end of this week rafiq dah 5 bulan...cepatnyeeee
rasa mcm kejap je...
sebulan lagi dah makan solid food..mesti mama nangis...
through these 4 months he's been with me...
ive had the blessing to watch every single change in you
sorry ye syg sbb sometimes miss those moments..
i promise ill record them if i can hehe
rafiqs a good boy
sure at times he can be cranky..
esp kalau mengantuk n rindu mommies b*****s
but the baby who was in his early days so attached to papa now prefers to have mama around
only mama has the power to soothe him
tapi klo dia dah ngantuk sgt pon dia nangis jugak
but can tell by the sound of his cries what he wants..
but every mother has their own instincts..so mesti dia tau
sorry ye syg, sbb masa rafiq mula2 lahir mama selalu bad mood
mama penat...mama xbiasa lg xcukup tido n kena fokus jaga satu benda all the time
but now...mama dah faham..n i enjoy u being dependant on me..
u know when u mengada2 nak my attention ... ill always cheer u up
eventhough i know u scream bcoz u want me to play with u
bak kata papa....
"asal nampak mama je gelak2..klo nak gelak dgn papa mesti kena ada mama"
btw...this is his latest move..
well..xdelah latest..dah 2mgu..but gewam tgk montot tu goyang..
esp klo ada lagu boom boom pow!!!
rasa mcm kejap je...
sebulan lagi dah makan solid food..mesti mama nangis...
through these 4 months he's been with me...
ive had the blessing to watch every single change in you
sorry ye syg sbb sometimes miss those moments..
i promise ill record them if i can hehe
rafiqs a good boy
sure at times he can be cranky..
esp kalau mengantuk n rindu mommies b*****s
but the baby who was in his early days so attached to papa now prefers to have mama around
only mama has the power to soothe him
tapi klo dia dah ngantuk sgt pon dia nangis jugak
but can tell by the sound of his cries what he wants..
but every mother has their own instincts..so mesti dia tau
sorry ye syg, sbb masa rafiq mula2 lahir mama selalu bad mood
mama penat...mama xbiasa lg xcukup tido n kena fokus jaga satu benda all the time
but now...mama dah faham..n i enjoy u being dependant on me..
u know when u mengada2 nak my attention ... ill always cheer u up
eventhough i know u scream bcoz u want me to play with u
bak kata papa....
"asal nampak mama je gelak2..klo nak gelak dgn papa mesti kena ada mama"
btw...this is his latest move..
well..xdelah latest..dah 2mgu..but gewam tgk montot tu goyang..
esp klo ada lagu boom boom pow!!!
tgkla montot dia
sgt cute...
he's still afraid to move his arms thou
pasni penat la mama mengejar budak dah merangkak...
im so proud of u sayang...
ill always be ur cheerleader!!!
go rafiq go!!!
btw, nak jugak add...
the other day kuar berdua dgn rafiq (syg, i merajuk jugak u bz)
beli brg dapur n makan secret recipe..
aunty amie joined masa kt SR
but im sooo proud sbb rafiq ok...although my heart nearly dropped a few times coz he loves to stretch his arms so that he can touch everything
nasib baik brg2 kaca tu xjatuh syg....
but happy...papa xnak ikut pon xpe kan...
rafiq jd boyfren mama
till then...toodles...

baring2 kat secret recipe...
jgn kacau mama nk makan ye

papa...we survived with just the two of us...
OMG how wonderful! He's on his way to crawl so soon! Crawling is wonderful for synaptic connection development in the brain. Weeeeee!!
Haha yeah... i pun bad mood alot first2... but when i stopped getting upset about being tired and just told myself to enjoy it's been SO much better.
Parenting ni banyak about self-improvement first before working with anak kan?
5 months! cepat nya masa berlalu. rafiq dh semakin comel & pandai. :)
sarah : yes...im sooo proud of him..yes,after u start accepting the roles as a mommy...u really love every moment.thanks babe
lea ; kan? kan? nia pon dah nak 3 months kan...thanks babe
bella : toing2 montot
rafiq dah start buat pondok2 tu..tak lama lagi merangkak la die..hehe mama die memang cheerleader yang berjaya!
hehehe..gelak bsr nengok die gitu..
x lama ag penat laa nk ngejar Rafiq..kang dh mula nk bjalan penat kuasa dua plak
ha ah la farah...dia dh menunjal2 dah kedepan.xsabar nk tgk dia merangkak....mesti gewammm nak mengejar.go rafiq go
mummy afieq : hahahaa...mmg lawak budak ni.lagi2 klo tiba2 ada kuar lagu boom boom pow kt tv.lagi kelakar...
sempat lagi bergambar di kedai kasut..hahah..chomel
hihihi mommy mia : mustiiiii
independent la mama sara nie.. kalau me, hancur!! Kemana jek sure nak bertiga.. Kena blajar kan..? Mana la tahu, in future ade emergency.. :) By the way, kish bb rafiq for me!!
nana....hows BB saif?hopefully dah ok.nnti balik nak jumpa dia...ehehe...kena independent bila husband bz.nak buat camaner....
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