hari ni genaplah baby rafiq masuk 34 weeks...dah 8 1/2 months. nowadays im always fatigue..when im at home..rasa nak berjalan. kuar je rumah menyesal. papa rafiq pulak ada hobby baru...everyday nak beli toys for his hero. hai...i dunno. malas nak layan. lately, ive been experiencing the semi-contractions.they call it braxton-hicks kan? hehehee..i think. well, im always out of breath. esp when baby rafiq starts to kick my ribs. ouchhhh...sakit ok. and he has this habit suka menggeliat kuat2 i think. amboi...sakitnye perut mama sampai tinggi sebelah dia tendang. toilet trips pulak...hai...5 times at least every nite. every time i wake up, dia pulak nak main2..so last2 i cant sleep. i read somewhere that those ridiculous toilet trips is actually to prepare u to have endless sleepless nights when the baby is born. right in the face ok ! hehehe...sure baby rafiq kata mama ni banyaknye complain...hahaha...nah..im overjoyed. cant wait to see ur face, ur cute little fingers n toes... every mummy mesti rasa restless.esp when they had a privilege being at home like me..but its nothing compared to having those sweet,innocent eyes stare at u for comfort and love.. huaaaa...tak sabar nyeeee...take care baby..we love u
mama & papa
oh. he's so cute already! i think he has ur nose! hehehe.
an also ur eyes & mouth .... anak mommy ...
arul jgn marah.....
hehehehhehe....chomel kan.boy mestila cam mummy hehehehe...xpe..he can get the rest from ashrul.i know he did.bcoz his legs sangat kuat n montel.oh sakit perut dia tendang
hidung mcm hidung awak...huhu
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