Monday, April 5, 2010

the easy way out!

im confused
what should i do?
i like her as a helper....
shes does everything wholeheartedly
kalau mop lantai tu, dgn grill2 pn dia lap...
siap alih semua furniture...
mmg bagus...n pantas...half day dah spotless our house
tapi ...........

she looooovvvvveeeesssss to ask for money...
kejap2 ada org meninggal...kejap lg mesin potong rumput patah...kejap lg anak sakit, kejap lg ada kenduri nak duit...

well...the first time mmg we all kesian n tolong beriya2...
because she said her brother died in an accident...
so she asked for rm350...but hubby dearie kesian bagi 500...
siap ckp...xpelah...kira sedekah je...

n then the following week...
her hubbys mesin potong rumput patah...
she asked for 200
so oklah...since itu mata pencarian for them...
hubby dearie bagi...
she said...nnti tolak from her gaji..
oklah xpe...

but then dia start buat hal...
xboleh dtg....anak sakit....
n then...her dad masuk hospital...
pastu dtg our house once...
nangis2 sambil kemas n ask for money...

we all kesian...bagilah jugak 100
pastu balik2 xdtg kemas our house
mind u dia dah owe us 300 rgt...

n then, 

dia dtg in the middle of the night...
nangis2 ckp rumah electric kena potong...
sbb xbyr a few months
her baby nangis2 sbb panas...anak xpg sekolah sbb baju xgosok...

hubby dearie said,
oklah...give me ur bill....saya tlg settlekan...
( having in mind, our house yg 24 jam pasang aircond pn baru 200 lebih...ingtkan her bill maybe 2 ,3 months adalah around 300 plus )

the next day she came with a 3699 rgt bill...yg xbayar since 2008!!!


n then bila i ckp, no...we all xboleh byr she said.."oh tapi hari tu ashrul ada janji nak bayarkan "


so hubby kesian jgk bagilah 400 to settle a bit bil electric tu
( suami saya ni mmg mcm tu!!!! geram jgk kadang2 )

and now, her recent quest is...
plz give them 2000 rgt so that her hubby can go for offshore safety training in order to work as a welding contractor that they can change their lives....

2000 rgt..!

well.....bukannya kita ni kedekut...bukannya xde duit...tapi should we?
we know that money mesti gone...
jgn haraplah dia nak bayar balik or even offer to work for free with us kan?
its not that i xnak tolong
but i think shes using us
as an easy way out....

all this while how did she raise 5 kids?

ok je i tgk...

since kerja with us....she became pampered
dia mcm...oh xpelah...mintak je mesti dia bg

padahal my hubby punyelah baik...
selalu bagi brg2 dapur to her...
xde pulak her husband offer nak potong rumput our house or anything
even senyum pn xnak
nampak we all terus lari masuk rumah


i mean...dont u have the courtesy to be nice?

i rasa xfair for my hubby...
he calls whenever we're in kl tanya how theyre doing n all...
but the hubby xpernah nak senyum or even say hello to us...
our helper to mmg lah kan...
but then, shouldnt u as the husband take more responsibility?

and now,
my hubby dah mcm xnak involve sgt with them 
because when she found out i wasnt around she started smsing my hubby asking for her salary
well....bila masa dia dtg kemas our house?only once...and i paid her on the day itself
so she kinda lied in order for money
bila hubby dah balik ke sini n told me everything n then only he realized that now, shes very creative in asking for money from us...sampai kena menipu

 and now....
dia xhabis2 sms i tanya bila i balik
n she smsed me saying she saw my hubby xbalik a few days, is he in kl also with me?
and then sms me ckp.."oh rumah sara kak dal tgk ok je...xde siapa yg pecah masuk lg...tapi kereta ashrul ada kat villa....siapa pakai ya ?"

ha???i xde suruh dia monitor pon...


im being stalked!!!!!

what should i do?

should i just help her?

or should i move for good?



ROSE said...

my advice, stop tolong diaorng. itu dah melampau..ingat u n hubby gabenor bank negara ker??? geram lak ni..

Unknown said...

rose...mmg rasa mcm agak mengerikan ok...skrg ni my hubby kata siap ding dong mlm2...pelik betul

nadja said...

erk itu bukan maid kan.. hermm aper nak buat eh.. kalau boleh tak yah tolong bila dah tolong naik kepala plak.. kesian nyer u all.. ader tulang suh dia wat kerja in proper baru bagi duit.. jgn percaya sangat orang cam neh tau..


hmm...kita tolong dia ikhlas, dia ambik ksmpatan pulak. dh jgn tolong lg dah k...

Drama Mama said...

scary okeh! dia dok kat ngn rmah u eh? maybe u should move la dear. takut la plak ada orang camni dok ambik kesemaptan on u

Farah said...

erk..ignore je sara..buat bodoh je dengan sms2 memang orang jenis hati batu tak tahu malu..u cakap la ape pon die tak peduli..die teruskan jugak nak menipu untuk mintak duit kat org.

ezan said...

eeeeooowww... scary la maid u ni.. takut pulak dengarnya... macam2 hal org skrg ni.. u better take extra careful k dear..

oo btw sara... i nak apply jd maid u leh? huhuhu...

BabyIntan said...


Sarah, enuff tlg org yg macam tu...this is way too much! Sedap2 je mintak duit kat uols, bkn sikit byk tuuu!

Sgt geram baca nie tau. Siap stalked ur house lak tu...eeee.

Dear, i think better uols move out lah coz org jenis cam gini akan keep "kacauing" ur life forever :(

Za Za said...

sarah, i think better u jgn tolong org tuh lg.. sgt saiko ok!! better u move.. for ur family safety..
tkt dia plak yg pecah msk umah u.. hangin i bile baca.. duit nak keje xnk..

Za Za said...

sarah, i think better u jgn tolong lg laa org giler tuh.. sgt saiko ok!!
better move.. for ur n ur family safety.. or dia yg pecah msk umah u nnti.. duit nak keje xnk.. sgt busok ati..

ielya said...

melampau sungguh orang tu ek...

u ngan ur hubby better stop tolong org tu and pindah tempat lain.

Unknown said...

sarah..i tell u what,this is scary mary,u better berhati2 dgn org mcm ni,skrg dia sanggup buat ape saje yg penting dia dpt duit,bkn nk takutkan u tp klu blh jauhkn la dr org mcm ni.

susannah said...

babe..stop tolong diorg ...ayoiiii tauke gula pon leh bukan mintak tolong tuh maknyer amik kesempatan .....kalau dah menganggu better mintak restriction order babe..bahaya dah tahap pyscho tuh... last option pindah ..baru tolong kemas umah sekali dah mintak macam2....rubbish tol pompuan tuh...

Unknown said...

nadja : itulah...kerja nya xdelah seberapa tp pulangan lumayan plak heee

atiqah : i pn rasa dia amik kesempatan.better put an end to it

baizurah : dekat sgt rumah dia...itulah susah tu

farah : xnak sangka buruk pn dah mcm terkena kan....rasa kena hati2

ezan : thanks dear...u nak jadi maid i?adoooiiii xlayak ok....i xde duit nak byr gaji u hahaha

intan : nak marah jgk kan, sbb dia kita kena pindah.padahal kita xde buat salah rasa mcm lama2 nnti safety we all terancam kena jgk pindah kan

kimi : itulah org mcm ni xleh nak maki2.kena psycho blk baik2.takut jgk kan

ielya : i pn rasa the best solution is kena pindah

NAI ; betul tu.kena beware.kita xtau klo org terdesak apa dia sanggup buat.risau jgk ...

susannah : takut jgk nak amik restriction order...takutlah dia ni nnti act violent.i rasa i ignore n pindah je yg plg baik...kan?

Cikpid said...

erk..diorang ni nampaknye mngambil kesempatan atas kebaikan u n your husband..

melampau aa org camni..bagi betis nak peha..

Elyn Sani said...

betui2 amik kesempatan!! u all kene buat sumthing ni beb. takpun just ignore her. buat macam tak kenal.
