Sunday, May 16, 2010

rafiq's one...and this is how we celebrate..

we had rafiq's jungle fever last saturday
it was fun, it was awesome....
thou its true rafiq still cant appreciate all those late nights me and his papa stayed up to finish the deco and the food but the huge smile and laughter paid off

he did have fun
maybe because all this while dia sorang2 je main semua toys tu
now he has lots of company
dia seronok tgk all those kids running around...screaming, laughing...
sayang mama....

mama buat mana yg termampu je sayang
yg penting, mama nak rafiq ingat...mama and papa sayang rafiq...

we love u soooo much
happy 1st birthday sayang.....

lets see what happened at rafiq's jungle suite

the photo op banner...sayangnya..masa awal semua berebut nak take pic, belum lg gantung, pastu smrg lupa hehehhehe

toys before kena serang hehehehe
bday boy bergumpal dgn kakak2

the pool lovers

rafiq main pool bola je ok? rafiq ada flu sikit nnti jangkit dgn baby lain

the cake and the cuppies....
cantik and sedap sgt!

the goodie bags!
ada sweets, candy and supposedly DVD madagascar..pastu papa lupa masukkan...ngahahaha...


the last piece for the birthday boy

he wants to cut the cake !

the animals and balloons......


drinks and snacks

the food....
yup..everything made by me except for the satay and curryPUFFS

more pics on fb

so, these are a few of rafiqs developments...

* yup, he can walk...but he prefers to crawl...
maybe he feels that its faster...sukatilah rafiq...ikutlah mana2 pun.but everytime he does walk, kitorang tepuk tgn terus dia duduk n buat muka pelik

* he can say, "tu ( while pointing to anything he refers to ), mama, baba (papa), mam ( eat ) and ai ( bye )

* he knows cats ( tengok kt luar ), bunyi pagar ( papa blk ), cicak ( he makes the sound...bunyi cicak tu ), wave good bye, flying kiss, Allahuakbar, reading time ( sit and point to the words ), smile ( senyum gedik ) , drink water ( minum from sippy cup ), lights ( with sign language also ) , car ( with sign language ), kiss ( kiss mulut mama dgn air liur byk ngeee) and others

* he still loves mama's boobies hahahahhahahaha and then selang2 with FM around 2x in a day

* he has 4 teeth...gigi atas jarang sikit nghahahhaa...still tomel

* he knows how to throw tantrums now.....nangis tekap muka on the floor n hentak kaki....sabar jelah

* hes friendly...but he doesnt want anyone else but us to hold him...main boleh, jgn amik dukung....

 * he prefers almost anything except for sour fruits and drinks...and yes, he still thinks apples are sour

* he feeds himself now...sgt messy..but cute ngee

* he likes to munch on tiger biscuits in the car...again....messssyyyyyy ckp jgn ajar anak makan dlm kereta...but then, sometimes thats the only thing that keeps him entertained....yup, anak saya mmg kuat makan hehehehehe

* he prefers tupperwares than toys....thats more toys ( betul ke mama?) heee


he wakes me up in the morning with a huge kiss and hug!


we love u baby

ull always be our baby


abah dan mak haqq said...

happy birthday rafiq..!!!

Drama Mama said...

wahhhh sangat cutte k the deco and all!rajinnya u buat sendiri semua ka babe? serious kagum!

happy belated birthday again rafiq dear. :-)

Bonda ranea said...

ah happening nye..rugi nye bonda tak dpt join kan hehehe :) anyway hepi besday syg :)

Elyn Sani said...

happy birthday rafiq!!!

Unknown said...

kid : thanks dear

baizurah : thank u....rajin..ada assistant...papa rafiq hehehhehe

bonda nea : hehehehe....nnti blk kl kita celebrate ok!!!!

elyn : thanks a lot dear

Mrs. Amie said...

babe, Rafiq's bday was so perfect! I like ur theme! cute la sgt2! hiks!

Wina Momma S and S said...

nice theme!

bile nak jumpa niiiii?? :-)

nadja said...

happy belated birthday rafiq.. be a good boy always.. hah banyak toys.. tu belum tambah my son.. habis smua dia kerjakan.. heheh

Unknown said...

wina : thanks dear....itulah....nnti i blk kena jumpa u n kira darling!!!!

nadja : alamak..klo u ada mesti lg meriah....weeeeeeeeeeee

Mdm MimaAzlina said...

hi sarah.. so cute the animal theme for rafiq bday.. rajin sungguh mama n papa rafiq yer.. pasni boleh tolong organize bday afi pulak..

hehe... ala babies semua pun comel maaa when they smile.. hehe.. but anyway thanks ..

tak sabar nak tunggu bila ketikanya boleh berjumpa kan..

eh u di sabah ke sarawak

Unknown said...

amie : thanks darling...i love it toooo

Unknown said...

iena : hehehe..thanks...rajinla anak sorang.first bday kan...boleh...boleh...nnti tgu we all dtg perlis ngeeee....
i kt miri, swak.kenapa dear?

Ada Dalina said...

wow awesome!!!

hepi 1sst beday rafiq..
always be a gud boy yaa..

daliAsrul said...

salam perkenalan. best nye celebration... n cantik sgt. i pun tringin wat jungle theme 4 my son bday bash nnt coz he loves animals. besh! besh!

BabyIntan said...

Happy Birthday Rafiq!!!

Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh ye si comel :)

Jap je kan dah setahun...

Unknown said...

ada : thanks a lot....mama pun selalu doakan rafiq jadi gud boy always

daliAsrul : thanks dear.i mmg suka sgt jungle byk jgk theme yg i teringin nak buat.excited kan...hehehehhee

kak intan : thanks kak Intan...semoga rafiq mmg jadi anak yg soleh...AMIN

Unknown said...

Aiyooo Rafiq,lucky Rafiq dpt mummy yg sgt rajin mcm tu,mendeco n memasak..haha..happy birthday Rafiq tomot!!!

Farah said...

waah ni memang wild party ni hahahaha..happy birthday rafiq!!
