he still comes up with new stunts which are done every so perfectly...
practice time tido eh?
now, before i strap his safety belt on his car seat, he'd pull himself in a sitting position
siap mengamuk..
rafiq, rafiq...
practice time tido eh?
now, before i strap his safety belt on his car seat, he'd pull himself in a sitting position
siap mengamuk..
rafiq, rafiq...

dont mention the yoga positions he does everyday..
i think hes struggling to crawl...
punyelah tinggi punguung tuuuuuuuuu

bab nak mandikan pun susah..
coz he wants to play with his feet and of course start putting them in his mouth..
bab guling2 xyah ckp la kan..
at times...
if i show him his bottle, he'll reach out his arms
and then automatically he knows the teat side is to put in his mouth
if i terbalikkan the bottle...he'll try his best to turn the bottle around..
xtaulah if ni hebat ke tak sbb dia jarang guna bottle..so for me agak impressive lah
but then, since masuk 4 months ni dia makin aggressive
if dia lupa dia ada minum FM a few days ago hes fine
but then if dia ingat... he'll throw the bottle away
the other day, xsempat nak pump BM .. and then nak kuar beraya..
after that pg Pizza Hut..rafiq lapar ..so i gave him FM
dia campak botol tu jauh sgt..
malu k...
tangan tu kuat nyeeeee
n then if i sua jugak the botol in his mouth dia sembur kuat2
so in the end...if xbawak nursing cover...tutuplah dengan tudung...
rafiq, rafiq..
n i love our play time..
macam farah ckp..she pledges to play at least 10 min a day with farell
i also pledge to utilize our time with lots of enjoying and educating activities..
i love playing peek a boo with him
when hes on his tummy
ill put a pillow in front of him and hide myself behind the pillow
oooo dia angkat kepala dia tinggi sangat...
looking for me
gud boy...tangan kuat...
sayang dia
now, whenever i eat something in front of him he'll give me the stare
pastu air liur leleh n kuar2 kan lidah, telan2 air liur...
sayang...sabar ye...2 bulan lagi ok...
ciannyeeee anak mama..terliur ye
and his laugh...OMG
its soooo addictive...
i love playing flier with him
rasa happy sgt dengar dia gelak2 tu...
rafiq, rafiq....
mama sayang sgt dgn rafiq..
mama doa hari2 rafiq jadi anak yg bijak, soleh dan baik

how can i ever live without those smiles....
i miss u already
bangun cepat!!!
nak main dgn rafiq.
ni mama n rafiq main flier...
love u sayang
i miss u already
bangun cepat!!!
nak main dgn rafiq.
ni mama n rafiq main flier...
love u sayang
ahaks comel jek pangai die campak2 botol..tau beza..x nk FM nak BM jek..hehehe
masyaallah adorable nya rafiq.yg yoga pose tu tak tahan :) hehehe. hope u had a nice raya babe :)
mummy afieq : tah dia dari lahir mmg gitu.xfaham tol.kdg2 agak susah k...tomel2 ni baby afieq.encem
farah : ehehehhe...itulah dia master yoga kt rumah...i did.although i miss my family...muah2 to farell
macam ayie n kakcik je dlu ske men fliers..smpai lenguh kaki..haa xmain sorong papan ke kak?hehe
p/s:buntut tu tingginye
i love the yoga pose!
namblah : mmg pon.tapi xpe.in the same time kkk exercise hehehehhee....buntot tu mmg
jas : i love it toooooo
hahhahahha. active boy nie sonok layan! walopon mengah gak kadang2 :)). at least rafiq mau gak bottle....adief? EBM taruk dlm bottle pon payah! dia rase sket...pastue xmo. dia nak direct gak! FM toksah katela....nak masuk 8 mth nie still xmo gak.
sara..sejak harriz masuk 3 mnths ni dia asyk nk pull himself into dat sitting position..seksa giler kalo nk riba dia dlm kete nk travel mane2..dia xnk duduk..dia akn tegakkan badan dia cm rafiq buat tu..adeh deh dehh..rafiq n harriz sama je..huuu
adie : kan?mmg mengah.tapi happy sgt tgk dia aktif2 tu.adief mmg anak mommy 100% xmo artificial nippies or milk hehehehhe
sue : kan kan kan?drg mmg susah nak duduk diam.nak baring langsung xnak.ayoooo...penat tp happy right?
ahhaha gaya tertonggeng tu mmg kelakar sangat..comel je! macam2 gaya si rafiq ni..makin besar makin cheeky!
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