i forgive you being naughty at times......
well, i think most of the time
i forgive you for teasing me
i forgive you for always laughing with us...thou...we were actually teasing u back
i forgive you for forever trying to hide the writing board when i say " its reading time!!!!"
papa forgives u for always reading and rewriting his schedules before he does..
but baby.....
there's a price u have to pay...........
kita botakkan dia......................
boleh tak ?
elehhhhhhhhhhh .....
tak nangis pon.......
handsome la mama.......
ps : nak tulis pjg2 tp rafiq yg perasan ni asyik nak kiss muka dia sendiri kt screen ni.....
i still forgive u thou..
because i love you!
geraaaaaaaaaaammmmmmm budak chomel xreti duduk diam ni...gomol dia ramai2!
i forgive u because u throw my handphone..but i'm asking ur mom for an iphone..can aa?hehe
time2 mcm ni ler nak tgk anak2 begini..
esok kita dah tua?!
sume tinggal kenangan jua.
namblah : cannot!hahahhaa
ayu : betol tu...dlm geram....sayang tu...heheheheh...marah2 sayang gitu
Atoii rafiq comot lama xnampak,mama bz ek..hehe..makin bosar makin notti,ade je idea diorang ni kan.
no matter what u do...in the end they will be forgiven by us kan. :-) rafiq comeiii!
hihi...botak encem!!
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