Monday, June 8, 2009

a breath of fresh air...

curik bantal mama nak lepak tgk

papa + mama = me

pastu tido pon sodappppp

not being able to go out
amie's visit last night was indeed a breather..
amie came with bedak sejuk...
specially imported from penang hahahaha
i ordered sbb risau tgk muka rafiq ruam every time lps bgn tido n panas..
kesian anak mama...
hubby dearie cari satu miri xjumpa..

amie...jgn lupa...!
our deal.

oh another 2 weeks to go...
how dreadful


i am Rinie said...

for the rashes, try apply corn flour. it works.

Unknown said...

rinie : that in ur blog.cari corn flour xjumpa.well...ashrul yg kan xleh kuar rmh lg.dia xtau kot.hehehe..nnti i carik n try.thanks babe

Lea Shmea said...

lebat nya rambut rafiq! kalau cukur, mmg tak risau. hehe. oh and ur ring cantik! :)

Unknown said...

shmea...ha ah..mmg la rambut sgt lebat.brapa ribu lah harga emas tu nnti bila timbang hahaha...thanxxxx...cincin kawen ngeeee
