yerps..u heard it people...
ill be having a lunch plus photoshoot gathering with my mommy fwens with
2009 babies
actually if nak kira i have 19 pregnant close fwens when i was also preggers
not including blogger mommas tau..
the original plan was to have a huge gathering with all of my frens
but since some of them are not staying in KL..i wont be that much of fun,
the plan then changed to a small lunch plus photoshoot ( harus to capture the moment )
dont worry mommies..the outdoor picnic cum photography will still be held sometime in Dec
so yg mana2 yg xdapat join, please keep urselves on that month free okay
thanks to all the mommies (
zatty and
lyna ) yg very coorperative
siap tolong I cari tempat n call the owners n all
sayang u guys
wouldnt be able to pull off this event if it wasnt because of every single one of u
almaklumlah I kan jauh
Itenary for the event ( chewah !! )
Date : 1 Nov 2009 ( sunday )
Venue : Shah Alam
11:30 Meet up at Shah Alam Stadium (
to be confirmed via sms )
12:00 lunch at
Qaseh ( place chose by mommy lyna, lurveeee it ) Sek 13, Shah Alam, mingling, pic taking ( mesti jugak )
1:00 exchanging gifts ( saja je nak memeriahkan event heee )
mommies - please bring one gift to be nnti kita buat cabut undi n pick who will get who's gift. ok? so..i think something yg suitable for boys and girls should be the best kan..InsyaAllah I will be giving out goodie bags..sponsored by
magicmagneticjr (my online store)
if not clothes it will definitely be something cute. everyone will be getting one

2:00 Leave for
wow Studio - white room photography
samples of pic taken at
wow studio with a huge number of us...
please click on
wow to view other cool pics taken by hafizismail

3:00 Start Photoshoot
5:00 End Photoshoot
6:00 Say farewell... ( sedih pulak ) and kiss2
if u need to discuss anything about the time plz sms me ya...
so, jeng jeng jeng
presenting the mommies who will be taking part :
1. mommy sarah (me) & ashrul- mama rafiq
2. mommy
zatty & edge - mommy rayna
3. mommy
lina & hubby - mommy aleesya
4. mommy
lea & hubby - mommy nia
5. mommy
siti & hubby - mommy mia
6. mommy
nana & hubby - mommy saif
7. mommy
rinie & hubby - mommy dani
8. mommy
farah & hubby - mommy farell
9. mommy baby suzan & ayie - mommy putra
10. mommy
amal & megat - mommy zara
11. mommy ziera & mir - mommy rania
12. mommy madiha & fed - mommy firas
13. mommy
syikin & hubby - mommy ayra
14 . mommy ana&hubby - mommy mustaqim
mommies who cant make it i promise there will be another outdoor picnic gathering in Dec
ok mommies, daddies and babies
pakai cun2 ya....casual k
cant wait to meet all of u n ur babies!
so now......semua sila berlatih pose!!!!yeayyyyy babies....1,2 smileeeeeeee
btw : momma
sue is admitted and waiting to be operated...suspected appendix.wishing her all the best...