
betul ker..
me belum datang2 lagi..
hubby dah risau
salam sara..
thnks for dropping by blog:)
happy to hear tht u consume Alpha Lipid too..it's good kan?beside increasing our milk supply it does help in reducing our weight jugak..alhmdulillah...frm 62.7kgs now i'm 54.4kg...few more kgs to 'syuuuhh syuuhh' ;)
psl contraceptive tu kan...agk scary jugak.honestly i use NONE of them.my mum tk allow sbb byk kes nowadays susah nk lekat ank kedua.happen to cousin sendiri yg guna injection, stll tkde rezeki preggy for the 2nd time eventho ank sulung dh masuk drjah 4:(
tp...tu semua depends. dan terpulang pd kesesuaian dan keperluan individu kan? no harm at all:) i guna cara natural...sama mcm plan my lil Kaseh dlu;)
u dh period ke? certain ppl yes..fully BF does help them in planning for the second baby.like myself...i start period ble lil Kaseh umo 8 bulan..just nice la...maybe time tu Kaseh dh mula solid food not fully bf.ada lak my fren yg tk dtg2 lg period eventho ank dh cmpur FM dan umo masuk 2 thn dah.bergantung pd hormon masing2 kan?
wani : very very very happy...dontlah...u keje dah best kt petronas buat pe nak quit..plus duduk kl, mmg belanja banyak..hmmm i think ashrul's parents kot...ashrul je gelap sbb main rugby hahaha
nita : dah besar dah.kejap je kan..i know.i read in ur blog...hebatla adzryl.rafiq start tiarap masa 2 months 3 weeks..itupon lambat.skrg baru laju je dia pusing...nnti post the pics ya
adie : yes...i rasa implanon tu yg the best..still nak buat research jugak...tapi 3 years dia effect...klo 2 xleh eh
iena : lain kan? hehehe...i period hari tu.tapi lama sgt.n sikit2.everyday mcm sgt sikit, 3,4 titik je ..huuuu
ezira : i think alpha lipid tu mmg bagus.esp bab tambah susu n energy.im thinking also about those contraceptives sbb i ceaser kan..risau jugak..plus i dah period.eventhough byk BF...tapi sgt sikit n lama.dr said its normal.so sbb tu mcm fikir byk jugak.thanks for ur advice...
boleh.. Maksud 3 years tu mcm expiry date la. After 3 years dia dah x effective. Kalo u nak pregnant b4 3 years tu, u leh removekan. Kalo x, u still have to get it removed bile dah 3 years. I plan nak removekan bile adief dah 2 thn.
ooooo cam tu then gud lah...xnak lah wait till 3 years.lama sgt...heee
sarah...alpha lipid could reduce weight ke???? waaa...kena try ni...weight not yet back to normal...huhuhuhu...I hate my tummy!!!
I do realize about rafiq's smile...mmg heart breaker la..btw sarah family planning as natural way also is good...
hazam...reduce weight xsure...kena tanya otai alpha lipid hehehe....yg penting tambah energy and susu..natural mmg the best..tp tulah..takottttt...
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