Monday, October 12, 2009

sharing is caring....

id really love bringing all my frens together...
its fun...
widen my friend base..
seronok tgk everyone i know bond with each other..
hence the gathering and photoshoot

although some might think..
xseronokla kan because they dont know each other nanti xtau nak ckp apa
but itll be fun...
the world will be a better place

semua pon happy2 kan..
u never know what ull find out.maybe a long lost relatives ke kan..

macam zatty tanya pasal alia who happens to be my coursemate, who used to be her deskmate masa sekolah...well...nak bring them together, i search through jas's fb sebab dlm fb semua org xde heeee
so zatty jumpa alia and jas jumpa zatty...
fuuuhhh complicated jugak tu
tapi mmg seronok bila tgk everyone happy2 mcm tu

masa preggers pon best jugak..
i has the chance to introduce my fwen lisa and baby suzan to my classmate sue
look at them now...
they're even having mommy dates...

this is lovely...

y am i talking about this?
because recently i had a fren here yg xsuka i jumpa org lain
dia will constantly ask me out tapi bila i ajak dia jumpa everyone sekali ramai2 dia tak nak
but she makes dinner or lunch dates without inviting me
i dont understand
if dia bz i meet up with the rest of the gang without dia...nanti dia ignore me for a few days
its really sad coz we bump into each other most of the time..
and then, knowing me...i hate not talking to friends...
ill have to initiate every conversation
its sad...

taknaklah cerita byk2
i dont want to hurt anyone else yg xde kena mengena..
honestly..i might seem cocky...but it saddens me to watch something like this moreover be in it.

macamlah bagus sgt kan tegur2 org mcm ni
maybe i pon ada perangai yg sgt buruk yg buatkan dia layan i mcm tu
to that friend...sorry ye if ive done soemthing to hurt u

huuu emo pulak sekejap...


i hope this small gathering will bring most of the people present closer
esp my fwens yg malu2 nak join tu...ehehehehheehhee
chill babes...i pon xpernah jumpa lg most of my blogger fwens
malu jugak...kan zatty? i xde idung jugak...ehehhehee

so...marilah kita berkongsi2 kasih sayang persahabatan ehehehehehe

rafiq pon share bath tub dgn mama n papa
heeeeeeeee ( xde kena mengena )


Amalina Hanisah said...

haha. i la tu yg *shyshycat*..
heee.... alrite then!!
see you and all mommies who've been invited...

*still shy*

CIK NANA said...

hehe, Na pon segan mula2... Tp why not kan...? Kenal2, ramaikan kawan.. :) Yea, cannot wait..

Lea Shmea said...

what is that blue thing rafiq is sitting on, kak sarah?

Unknown said...

amal...jgn nak mengada shy shy cat...nnti lepas ni lg ramai kawan heeeee

nana : jgnle malu.heeeeeeee....i cant wait also

lea : its from safety first.its a bath seat...senang xpayah nak pegang dia.though mmg dia lagi lasak nk splash2 air kan hehehhee

Farah said...

alamakk..baca entry u ni baru teringat pasal gathering u tu..tak ckp lg ngan laki ai..nnt ai update k boleh ke idak join

Lina said...

waaa, looks like makin bertambah2 la mommies ms gathering nnt.. can't wait!!

CuppyCakeMommy said...

jom la join reramai..kalau sape2 nak tgk amber chia wanna be mari2 join gathering ini..harharhar..

Mdm MimaAzlina said...

waaa kalau time tuh iena turun kl harus contact sarah nih..
papepun wait for the updates..

amboi sonoknya si kecik mandi bath tub besau

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

alahai.. sayangnya i xleh join! so i'll miss the chance to meet all of u mommas & babies! huhuhu.. anyhow, babe... sape yg confirm gi? kem salam sume ekk.. :) have fun mommas!

Unknown said...

farah : yes..cepat confirmkan..nak geget pipi gembol afif tu

lina : me neither...cant wait

siti : ehem ehem ehem...amber chia...fewwwwiiiittttt

iena : harus....cepat buat plan dtg kl...tido rumah pun xpe ngehehehe

anita : dah 12 mommies dah confirm.harap2 tiba2 u boleh pg.klo x kita g ronda2 klcc ye...ngeehehhee

Zezzatty said...

i sama mcm amal.


*i takde hidung :D*

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

amboi amboi.. alright! nnt kita dating gi ronda klcc yerrr... :P :P :P

Unknown said...

zatty : xde idung mmg u je zatty ehehehehe.....eleh eleh malu pulak dia...

anita : ehemmmmmmm....klcc jom!!!
