a woman
but yes,
it explains my emotional roller-coaster
im not like this...
i keep on telling im not
im a mother, watever stuff thats bothering me is nothing in comparison to catering to rafiq's needs everyday
mommies yg tanya2 just me...ehehhehehe.
mommies yg tanya2 just me...ehehhehehe.
n moreover
asyik nak makan je...
( yg melampaunye xhabis2 nak kfc )
then yesterday, mmg xlarat sgt, nak muntah, loya, nak pitam...
ingatkan signs for the other one..
dah berangan dah baju pink kecik ekekkeke
perlu ke girl? eheheh mestilah
but then secretly, no...i am so not ready yet
and then, tgh2 malam..
i felt this unbearable pain..
red flag!
dah lama xperiod and then suddenly period
after 1 year and 5 months
wierd also sbb still BF
maybe sbb rafiq now pun dah mnm FM at least once a day
susu dah semakin slow...
sedih nya...
but anyway...
cari the whole house for sanitary pads..
tak jumpa ok..
usually ada jgk stok panty liner...
ni takde langsung...
xkan tissues?
potong toujours rafiq...
letak sellotape kt hujung dia n pakai
sumpah mmg gelak guling2 dgn sayang
terus hilang senggugut..sampai nak tido still gelak
cik abg sayang punye kerja la tlg potongkan
and yes,
mmg tak bocor...
multipurpose ye toujours...
bukan nak bodek...
ini benar2 kejadian
anyway...dah beli dah laurier maxi wing tadi...
xkan nak pakai toujours sampai habis kot ekekekekeke
next time kena always prepared
im only human.....i make mistakes even on myself ehehehe
next time kena always prepared
im only human.....i make mistakes even on myself ehehehe
klo nak beli...
berbaloi baloi ekekekekekekekekekekeke
hahaha sengallll!
wakakakkakakaka.......terpaksa.keadaan darurat
yes, adzryl pun pakai toujours. lama dah. thanks to amie! hikk. well, bagus nih leh try next time. i pun blom dpt la period. aiyayaiii.. tp lately ni ada gak rasa cam nak period tp xde pape.. haih.. berdebar btol tunggu period. hahhaha... :))
after one year and 5months eh? same la... pergg.. lame tu.. rase macam belum baligh tp menyusu kn??? my time will come soon la ni... haiyakk... kene prepare pads awal2... i takde toujours! :p
tk cr dear! preg pon bolehhhh! :)
i lom lagi..hihih
kira lambat juga u period ekh.. i masa Aqil 7 bulan dh period.. tp mmg kelam kabut jugak haha.. yelah dh lama tak period :p
Wakaka...intan pon tersenyum simpul baca ur n3 nie...tapi mmg kan sarah, mana lah nak ingat nak beli pad bila lama dah tak mai "jepun" tu :D
hahaha.. terguling2 i bc ur entry ni. i pon ms 1st dtg period pakai maternity pad yg extras sebab xprepare any pads at home. tp good thinking la u, toujours pun bley jd pad.. hahha! mmg terbukti eh toujours bagus! proven by babies and now MOMMIES.. hahaha! tcare babe..
hahaha..memang lawak la u good idea kan tgh2 darurat tu.
i dah lama jugak tak period ni..last sekali kluar 6 months ago huhu
hahahahahaha sabarjela.
lain kali kalo emergency i pon leh la try tojours alya.ngeeee~
tp i aritu ingtkan period rupanya 1 spot je.pastu x dtg2 sampai la arini.which da suppose datang tp xde.
dia bg amaran je kot kt i'jgn malas pam susu' sbb i mmg freak out bila dpt tau da period coz takut susu kering.hahahaha.
wakakakakka........ terkekeh2 i gelak!!
hahaha! looking at ur title cam serius je bunyi tu but...toujours pun jadilah ek di saat kecemasan??
gud idea mommy!
I was really frustrated when I got my period 2 mths ago. That was after 18 mths suci murni :)).
anita : tulah.xterfikir plak nak period secepat ni!
amal : xmo xmo preg lagi!!!!
siti : i know...ehehehehe
liana : eh...rafiq blum 1 yr 5 months.1 yr 5 months xperiod ehehehe.rafiq baru 7 months plus...tu yg xsangka tu
kak intan : mmg kan?mana nak ingat kan?dah lama ...
lina : yes....i boleh tulis testimonial ehehehehe....thanks to u
farah : oooo...u still BF afif kan?maybe agaknye keluar pastu irregular jgk kot i ni
rina : i pon takut ni susu kering.i takut sgt...tidaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkk
mas : ehehehhee
elyn : kekekkekekee....i pon...sengal
wina : title xde kena mengena dgn body ehehehehehhe...sila try ok
adie : i pun frust.doa2 susu xkering...amin
hahaha kak sarah ni buat lawak laaa. tergelak lea baca kat ofis ni.
sarah, suspennn jerkkkk..
lamanya peod x dtg...
sarah...serious ke???? seriously made my day.
lawak la sarah ni...hehehe.
lea : kikiki...jgn jatuh kerusi tau
ada : hihihi...lama dr b4 preg le..
jas : darurat beb...terpaksa
hazam : hihihihi cu tonite
lepas i baca entry u ni,tros i order 3 kat amie..hahahahaha
lawak giler la u ni!
zatty : ekekekkeke....bagus2....
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