Wednesday, May 19, 2010

cantik+sihat........nak kan?

nak share my personal thoughts on beauty and health by using....

why now?

because now...after 2 months of using it, it has become one of my must haves on my day list and i want to share my own experience on wearing this...

maybe ramai dah tau pasal PB corset...
but usually apa feedbacknya....

premium beautiful corset tu

1. ada FIR ( Far Infrared Rays )...tak tau lah apa tu FIR tu
2. memang boleh kurus....tapi pakai korset ni xbest laaaa...xselesa
3. leceh la ada 3 parts
4. panasla
5. mahal...baik beli benda lain
6. banyak lg corset lain lg murah....sama je pun tugas dia

so let me change ur telling u personally how i feel...leaving out all the bombastic that semua orang faham..kalau bahasa technical hebat2 ni..i pn mengaku i xfaham, im so scientist jugak heeee

that pic above was taken a few months ago...
yup mmg i xgemuk sangat...nampak ok je

but kalau tgk the structure of my body....

1. of course my breasts dah semakin besar since ive been BF but then, nursing bra, or even normal push up bra's doesnt give me full support. sebab bila ada susu kan dia jadi makin i noticed after a few months, my breasts dah dah firm macam dulu.i mean...dia macam jatuh a bit. i rasa mcm...hmmm lah pengorbanan utk anak...xkan nak complain kan? but then....utk suami? ni baru sorang....if dua? tiga? nnti sampai ke perut nnti how?

i bought macam2 jenis bra's...full cup, full support blkg, yg mahal, yg murah...mcm2...masa pakai bra mmg ok...bila bukak bra? sama je balik ke asal...jatuh blk...sgt xbest
my breast shape was D after bersalin!

2. my stretch marks....haiiyoooo....some people are lucky sbb mmg xde stretch marks langsung...but im not!!!mmg lah xpernah terfikir pun nak hilangkan the stretch marks sbb people say..klo dah ada tu mmg dah too late dah...sgt susah nak hilangkan...but secretly...i sedih...mcm alasan kt atas la kan...klo anak 2?3?....sedih.............
lebih kurangla mcm ni if close up....

3. tummy....this area mmg xpayah ckplah kan...since i bersalin cser lagilah susah nak turun..dgn xboleh pakai bengkung for 2 months..dgn xboleh harapan nk hilangkan flab tu mmg dah hancur sgt...cuma harapkan BF je..exercise dah mmg rule out..sbb penat jaga i mmg xleh tekan my tummy lg...if rafiq duduk on my tummy lama sikit...mmg rasa sakit. and also if pakai jeans, i mesti pakai underwear yg tutup bahagian zip tu sbb mmg ngilu..i think sbb my wound tu still xbaik lg kt dalam...

4. butt pulak....urgghhh...i ni mmg butt a bit small. tapi lepas bersalin dia mcm flat terus...terus xde shape. bak kata org...punggung bersambung dgn peha kan? ada org pulak lepas bersalin semakin besar...n then, sbb xbuat exercise...dia jadi flabby...but mine...flat...and mmg xattractive...

5. i mmg selalu sakit blkg. dari masa pregnant sbb selalu kena carry rafiq....dahla i ni small frame...ish ish ish... 

6. i selalu ada angin. selalu sgt sakit blkg kalau makan benda ke, nangka ke...mesti sakit blkg...

my hubby memang selalu ckp...ur fine...sama je mcm dulu...but as a woman..mestilah nak cantik.mestilah nak yg terbaik!!! kalau pakai baju n make up cantik, dalaman pun mestilah cantik...mesti lawa and sihat kan?

orang ckp macam cake....kalau luar dia deco cantik2..marvellous...tapi dalam dia rasa dry and xtasty pun xbest jugak kan?

 at first i approached hanis for business i never thought i would believe in the product as much as i would believe in the business plans...
but i DID !!!!!
it worked wonders on me...and almost everyone else whom ive met!!!

* kat rumah if xpakai bra pun my breasts xsag....they look perfectly fine...xdelah mcm kena suntik silicone...tipulah kan
tapi mmg cantik dan xjatuh mcm dulu....even berat dgn susu!!

* my stretch marks....dah fade sikit...nnti i amik pic and letak sini...seriously...part ni mmg i xharaplah akan baik but it did!!!!!
at least wpon xhilang fully its not that noticeable macam dulu!!!!
suka suka suka suka

* my tummy...ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........dah xde flab sangat...and the best part is....skrg ni kalau pakai jeans n rafiq tekan or stand on my tummy dah xrasa sakit SANGAT BEST!!!...but my tummy........flat!!!!!!!!!and its made my waist smaller than my hip area

* my back pain....long gone!!!!!!!since the first day pakai lagi...the next day tu terus xde...and then the first time pakai...burp2 and kentut2 hehehehhehe

* my butt pulak....woooooooohooooooooo...dah ada bentuk yg cunzzzz....dulu flat sikit skrg dah bulat n firm...

yg paling bestnye....the corset tu mcm acuan .... now after 6 months... my body dah ikut the if bukak pun dia stay the same....

sangat2 best!!!!

wpon baru 2 months tapi dah nampak sgt perubahan yg sgt ketara...
mesti ada yg pelik bukan dah lama ke masuk biz? apsal baru pakai?
well....i masuk2 je biz, mmg dah ada 10 buyers xpelah i thought..i beli nanti...ximportant sgt because i rasa i i just bought the water filter for my family..but then...after my biz dah stable...i rasa...mmg i patut beli satu for myself...

and now.........

not only im using the corset.....

but my husband....haaaaaaaaaaaa dia guna yg waist nipper tu....xdelah bra and girdle tu...cuma the bengkung...y?
sbb dia pun sakit pinggang...duduk kt office lama2 and also of cozlah dia guna time work out...double the calorie burning!!!!!
tau x FIR dalam PB tu boleh burn sampai 900 calorie in one day?

FIR tu apa? FIR tu  matahari jarak jauh...dia sulam kt dalam benang2 dlm jahitan corset tu ...mcmana dia sulam? kalau u guys tgk ur corset under lampu terang...nampak dia kilat2...tulah sebenarnya...kristal yang dihancurkan dan diletakkan dlm benang2 tu.

selesa ke? serious....selesa.....rasa mcm pakai baju biasa....tak berpeluh langsung...sebab tu mmg disarankan pakai 8 jam utk maximizekan pembakaran lemak and baiki perjalanan darah...sbb dia selesa...xterasa pun terseksa selama 8 jam tu...and the fabric tu lembut and ikut badan...xdelah kalau pakai baju fit...dia mcm gelembung2 ke esp kat bhgian perut kan..sbb dia mmg mcm acuan...dia ikut ur body and then dia buat ur body ikut dia...haaaa...mcm tu

mahal? .... sama je kalau calculate every 6 months beli bra baru...yang ni seumur hidup beli satu shj....siap ada warranty seumur hidup.
kalau koyak ke...rosak ke...boleh service macam baru balik free of charge!!!!! yang ni xde corset lain dalam dunia ada warranty mcm ni tau.boleh pass lagi kat anak dara u guys nnti hehehehe

lagipun...boleh je bayar installment guna credit card or bank transfer...
xde masalah...

2 ribu lebih dgn jaminan seumur hidup tu murah sebenarnya
ini bukannya corset yg sama mcm corset lain...sbb tu kita boleh buat free trial...tgk sendiri lepas pakai...mcmana rupa dlm cermin and macamana rasa....mmg lain...mmg terus rasa blkg straight dan rasa lg mengancam
banyak lg sebenarnya kegunaan corset ni...but now i cerita about my own testimonial...kalau nak tau lah...ada sorang makcik dtg to our booth in brunei tu dia kata dia guna PB dah 10 tahun...dulu dia mmg ada ketumbuhan...fibroid...kt dalam rahim...tapi lepas pakai...dr mmg sahkan fibroid dia live testimonial la...kalau baca dlm web rasanya dah ramai yg ckp about their fibroid ni...semakin baik lepas pakai PB...
tapi ni mmg i dengar sdri...

maybe it sounds like im marketing by own biz
but then, its true .. u need to believe in ur product before others believe in you
i mmg xpernah lg buat any entry on these items since ive been focusing on networking before this
i know that HAI O punya marketing plan mmg simple and senang nak make income but i never the knew the truth behind the success is the product itself..
tapi seriously.....the product mesti hebat klo x xkan lah all of hai-o punya main products dapat superbrand...
tak nak join business or not..but this particular product mmg ada sebab kenapa since 20 tahun lepas xpernah turun harga.

because of its proven effectiveness and quality!!!

                     and i truly believe..every woman should have this!

y not invest in something that is both useful for ur health and beauty kan?

so if rasa interested n nak tau lg about the product...
ada byk lg info and testimonials

just call me +60127021371 or email

i can give u my personal warranty on the product!
skrg kita bagi harga member to everyone..

special price tau
rm 1900-2170




Sunday, May 16, 2010

rafiq's one...and this is how we celebrate..

we had rafiq's jungle fever last saturday
it was fun, it was awesome....
thou its true rafiq still cant appreciate all those late nights me and his papa stayed up to finish the deco and the food but the huge smile and laughter paid off

he did have fun
maybe because all this while dia sorang2 je main semua toys tu
now he has lots of company
dia seronok tgk all those kids running around...screaming, laughing...
sayang mama....

mama buat mana yg termampu je sayang
yg penting, mama nak rafiq ingat...mama and papa sayang rafiq...

we love u soooo much
happy 1st birthday sayang.....

lets see what happened at rafiq's jungle suite

the photo op banner...sayangnya..masa awal semua berebut nak take pic, belum lg gantung, pastu smrg lupa hehehhehe

toys before kena serang hehehehe
bday boy bergumpal dgn kakak2

the pool lovers

rafiq main pool bola je ok? rafiq ada flu sikit nnti jangkit dgn baby lain

the cake and the cuppies....
cantik and sedap sgt!

the goodie bags!
ada sweets, candy and supposedly DVD madagascar..pastu papa lupa masukkan...ngahahaha...


the last piece for the birthday boy

he wants to cut the cake !

the animals and balloons......


drinks and snacks

the food....
yup..everything made by me except for the satay and curryPUFFS

more pics on fb

so, these are a few of rafiqs developments...

* yup, he can walk...but he prefers to crawl...
maybe he feels that its faster...sukatilah rafiq...ikutlah mana2 pun.but everytime he does walk, kitorang tepuk tgn terus dia duduk n buat muka pelik

* he can say, "tu ( while pointing to anything he refers to ), mama, baba (papa), mam ( eat ) and ai ( bye )

* he knows cats ( tengok kt luar ), bunyi pagar ( papa blk ), cicak ( he makes the sound...bunyi cicak tu ), wave good bye, flying kiss, Allahuakbar, reading time ( sit and point to the words ), smile ( senyum gedik ) , drink water ( minum from sippy cup ), lights ( with sign language also ) , car ( with sign language ), kiss ( kiss mulut mama dgn air liur byk ngeee) and others

* he still loves mama's boobies hahahahhahahaha and then selang2 with FM around 2x in a day

* he has 4 teeth...gigi atas jarang sikit nghahahhaa...still tomel

* he knows how to throw tantrums now.....nangis tekap muka on the floor n hentak kaki....sabar jelah

* hes friendly...but he doesnt want anyone else but us to hold him...main boleh, jgn amik dukung....

 * he prefers almost anything except for sour fruits and drinks...and yes, he still thinks apples are sour

* he feeds himself now...sgt messy..but cute ngee

* he likes to munch on tiger biscuits in the car...again....messssyyyyyy ckp jgn ajar anak makan dlm kereta...but then, sometimes thats the only thing that keeps him entertained....yup, anak saya mmg kuat makan hehehehehe

* he prefers tupperwares than toys....thats more toys ( betul ke mama?) heee


he wakes me up in the morning with a huge kiss and hug!


we love u baby

ull always be our baby

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a new day, a new beginning

mama bagi makan cheese biscuit sempena masuk 1 yr...

sampai kembang2 hidung....look at all the cheese on my chubby fingers...

and last night pun celebrate makan pizza at fratini's....
yupppp he loves cheese....and he wants to feed himself

our small family

sayang rafiq zulkarnain....
thank u so much for choosing us to be ur parents
mama and papa cant describe how much joy uve brought into our lives
too many memories, laughter and happiness
not even a pinch of regret of having to go through the 7 hours of painful contractions

we love u so much
papa and mama selalu doakan rafiq jadi anak yg baik, soleh, bijak dan berakhlak mulia....

papa and mama minta maaf kalau selama kami mendidik rafiq mungkin kami ada kekurangan di mana2 tapi percayalah....however hard it is, we will never deny ur needs...
rafiq , we're so proud of you
we truly are....

many more wonderful years ahead

p/s : a recap on rafiqs 12 month journey
