woke up with 34 birthday wishes ...
thank u so much people...
i love u all!
a year older but definitely wiser!
and sayang...
i look younger no matter wat.
rafiq pun kiss 2 mama suruh bgn...
he said "mama" again today!
wat a bright sunny day!
in the midst of happiness im feeling very concerned about my BM
macam dah makin2 kurang
im not sure if its just me but when i pump my BM...
tak sebanyak dulu
though im glad that ive successfully BF rafiq for 6 months ( wpon tak 100% ) tapi sedihhhhhhh
nak sampai 2 years...
i hope eventhough after this ive to teach him to drink FM more often, i can still BF him till hes 2 yrs old...
sikit pun sikitlah..asalkan ada...
macamana ni???????any idaes on how to maintain my BM supply?
dah makan n minum mcm2 dah. yesterday minum sampai 3l air suam...ayyyoooo..
nampaknye kena tawakkal je
mama akan selalu doakan rezeki rafiq melimpah ruah..
kena bersyukur that ive lived for 27 years and blessed with so many wonderful things and people who love me the way i am
life has taught me much and will be looking forward to learning more
sayang said...."ur birthday is not entirely for u to celebrate, u should celebrate ur parents who brought u here and made u the person u are. so thank them...not blow candles for urself"
alamak! mcm kena sound plak bunyinye...but ok...did that this morning to my dad.
for my late mum ,
umi, kakak sayang sgt dgn umi. terima kasih sebab jaga kakak dgn baik. InsyaAllah kakak takkan lupa sedekahkan Al - Fatihah untuk umi setiap hari...kita jumpa di Akhirat kelak. moga2 syurga abadi. AMIN....semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya
thanks people!
love u so much
thank u so much people...
i love u all!
a year older but definitely wiser!
and sayang...
i look younger no matter wat.
rafiq pun kiss 2 mama suruh bgn...
he said "mama" again today!
wat a bright sunny day!
in the midst of happiness im feeling very concerned about my BM
macam dah makin2 kurang
im not sure if its just me but when i pump my BM...
tak sebanyak dulu
though im glad that ive successfully BF rafiq for 6 months ( wpon tak 100% ) tapi sedihhhhhhh
nak sampai 2 years...
i hope eventhough after this ive to teach him to drink FM more often, i can still BF him till hes 2 yrs old...
sikit pun sikitlah..asalkan ada...
macamana ni???????any idaes on how to maintain my BM supply?
dah makan n minum mcm2 dah. yesterday minum sampai 3l air suam...ayyyoooo..
nampaknye kena tawakkal je
mama akan selalu doakan rezeki rafiq melimpah ruah..
kena bersyukur that ive lived for 27 years and blessed with so many wonderful things and people who love me the way i am
life has taught me much and will be looking forward to learning more
sayang said...."ur birthday is not entirely for u to celebrate, u should celebrate ur parents who brought u here and made u the person u are. so thank them...not blow candles for urself"
alamak! mcm kena sound plak bunyinye...but ok...did that this morning to my dad.
for my late mum ,
umi, kakak sayang sgt dgn umi. terima kasih sebab jaga kakak dgn baik. InsyaAllah kakak takkan lupa sedekahkan Al - Fatihah untuk umi setiap hari...kita jumpa di Akhirat kelak. moga2 syurga abadi. AMIN....semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya
thanks people!
love u so much
eppi beday kakak.luv ya!muwahhhs
thankssss muuah to u too
happy birthday aunty sarah...muah muah muah!
from kira bam² & mama :-)
happy birthday to you.... :)
happy besday sara..
semoga panjang umur..murah rezeki and bahagia selalu :)
awww so touching la. sobsob.
we're the same age ka? happy bday ya..
happy birthday! may Allah bless you always
happy birthday sara!
pasal BM tu jgn sedey2 k..think positif..minum air masak byk2 sgt pon kadang2 tak menjadi jugak.
jangan minum air masak byk sgt sarah..nanti air banyak jadi urine dari jadi susu..hehe.my advice is direct feeding selalu and pump after each feeding.insyaalah after one week u buat camtu kan mesti susu berlimpah ruah..i doakan u k..
btw happy befday darling
wina : thanks both of u sayangssss..muaahhh
ezan : thanks mummy sarah dear
cikpid : thanks mummy afieq...u too ya!
lea : hurmmm...all my prayers for her
lina : 82 kan? yessssaaaa...thanks mummy aleesya
drama mama : thanks a lot...god bless u too
farah : betul2 kena always positive ni..thanks dear
siti ; tau xpe..asyik g kencing je yesterday.sedih sedih sedih.penat kot.rafiq dah lasak sgt skrg..btw, thanks babe
sara..happy birthday..may all ur wishes comes true! Enjoy ur day with ur loves one ya!
vee : thanks a lot.muaaahhh
Happy belated birthday!!!!
thanks zzzzmummy farell
Sorry terlambat nak wish u...Happy Birthday!!!
Semoga bertambah bahagia di samping keluarga yg tercinta kay :)
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