Sunday, October 11, 2009


im coming back on the 27th...thats not cool...
im gonna miss her

i looooooooveeeeeeeeee BEYONCE

rinie....tolong tangkap pics banyak2 if u jadi pg...

oh so jelous..

sayang still on duty on the 25th... time..if there ever will be..



Farah said...

my hubby dok tanye2 nak pergi ke tak konsert i tahu..tiket yg tinggal skang semuanye mahai2...takpela..esok2 kalau kite dah kaya sikit rase2 cam nak buang duit leh la pegi konsert beyonce ni hahaha..

Unknown said...

farah....tulah..i pon rasa tinggal yg mahal time.our babies pun kecik lagi.kang ckp nk tinggal kt my dad nk g tgk beyonce xpasal2 kena lempang ngahahahaa

CIK NANA said...

sarah : na tak pandai tgk konsert.. heheh, malu lak nk ckp.. dgr radio pon takleh kuat2... :)

Unknown said...

nana....sgt sweet...hehehehe...zaman2 tgk concert dah lama berlalu tp mcm best...suka sgt beyonce.ngeee...xsabar nak jumpa na

Zezzatty said...

kalo i ni bujang dh kompom2 i pegi wif frens!

Unknown said...

betul tu zatty..mesti happening n pening ngeeeeehh
