Thursday, August 26, 2010

which one are u?

lets be hijab chic


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

im tagging u!

tagged by mama yuyu on fotopages
 tag semua benda dlm fridge anda..with pics skali k

since xde kerja...
so buatlah...
adobe plak slow so tulis jelah k...
xdpt nak label the pics

upper row : santan, rafiq's frozen shepards pie and paratta segera
lower row : left to right ( terubuk masin hazam, sotong, ayamas drummets ( if xsempat masak sahur) , ikan tenggiri, udang, ayam, ikan merah )
door : upper - mango jelly
lower - dlm tupperware ( fishballs, crab sticks, meatballs ), ayamas cheese sausages
chiller - cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, calci-yum, yogurt, cadbury chocs
row 1 : bounty chocs, daim chocs, dragon fruit baru potong, nuttella, peanut butter/jelly, glukose, kurma
row 2 : lauk asam pedas pagi tadi, roti dah habis tarikh ( hahaha ), fruits ( dragon fruit, pears, apples )
row 3 : basket ( cili api, halia, cili merah, lengkuas, asam jawa ), home made jelly utk buka, tortilla, belacan
vege compartment : terung, kobis, daun ketumbar, daun bawang, sawi cina, carrot, cauliflower, tomatoes, jagung )
row 1 : eggs, figs, choc ritter sport
row 2 : tempoyak, mayonnaise, rempah yg xmuat letak dlm spice jar, pati ayam, pati prune
row 2 : air sejuk , Hersheys choc syrup, button mushrooms, susu sejat, tomato puree
row 3 : fresh milk, gamat healin, spaghetti sauce, kicap manis, sos tiram

sorry ya
fridge messy a bit
so now
im tagging everyone dlm my blog list
xkisahla nak buat or not

ok loves...
muah xo

Monday, August 16, 2010

baby is eating now!

since rafiq turned 1 year
he refuses to eat baby food
he does but in a very very small amount
he wants to eat whatever he's eating
which is not really good for him....sebab yelah...ada oil, cili api especially sbb mama n papa suka pedas, ada garam n stuff
whenever i cook for him ill always use EVOO ( extra virgin olive oil ) and kosher salt...
so of cozla xsedap sgt...
 he wants our food
penat2 i perah otak fikir nak masak apa...
makan 2,3 spoons...then dah...
xnak...dia keluarkan balik n mash them on the floor...yurrrkkksss!

n then,
as adviced by his PAED
we tried this

1 tablet a day for babies 1-3 yrs old
rafiq xreti lagi nak isap the tablet
asyik keluarkan from his mouth
so i pecahkan n bg dia sikit2
and now....

hes eating....
like a regular baby...
healthy food...
cooked by mama

so today

fried chicken macaroni for breakfast
good with ur right hand ok

homemade salmon+vege mozzarella bites for lunch

nasib baik mama xposa hehehhe

im so happy...
baby makan banyak2 tau!

cayang baby

Thursday, August 12, 2010

nobody i am...

met a fren yesterday...
she asked about how ive time to time...
dulu ada, time rafiq sleep only..
itupun maybe once a week ( if lucky )

she asked me..#2 why blog? best?
well...i said...peer pressure at first....i tgk my good fren, jas blogging...
such a nice way to write about ur everyday happenings
plus, ive read a few mommy blogs.
mcm sgt best...boleh share2 tips n ideas...
best ke x...depends...i tulis for me....adalah niat for my baby...but then ...
its actually my point of view on life, babies, marriage n stuff
maybe one day, ill read it all back n remember all the stuff ive went through...
macam diary laaaa
#3 mcmana jumpa kawan2 blog ni? ada persatuan ke? (sabar jelah haha )
well, xde pon...
i tulis saja2 je.....
dropped comments at a few mommy blogs...
tiba2 some sweet mommies dropped by on mine too...
tp xdelah hebat mana pon....

# 4 nak baca x email ni i dapat...thats y i tanya u ... best ke x ada blog 
 ok...come, ill read it

( copied from the email )

sapa nak jadi blogger top ?( best ape? dapat duit nuffnang bebanyak, popular, kadang2 boleh jadi model iklan, artist, selebriti lagi )

 1. u mesti hot! klo xhot tulis pakai barang2 mewah, rumah besar, suami kaya, mak bapak kaya...semualah, klo hot pastu ada sume tuh, lagi gempak! berduyun followers...orang suka betul baca blog orang mcm ni...pastu tak lama lagi adolah anon2 tak suka laks. besela,  klo org ramai suka ramai gaks xsuker...xde hal lah, traffik korang naik da

2. buat la entry panas ! gossip baru , hangat, meletops...ramai la follow nanti..musti kena hapdet dgn gossip.pastu kawan2 dia pon baca, dan kawan2 dia lagi....apa lagi! fofular lah.bulan tu income ribu ribans

3. rerajin komen blog orang !...klo nak fofularzzzzz la...bila dah cukup top..tak nak pon tade hal.pasal orang yang nak komen blog hang nanti...

4. kena maintain rajin....buat entri selalu....selalu cerita benda2 best.makan tempat mahal, bercuti obersea...pastikan menarik! banyak gambar...tapi klo kena kutuk lek sudah....maintain cool. baru lagi ramai yang suka backing.ingat, selalu tulis blog, klo malas, sapa plak nak jenguk

5. letak banyak hasil kajian..amik kat website national geographic ka, google ka...info2 hebat pasal macam2 pon orang suka, pasal dia tak payah nak bersusah payah mencari. termasukla video2 pelik youtube pon bole..i suka gaks

6. paling last, carikla kroni...bila kroni ramai baru la gempak.xde banyak follower pon ada gak kroni nak lepak kat blog. kroni ni ala-ala geng la.ada gak i tengok ada geng tu siap buat gathering ada press lagi. cam tu la nak fofular! pandai wat kawan.betol x geng?


 its kinda funny jugak his/her thoughts on how to be popular hhahahaa
watever lah

macam tu eh?
well then...i am a nobody.
definitely xmenepati any of criteria 's above

patutla income nuffnang dapat skali je hahaha

thanks for this
'I'd rather have a handful of close friends than 10 faulty ones'

 xkisahlah popular ke x ke, ada org nak kawan ke xnak ke...i tulis for me
itupun bila ada masa 
( honestly...yg mmg susah nak ada)

kesimpulannya me n my fren laughed our heads off
n then she said..."xpelah...baca jelah urs...i xreti nak buat all that"

me neither....

then kitorang cerita resepi for buka...

xde motif...
saja nak share

sengal me

update : eh eh bukan i tulis tau! i copy paste...dont get any ideas aaaaaa

Sunday, August 8, 2010

2 and counting

we 're two...

blessed with one bundle of joy

thank you sayang for the weekend getaway...
for the spa treat...the 2 day non stop buffet spread....the romantic outdoor movie under the stars.... the surprise bouquet.... and the well planned super special treatment...and the present...thank u thank u!

thank you baby for being a well behaved little boy...

thank you
thank you

wishing for many more great years ahead of us..
lots of happiness, memories and great health

i love u so much

would never trade any of this with anything else

happy 2 year anniversary sayang...
i love u so much

"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less."
-Will Moss

( more pics on fb...)

Sunday, August 1, 2010


geram dgn orang yang tak nak dengar cakap...

macamana tu?

nasib baik sayang....

wat happened?

this man....injured his knee playing football
when i called his mom , she said " biasalah tu...dari kecik ada je accident pelik2.....lasak betul.."
heeeeeeeee.....rafiq? ikut papa eh?

so he was in a wheelchair and then crutches...
nasib baik kejap je..
after 2 days dah boleh jalan sendiri

but this man....

dr bagi mc 1 month
dia nak seminggu only ...

" banyak kerja lah dr...i dont know nak susahkan siapa nanti "

me  : " what? org bagi mc pun xnak ke"

that was on friday

on Monday,
me : nak pg mana gelap2 ni ( lepas subuh dah ajak i mandikan dia - sbb xboleh gerak sgt kaki sakit )
this man : nak kerja lah...
me : ha? mcamana nak jalan semua? bawak bag?
this man : boleh...slow2 la....


ok fine...
mmglah ada responsibilities...
and then in the middle of meeting sms me saying " sakitlah lutut berdenyut2 "

as a wife nak cakap apa ye?

nak marah pg office ... cant...
nak ckp...ok...u sgt office even on mc and sakit...i yg geram..


as a wife....
terima jelah...kerajinan suami prepared to pamper him when he comes home...

eventhough u have the strong urge to say " see...i told u so! "

nasib baiklah sayang........

tak lama lagi rafiq kecik lasak ni...suka betul main bola...

its only a matter of time...yg ni pulak luka sana sini...

like father like son...

thank god papa's ok now...
oh and btw,

does this look comfy?
its givenchy 60% off....weeeee....

maybe i should get this for the anniversary
its under budget hehe
should i?

anyone nak bargain designer shopping let me know
tgk kat this website
if xbargain i pun xbeli budget too ngeee
and then let me know what u want ok!
if nak..cepat...sbb im ordering in bulk... soon..muah
