dr said its because of the heat ...
38.8 degrees masa fever hari tu
how it breaks my heart to see u sleep so peacefully in this condition
mama tau sgt xselesa...
kesiannya mama dgn rafiq
info from www.babycentre.com
What causes heat rash?
Your baby sweats to cool down. If he sweats so much that his pores clog and sweat can't get out, heat rash develops. (Babies and young children are particularly prone to heat rash because they have smaller pores than adults do.)Hot, humid weather is prime time for heat rash, but you might see it in winter, too, if your baby is wearing too many layers of clothing or is running a fever. Sometimes a baby will get heat rash after a cough ointment is rubbed on his chest.
Is heat rash serious?
No, but it's a sign that your baby is too warm. Overheating can lead to serious conditions such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.Is heat rash painful for my baby?
No, it isn't usually painful, but it can be itchy. Some of the bumps may be tender to the touch.How should I treat heat rash?
Start by cooling your baby off. Loosen or remove his clothing, and move him into an airy room or a shady spot.You might place him on a cotton towel, which can help absorb his sweat. Apply cool, wet washcloths to the areas affected by the rash. A lukewarm bath with a little baking soda — 2 teaspoons per gallon — can also help.
Let him air dry rather than rubbing him with a towel. And don't use ointments or creams on the rash. These can make the rash worse by trapping moisture.
If it's hot at night, use an air conditioner or a fan in your baby's room. Direct the fan near your baby but not directly on him. Or place it far enough away so that only a gentle breeze reaches him. You want your baby to be comfortable, not chilled.
Trim your baby's fingernails regularly sohe doesn't scratch himself if the rash starts itching. You may want to put little socks on his hands at night so he won't scratch himself while he sleeps.
dr said, the rashes will come out...
banyak2 n then dia hilang mcm tu je
so no need to worry
dia tak garu pulak...
cuma he rubs his face now n then...xsure sbb gatal or bcoz hes sleepy
sbb tpt lain dia xde garu...
nasib baik, hes still his old self....main2 gelak2....klo x mesti mama nangis jgk
mama sedih....
rafiq...get well soon sayang!
get well soon rafiq! mama dia pun jgn sedey ok! rafiq nak besarlah mama.. sbb tu sakit! nnt rafiq dah sembuh, boleh main dgn mama lagi!
get well soon dear. kesiannya mesti gatal sangat kan.
ala cian. jgn lupa lap dgn kain basah. tp jgn lupa perah dulu k..hahahaaa boleh kurangkna panas. dia pn selesa nnt.
How is he now...Get well soon handsome!!!
awww..get well soon rafiq darling
aunty noe ur strong!
get well soon rafiq!
siannye rafiq..get well soon
ala ciannye baby rafiq. get well soon rafiq. isyraf dulu pun pernah kena cam rafiq sampai kena buat blood test. masa tu doktor suh i bagi isyraf minum air masak banyak2 and sapu calamine lotion. x lama lepas tu terus hilang semua rashes
awww.. kesiannyer rafiq sayang! aleesya pun selalu kena heat rash. i bg die pakai baju lubang2 tu during the day. milk residue pon bley lead to the rash, so slalu kene lap2 muka after each feeding. dermovat cream is good to help soothe the rash, kejap je ilang. get it from the clinic. also, drink losta water ya..
cepat baik ye rafiq!!!
Adief kene skali dulu...i taruk calamine je...3 days ilang...
get well soon hero..
Ciannye dia..get well soon baby!
yg ni kejap je hilang kan, kak sarah? nia slalu kena gak. she's always sweating kalau panas sikit pun.
get well soon rafiq... dulu masa sarah demam pun doc suruh pakai baju yang nipis or lubang2.. no seluar panjang semua semu tu.. maybe nak senang keluarkan haet tu kot..
rafiq kan strong boy.. insyaALLAH will be fine soon..
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