i love you
you love me
we're happy family
with a great big hug and kiss from me to u
wont u say u love me too.....
rafiq mumbles mmmmmbbbbdaaatttaaaaannnaaammmttaaabababamamatititdododoll
everytime i sing him this song...
at times siap dgn tepuk tgn awwwwwwww
but he prefers lagu if ur happy and u know it clap ur hands...
at times siap dgn tepuk tgn awwwwwwww
but he prefers lagu if ur happy and u know it clap ur hands...
happy 9 months old rafiq zulkarnain
mama and papa cant describe how much joy uve brought into our lives...
rafiq hugs and puts his hand on my face everytime i cry ( kdg2 nangis sedih, kdg2 nangis sbb bila buat something dia ikut, nangis jgk...touched ok...he will immediately stop doing whatever hes doing and start climbing me and to touch my face )
rafiq refuses baby food...rusk, bubur, nestum semua xnak dah.except for home made mash potatoes+milk+carrots+cheese sikit (kdg2 je letak bukan mash potatoes dah...dah mash mcm2 )
he whatever we're eating.
so i masak nasi tu lembik2 n bagi dia makan with ayam stim, rebus with sayur, or ikan goreng xde minyak with vege..he still prefers brocolli, mummy ezan said sarah's paed said that babies gums at this age is strong and sharp enuf to chew...
we've tried yogurt suggested by mummy rafiq siap shaking sbb masam kot. rafiq mmg gitu.... mango and apple merah pun masam .. so mama n papa yg makan...hehehe.
oh ya and rafiq wants to be fed directly...xnak spoon..nampak spoon mesti geleng..suap dgn tgn lg rasa sayang kot...ihhh mcm2...
rafiq dah tau main...........
say peekaboo or baaaa caaaakkkkk.... he will start looking for kain ke, langsir ke...dia sorok muka n then tang baaa tu kejap je.maksudnya...if kita ckp tu ba..dia terus bukak as caaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk...funny...
he knows when its reading time...he will sit on my lap diam2...sampai habis cerita. short stories only .. if panjang dia struggle nak pg tpt lain jgk
he can move from one end to the other end faster than last month. but if hold hands and ajar 1 step, 2 step...sampai 3 dia dah tarik nak duduk...malas kot...maybe he feels that crawling is faster
he still can pull himself to stand on his own. now if dudukkan dlm baby high chair tu wpon strap dia , tau2 dah berdiri , lurus je siap tepuk tgn...eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...heart attack ok
rafiq only sits in the walker for feeds.. but, he wants to push the walker sambil jalan sbb kat kl dah hari2 bg dia main push walker....but i mmg xbagi if dia pgg sdri. sbb yelah..takut terlaju nnti kang tersembam. tayar walker tu kan mcm licin a bit. if i pgg xpe. so walker dah simpan .. if nk practice baru keluarkan...
at times.. i think if he remembers...bila tgh papa tgh qamat or dgr azan kt tv...dia berhenti main n letak tgn kt telinga.. awwwwwwwww....kdg2 we all nak solat terus duduk gelak dulu sbb tomel
bab salam dgn org pulak. my dad ajar dia ..."mcmana amin...?" while holding his hands pastu ke mulut dia utk cium...bila i say shake hands buat cara sama dia tarik tgn maknanya dia faham AMIN only for now..nnti dh besar dia fhm lah tu dua2...
usually if i jemur kain, dia mesti gayut kt grill pastu panggil mamamamama....dulu2 sambil mengamuk..skrg dia nak panjat grill .. bila i ckp " baby no...sit...sit...." dia pandang i , sengih..pastu dia duduk....
if dia buat perangai berdiri dlm baby chair pn i ckp sit, sit n tunjuk sign language sit...dia tgk i pastu dia sit...yeayyyyy
dia dah panjat tangga..........setinggi2 nya...siap jerit2 dr atas...sukalah tu....
oh tidaaaaakkkkk...mmg xboleh lepas pandang budak kecik ini...
i think only those are his latest developments...
happy 9 months old rafiq....
hadiahnya....mlm ni boleh makan grilled salmon dgn mash potatoes mama masak ok? kena masak guna oven je kan...
sbb papa blum beli tong gas baru...nasib baik dapur buruk tu pencuri xamik skali...
ps : any ideas on recipes for babies yg xnak makan bubur? pasta ke, apa ke...
love u
he whatever we're eating.
so i masak nasi tu lembik2 n bagi dia makan with ayam stim, rebus with sayur, or ikan goreng xde minyak with vege..he still prefers brocolli, mummy ezan said sarah's paed said that babies gums at this age is strong and sharp enuf to chew...
we've tried yogurt suggested by mummy rafiq siap shaking sbb masam kot. rafiq mmg gitu.... mango and apple merah pun masam .. so mama n papa yg makan...hehehe.
oh ya and rafiq wants to be fed directly...xnak spoon..nampak spoon mesti geleng..suap dgn tgn lg rasa sayang kot...ihhh mcm2...
rafiq dah tau main...........
say peekaboo or baaaa caaaakkkkk.... he will start looking for kain ke, langsir ke...dia sorok muka n then tang baaa tu kejap je.maksudnya...if kita ckp tu ba..dia terus bukak as caaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk...funny...
he knows when its reading time...he will sit on my lap diam2...sampai habis cerita. short stories only .. if panjang dia struggle nak pg tpt lain jgk
he can move from one end to the other end faster than last month. but if hold hands and ajar 1 step, 2 step...sampai 3 dia dah tarik nak duduk...malas kot...maybe he feels that crawling is faster
he still can pull himself to stand on his own. now if dudukkan dlm baby high chair tu wpon strap dia , tau2 dah berdiri , lurus je siap tepuk tgn...eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...heart attack ok
rafiq only sits in the walker for feeds.. but, he wants to push the walker sambil jalan sbb kat kl dah hari2 bg dia main push walker....but i mmg xbagi if dia pgg sdri. sbb yelah..takut terlaju nnti kang tersembam. tayar walker tu kan mcm licin a bit. if i pgg xpe. so walker dah simpan .. if nk practice baru keluarkan...
at times.. i think if he remembers...bila tgh papa tgh qamat or dgr azan kt tv...dia berhenti main n letak tgn kt telinga.. awwwwwwwww....kdg2 we all nak solat terus duduk gelak dulu sbb tomel
bab salam dgn org pulak. my dad ajar dia ..."mcmana amin...?" while holding his hands pastu ke mulut dia utk cium...bila i say shake hands buat cara sama dia tarik tgn maknanya dia faham AMIN only for now..nnti dh besar dia fhm lah tu dua2...
usually if i jemur kain, dia mesti gayut kt grill pastu panggil mamamamama....dulu2 sambil mengamuk..skrg dia nak panjat grill .. bila i ckp " baby no...sit...sit...." dia pandang i , sengih..pastu dia duduk....
if dia buat perangai berdiri dlm baby chair pn i ckp sit, sit n tunjuk sign language sit...dia tgk i pastu dia sit...yeayyyyy
dia dah panjat tangga..........setinggi2 nya...siap jerit2 dr atas...sukalah tu....
oh tidaaaaakkkkk...mmg xboleh lepas pandang budak kecik ini...
i think only those are his latest developments...
happy 9 months old rafiq....
hadiahnya....mlm ni boleh makan grilled salmon dgn mash potatoes mama masak ok? kena masak guna oven je kan...
sbb papa blum beli tong gas baru...nasib baik dapur buruk tu pencuri xamik skali...
ps : any ideas on recipes for babies yg xnak makan bubur? pasta ke, apa ke...
love u
hariz dulu pun x nak makan bubur. dia suka makan rusk biscuits. i bg yg tu jerr. and also oatmeal. huhuhu.
other than that i beli gerber or heinz
happy 9 mnth cheeky!!
Rafiq, happy 9 months sayang!
Mmuahh kat dahi budak gumuk itu!!
hanis : a few weeks back rusk ok dgn dia...skrg dia dah xnak. heinz n gerber tiap2 kali bg dia buat muka mcm masam tu...ehehehhee tomel....nnti i try lg.cian tau...nnti kurus baby mama
elyn : thanks aunty elyn
nana : thanks aunty nana....muah to baby saif yg bijak!!!!!!!!!!
alololo...9mos dah. best dpt tgk anak mmbesar depan mata. jaga Rafiq elok2 taw =)
happy 9 months young rafiq shaayangg..
xde resepi la nak bagi sebab Isyraf suka makan bubur. tapi cuba u try bagi heinz pasta (x sure lak betul ke tak pasta) tapi dia cam bentuk ABC kecik2 and jual dalam box.
happy 9 months old Rafiq encem! smart boy indeed!
nx month mesti jumpa aunty tau :-)
happy 9 months old dear. wahh rafiq pandai makan vege...keep up d good work dear!
makin comel la i tengok dia... :-)
clever boy rafiq!
join my giveaway when ur free k..mana tau bole menang our delicious diaper cupcakes!
atiqah : thanks a lot.mmg best kan? xlama lg tareeq pn jadi big boi! cepat sihat ya
ielya : haaa...tulah rafiq xmo bubur...ada nampak pasta tu.nak masak mcmana eh,...letak sos ke apa ke...kena google
wina : thanks aunty!!!baik....nnti jumpa aunty n kira chomel cayang
baizurah : thanks aunty. rafiq kena paksa makan vege. klo x mama nanti marah.....nnti i tgk ur giveaway....yummmyyyy nak satu plz...
ada : thanks dear....
home cook better babe :) happy 9 months hero!
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