" hush little baby dont say a word...
papa's going to buy u a mockingbird
if that mockingbirg wont sing
papa's going to buy u a $14 million 7.03 carats Blue diamond ring "
yup....billionaira papa Joseph Lau bought his 7 month old daughter ( reportedly .. though he kept the daughter a secret )
named it ' The Star of Josephine ' after her....
now this $17k diamond pacifier from www.personalizedpacifier.com
was ordered specially for baby shiloh ( jolie-pitt's daughter )
kids nowadays...
as my MIL used to say....
"alah arul dulu makan ikan tenggiri dgn kicap , besar sihat dan kuat je...bijak plak tu "
nah...i can promise i wont buy rafiq 10 thousand ringgit shoes...
spoiling him with good home made food, education and long lasting toys ... that i cant deny...
ni budak overspoiled jgk....ikut je kemana2...sampai xckp tgn kena jd backpack ehehehhee
hahaha bertuah btul budak2 tu..alaa comelnye rafiq tergantung kat belakang camtu
eh yer kan.. spoiled the baby.. i dun think so...
hahahaha.. so cute rafiq kena jd backpack... mama dera rafiq ye.. :P
ada masa kita boleh manjakan..ada masa tak boleh..
hopely kid tak manjakan si haqq tu melampau sangat.. :P
p/s : cobet rafiq..aummm
hahhh...my hubby also slalu marah kalau i nak beli macam2 for irfan...he said biar dia belajar susah sikit. dun let him get used to get everything that he wants, nanti spoiled. huhuhu
own way of pampering him, hopefully it won't spoil him ;-)
but i got my
hahah cute giler rafiq...
budak dulu sgt lain dgn bdk sekarang... ku tgk budak sekrg lebih cepat bijak hehehe
farah : hihihihi....terpaksa la aunty
amie : yeah...me too....overspoiled takdelah...cuma pay attention to their needs yes
ezan : rafiq pn confuse aunty,..hihihi
kid : haqq gud boi...dia behave!muah kt haqq tomel
baizurah : betul...ada caranya...yg ptg they all xjadi spoiled brats...
liana : yelah....betul jgk.skrg mommies dh byk tau benda yg elok n x ... yg ptg, kita cuba bg yg terbaik...
spoiled with home made food is good! mama rafiq mesti masak sedap2 kat rmh kan? hehe love that pic!
pergh berpinar sat mata i tgk diamond hahaha.
btw cute betui rafiq kene gantung cam bagpack tu ekekke
sarah...bjorn tuh leh pakai cam tuh ke??nak try lah kat adam haha
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