studio charges
RM 250 / hr
so if kita shoot around 2 hours it will be RM 500
so we divide by the total of people who will b there okay
additional RM 20 per CD
Sorry...but masa mula2 call they said CD included, rupanya only 1...
hope to see u guys there
cant wait....
and oh btw...
mama rafiq's new smile...
my not so straight teeth terpaksa dibetulkan menggunakan braces
it hurts weh...
i had to eat porridge for 3 days
they say beauty comes with pain!!
so bersabar...
see u on sunday..
studio charges
RM 250 / hr
so if kita shoot around 2 hours it will be RM 500
so we divide by the total of people who will b there okay
additional RM 20 per CD
Sorry...but masa mula2 call they said CD included, rupanya only 1...
hope to see u guys there
cant wait....
and oh btw...
mama rafiq's new smile...
my not so straight teeth terpaksa dibetulkan menggunakan braces
it hurts weh...
i had to eat porridge for 3 days
they say beauty comes with pain!!
so bersabar...
see u on sunday..
no worries laling, with braces also u look cute! :)
okies dokies...
tgh pikir nak pki bj ape.. :)
walaupon masih segan2..
tak mcm pakai braces pun.
na....jgn nak segan2 ye...xde idung cam zatty eh.hahahahhaa.i pon xtau lg pakai baju apa heeeee
lea : me wearing clear brackets kat atas...bawah besi...ehehe
beauty comes with pain..auuu..luv that one!
still looking hot though :-)
mommy wina : thanks a lot!!!muuaahh
ashrul ada tak nanti? send my regards to him k..
edge!!!!ada.....i lupa letak nama dia.kejam kan.baik...
sarah! what a big suprise? nape tetiba decided nk pakai braces? tgk gigi OK aje...
ibu hazam : yelah...xok ye chayang..gigi saya idak straight...pastu elaun dental xhabis2 lg guna dr tahun2 lepas ehehhee.habiskan jelah
waaa sonoknya siap ada elaun perubatan.. yagn perlu dihabiskan ...
yolah tengok gigi sara cam ok jer.. tetiba pulak pakai braces.... takpe.. nanti lelama musti tak sakit dah
isk....... saye yg sepatutnye pkai braces u noe!!! takde elaun :(
nmpak cantik je gigi u sbelum ni kasara!!
iena : elaun cik abg saya bukan elaun saya hahahahaa....mengambil kesempatan.xok dear.perlu di ok kan
amal : hallo????????ur teeth kan sesantik.ur siblings sume pakai dulu kan?mintak la mama n baba hahaahha
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