Sunday, November 1, 2009

awesomeeee week with mommies and babies...

misss all of u

2 bridezillas, 1 single guy and one family..awesome

besh fwen....tgu ya...xlama lg aku plak ada no 2

bola tu? ada daddy mana tah tgh ajuk2 mommies supaya senyum...ayyooohhh

happening siotttt


geram dgn si kecik

opsssss....blom sah lagi lah...mana boleh aksi batal air sembayang

sangat2 xleh nak describe awesome yg amat2
dapat jumpa all my frens..
dapat kad kawin..

n then jumpa mommies
11 mommies and babies
plus daddies yg super cool..

thanks to all the mommies for joining..
if it waasnt because of all of u mesti xsehappening ni..

zatty, lyna, shila, baby suzan ( zana ), lea, amal, nana, shikeen, siti and ziera...

u guys totally rock!!!

thanks for all the gifts, laughters and sweet memories..

we'll have a bigger one soon

i promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and btw, went to meet baby adzryl faheem ( anita's ) on friday but yet to post the pics..
left my camera cable at MIL's place...
sweet pics of baby rafiq and baby adzryl sleeping holding hands will be posted soon!!!!


i can still hear all ur laughters mommies!!



na-bi-lah said...

aih comel..gigit sume babiesss..
btw tgk gmbr abg ashrul lompat lawak =p

Sarah B. said...

aaaaaaaaa bestnya!!!!!!

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

awwwwwwwwww! comel sgt all babies... glad u guys had fun! :) i on the other hand, pening dok fikir pasal upcoming event ni.. babe, balik lah awal.. leh dtg skali memeriahkan majlis! heeeee.. well, thx for dropping by my house. sorry gak sbb x dpt nak prepare apa² for u guys. huhuhu. cepat upload pixs adzryl & rafiq ekk! i kat office lately ni bz... that's y lama x update sgt! huuuu.. mwahs! hope to see u again..

p.s. *ahem* 1 suggestion! next gathering, lets buat outside KL.. PD ker??? so leh berbeach2 bagai gituu.. hihihhi! :D

Zezzatty said...

comel la semua2!

ye la,dh mak2 comel mestilah anak comel kan.hahahahahaha.

thank you sarah.thank you mommies who make this gathering happen!u guys bes gila sporting abes!

Wina Momma S and S said...

im so jelaous of u guys! :-)

mommies & babies r sooo cumelll esp the babies pix

Lina said...

yup, next gathering kite buat outdoor pulak.. mesti lg havoc! hahahah.. tq dear for a great weekend!

Jasmin Hassan said...

me love spending the day with u!

Farah said...

tahniah sara! berjaya jugak gath yg u plan time hopefully can join..sonoknye tgk babies ramai2 tu

ezan said...

salam ziarah & kenal...

bestnya leh gether2 ngan babies2 yang comel2 ni... jealous giler... hehehe...

btw, i follow u ek. hope u dont mind :)

Amalina Hanisah said...

yeayyy.. sume dah update blog psl 2009 babies.. i je blum.. hehehe..
best best... nk jumpe lagi!! :P

meh la dtg umah amek softcopy :)

Unknown said...

nabilah :mestila chomel
Sarah : cant wait to meet u plak dis nov
Anita: next time u have to join.yes i mmg nk plan a family day out of kl!lg meriah gitu

Unknown said...

zatty : yes, eventhough suara mommies lg hebat dr babies tetap meriah hahaha
Lina :yessss lets plan!!
Wina :next time join tau!
farah : klo u ada lg best!baby afif pipi gembolsss
Jas :me toooo.have to hangout b4 i blk ok
Ezan :thanks dear.will checkout ur blog too
Amal :musti!nnti nk amik gambar cam mahal

Mrs. Amie said...

oh! they are so gojes! lagi ramai lagi best...

Edge Azwan said...


Terima kasih daun keladi bagi pihak daddies & bapak2 yg ada di tempat kejadian..

You guys are so kewl..

Unknown said...

amie dear : thanks a time plz join ya

edge : kasih diterima...opssss
