bahagia sgt2
i cant describe how much i love him
geram mau gomol2
sometimes nangis2 sbb xsangka 9 bulan bawak dia kehulu hilir dlm perut akhirnya...
here he is....growing in front of my eyes...
yesterday, i told him the story of how me n hubby dearie met...
plus...we showed him our wedding album
dia tenung je semua gambar2 tu...
n then we showed him his ultrasound pics..
mmg sama dlm perut n bila dah keluar..
dia xde merengek pun...
khayal kot dgr our voice.
he does that..
everytime baca bedtime stories, he'll smile n make those cute, adorable noises
oh sgt cute..
maybe hes used to it
masa pregnant every night me n hubby dearie gilir2 baca one story before going to bed..
bagus2...suka membaca, xsuka toys sgt ngeeee
i love u sayang
nnti kita nyanyi abc sama2 lg ye
sama kan?
mama n papa
i cant describe how much i love him
geram mau gomol2
sometimes nangis2 sbb xsangka 9 bulan bawak dia kehulu hilir dlm perut akhirnya...
here he is....growing in front of my eyes...
yesterday, i told him the story of how me n hubby dearie met...
plus...we showed him our wedding album
dia tenung je semua gambar2 tu...
n then we showed him his ultrasound pics..
mmg sama dlm perut n bila dah keluar..
dia xde merengek pun...
khayal kot dgr our voice.
he does that..
everytime baca bedtime stories, he'll smile n make those cute, adorable noises
oh sgt cute..
maybe hes used to it
masa pregnant every night me n hubby dearie gilir2 baca one story before going to bed..
bagus2...suka membaca, xsuka toys sgt ngeeee
i love u sayang
nnti kita nyanyi abc sama2 lg ye

mama n papa
seronoknye tgk baby besar dpn mata kite.. tetibe rasa x sbr sgt3!
bulatnya mata mu rafiq.. hehe.
echah : betul2 sangat seronok...hehehe..brapa mgu lagi u?
iena : tulah...macam mata mama laaaa...heheh
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